View Poll Results: SageTV setup
SageTV on a non-dedicated box w/o a HD100/HD200 or placeshifter client
2 |
2.02% |
SageTV on a non-dedicated box with a HD100/HD200 or placeshifter client
aflat, carlgar, farscapesg1, gibsonpa, itanic, jbuszkie, JerryB, mechling-burgh, millers_35, SDeGonge, Tomahawk51, tonaeli, Yalbik, zoundz
14 |
14.14% |
SageTV on a dedicated box w/o a HD100/HD200 or placeshifter client
10 |
10.10% |
SageTV on a dedicated box with a HD100/HD200 or placeshifter client
bastafidli, bigo93bronco, Bikeman, bits, btrcp2000, cat6man, ChaOConnor, darinh, davephan, david1234, derringer, dgeezer, doc, ericscottf, evilpenguin, fidget, Fluffdaddy, gacevich, gianpieroizzo, GKusnick, gplasky, Graygeek, HelenWeathers, IVB, jarredduq, jbrandon, JetreL, jgscott987, jhkoenig, jsin, jwebber11, KarylFStein, KeithTX, Ken C, leagle, lotusvball, matterw, MattHelm, Menehune, miimura, Mitch G, Motofreak75, nick_l, pedz25, pilotguy7ca, Pirin, PiX64, razrsharpe, rlvogel322, robogeek, scanner95, sic0048, simonen, simonk1969, skiingwiz, sleonard, Slugger, soulprops77, Sparhawk6, Spartan, src666, stanger89, SteveW, tchapin, Thomas Wischgol, tmiranda, toricred, TR3 Driver, vividweb, voidpt, Wirenut, wubdich, xxLJLxx
73 |
73.74% |
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