Odd channel issues
I have a HDHomerun hooked up for OTA recordings. I have set the two tuners to share the same lineup. I also have a Colossus for controlling / recording the TWC STB with it's appropriate channel list lineup.
I just noticed that my high-def channels for NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, etc, are missing from the Program guide for the Colossus. I checked the configuration wizard and they show there plus have checkmarks next to them, but are not in the Program Guide. Pulling up the Channel Manager directly from the guide does not show them at all, checkmarks or no.
Now, is this because these channels have the same station ID, though not channel, from the HDHomerun so somehow they eliminate them in the listing for the Colossus channels even though I've told them to display?
I had assumed that I'd be able to record / watch up to 3 shows at the same time on certain channel configurations but it's impossible given these channel eliminations in the program guide (2 from the Hauppauge OTA, one from the Colossus STB...say Fox HD, CBS HD, and ABC HD all at once)? I had also assumed that by setting merit for the Hauppauge higher it would resolve cases where I record a favorite on CBS and choose that tuner rather than the CBS channel on the Colossus given it would show up in the program guide in 2 places at the same time since both tuner lineups have a CBS...
Also, I enabled the hidden options and set a default padding of 1 minute before and after recordings (favorites and manual). I also have it set to remove padding on back-to-back recordings. When I select 2 shows with the colossus on the same channel beginning one after another I get a conflict. I thought those settings would enable you to do that and just strip out the one minute end of the first one and one minute beginning of the next automatically to prevent conflicts on same tuner, same channel. I didn't see an option to proceed when there is a conflict (probably smart) since it either wants me to do nothing (which doesn't schedule the show), or choose one or the other to resolve the conflict.
Sorry for all the questions. Setting things up is taking longer than I thought it would and I keep running into "what the hell" (at least to me) items.
Last edited by sumrtym; 01-21-2013 at 01:48 PM.