Like many others, I'm getting the error stating something like "There was an error connecting to the SageTV Server...Check your Zipcode...".
I have tried two different zipcodes for my area and both of them return the same error. I have tried each zipcode about 50 or 60 times, so unfortunately I'm not one of the lucky ones that "just tried it 5 or 6 times and it worked eventually". My debug log contains "WarlockRipper logged in OK." so it isn't a license issue. After that line it displays "Repeated errors in communicating with server". I modified to add a stacktrace on the error:
Sun 8/23 19:09:40.325 [AWT-EventQueue-0@12b3374]
Sun 8/23 19:09:40.325 [AWT-EventQueue-0@12b3374] at Source)
Sun 8/23 19:09:40.328 [AWT-EventQueue-0@12b3374] at sage.WarlockRipper.readLineBytes(
Sun 8/23 19:09:40.331 [AWT-EventQueue-0@12b3374] at sage.WarlockRipper.getProviders(
Sun 8/23 19:09:40.334 [AWT-EventQueue-0@12b3374] at sage.EPG.getProviders(
I also fired up Wireshark and looked at the data. It looks like the server responds with an OK for both the WarlockRipper login and the getSubmitInfo information packets. However, after the getSubmitInfo packet's "OK" response it sends a RST packet and closes the connection.
Long story short, is there anyone around that can check this server? It seems to be down for the count (at least for setting up new video sources).