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Sage My Movies This forums is for discussing the user-created Sage My Movies for SageTV.

View Poll Results: You MyMovies Uses
I use SMM and want TV support with it's own UI like SMM 28 28.00%
I use SMM and TV support into the core to work with diamond 20 20.00%
I use SMM but no interested in tv support from mymovies collection manager 29 29.00%
I user collection manager but have switch to diamond or stock ui for display 23 23.00%
Voters: 100. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-21-2011, 02:29 PM
Carlton Bale Carlton Bale is offline
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I voted for diamond by accident. I intended to vote for the first option. Diamond sounds promising, but SMM is what I want.

TV series support would be great. Playing from a Blu-ray drive on my server would be even better.
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Old 05-24-2011, 01:47 AM
sandyj sandyj is offline
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I voted number 1 as my main option but number 2 would be fine also. Really like my-movies and would not like to see this project die.
I know of 3 other sage users that would feel the same way but have not signed up to use the forum so won't see them voting here. They are 3 separate households with sage servers and HD300's as clients.

Last edited by sandyj; 05-24-2011 at 01:50 AM.
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Old 05-24-2011, 08:18 PM
a_puty a_puty is offline
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Performance. I find SMM very unstable. It pretty much always ends up rendering Sage unresponsive resulting in my needing to force quit Sage. I also find it extremely sluggish. This is not on an extender this is on a full fledge PC client with plenty of horsepower, memory and disk space, and wired lan. I found media browser to be pretty fluid for the most part.

With Media Browser I just set my watched folders and then when I have something new I just create a sub folder with the name and the year and literally in seconds it would appear in the cover flow view with meta data, cover art, posters ready to go. With SMM (and I realize this is related to My Movies) I find the folder watch to rarely pick up on new media in a timely fashion (if at all). I have to update it in My Movies, then provoke an update in Sage and SMM and even still I have media in my media folders that aren't in SMM. Its just too tedious and not seamless at all.

Auto detection of multipart videos. It doesn't seem to do this. I have many duplicate covers. I have seen that in MM you can create a double sided disc and point it to the 2 parts but is this really the only way? It seems ridiculously unnecessary. I'm sure I have missed the how to on this one...but just in case I thought I'd mention it.

Of course TV. Again I found that Media Browser just did this really well. I would have Media Center Master autodownload new shows and put them in their respective subdirectories. Media Browser would take care of the rest. So I would just turn on the TV and shows are there ready to be watched with all the data already in place.

Obviously everything I have said is sprinkled with a hearty dose of the work you have done is awesome and I am extremely appreciative and give mad respect.

Last edited by a_puty; 05-24-2011 at 08:21 PM.
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Old 05-24-2011, 08:33 PM
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Originally Posted by a_puty View Post
Performance. I find SMM very unstable. It pretty much always ends up rendering Sage unresponsive resulting in my needing to force quit Sage. I also find it extremely sluggish. This is not on an extender this is on a full fledge PC client with plenty of horsepower, memory and disk space, and wired lan. I found media browser to be pretty fluid for the most part.

With Media Browser I just set my watched folders and then when I have something new I just create a sub folder with the name and the year and literally in seconds it would appear in the cover flow view with meta data, cover art, posters ready to go. With SMM (and I realize this is related to My Movies) I find the folder watch to rarely pick up on new media in a timely fashion (if at all). I have to update it in My Movies, then provoke an update in Sage and SMM and even still I have media in my media folders that aren't in SMM. Its just too tedious and not seamless at all.

Auto detection of multipart videos. It doesn't seem to do this. I have many duplicate covers. I have seen that in MM you can create a double sided disc and point it to the 2 parts but is this really the only way? It seems ridiculously unnecessary. I'm sure I have missed the how to on this one...but just in case I thought I'd mention it.

Of course TV. Again I found that Media Browser just did this really well. I would have Media Center Master autodownload new shows and put them in their respective subdirectories. Media Browser would take care of the rest. So I would just turn on the TV and shows are there ready to be watched with all the data already in place.

Obviously everything I have said is sprinkled with a hearty dose of the work you have done is awesome and I am extremely appreciative and give mad respect.
Sounds like you have issues you can say your pc client is "super fast" but if smm is slow and sluggish you have something else going on. Smm on all my pcs is instant much faster the media browser ever is for me. Believe me I use media browser as a test against constantly. So something is wrong with your setup not smm. Watch the smm videos you can see the speed of a client pc.

As for monitoring not my code and I have nothing to do with it but it works flawlessly for me picking up new movies again you probably don't have your monitoring setup to work in the tray icon and not the mymovies collection manager.

Post like this irritate me to no end. People have issue and or don't set things up as per instructions and wikis and love to be quick to blame the application or developers. Sounds like you need to go back to wmc my friend.
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Old 05-24-2011, 08:56 PM
a_puty a_puty is offline
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Wasn't my intention to blame anybody. Just sharing my experience here. I thought I was pretty clear about how much I admire and appreciate the work you've done. I also stated that I understand the issues that are out of your control and related to My Movies but they work hand in hand so I thought it relevant.

It's the exact same hardware on which I was running Media Browser so forgive me for not jumping to the conclusion that the problem was mine. That being said, perhaps you're right and I have overstayed my welcome here as I'm starting to feel rather irritated myself.
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Old 05-25-2011, 08:12 AM
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Originally Posted by a_puty View Post
Wasn't my intention to blame anybody. Just sharing my experience here. I thought I was pretty clear about how much I admire and appreciate the work you've done. I also stated that I understand the issues that are out of your control and related to My Movies but they work hand in hand so I thought it relevant.

It's the exact same hardware on which I was running Media Browser so forgive me for not jumping to the conclusion that the problem was mine. That being said, perhaps you're right and I have overstayed my welcome here as I'm starting to feel rather irritated myself.
SMM is lightning fast on my system. I have the lowest i3 you can get. If you are having issues with speed I'd check a few things such as heap size. There is a lot more, but to get everything running smooth you need to look into it instead of assuming a specific piece of software is to blame. It may be to blame, but not in the sense that the software is causing the problem, more so that it is exposing the problem.
SageTV Server: unRAID Docker v9, S2600CPJ, Norco 24 hot swap bay case, 2x Xeon 2670, 64 GB DDR3, 3x Colossus for DirecTV, HDHR for OTA
Living room: nVidia Shield TV, Sage Mini Client, 65" Panasonic VT60
Bedroom: Xiomi Mi Box, Sage Mini Client, 42" Panasonic PZ800u
Theater: nVidia Shield TV, mini client, Plex for movies, 120" screen. Mitsubishi HC4000. Denon X4300H. 7.4.4 speaker setup.
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Old 05-25-2011, 08:17 AM
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Originally Posted by PLUCKYHD View Post
Post like this irritate me to no end. People have issue and or don't set things up as per instructions and wikis and love to be quick to blame the application or developers. Sounds like you need to go back to wmc my friend.
Calm down buddy. I've posted a picture to make you feel better.

If a puppy says it, it must be true.
SageTV Server: unRAID Docker v9, S2600CPJ, Norco 24 hot swap bay case, 2x Xeon 2670, 64 GB DDR3, 3x Colossus for DirecTV, HDHR for OTA
Living room: nVidia Shield TV, Sage Mini Client, 65" Panasonic VT60
Bedroom: Xiomi Mi Box, Sage Mini Client, 42" Panasonic PZ800u
Theater: nVidia Shield TV, mini client, Plex for movies, 120" screen. Mitsubishi HC4000. Denon X4300H. 7.4.4 speaker setup.
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Old 05-25-2011, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by a_puty View Post
Wasn't my intention to blame anybody. Just sharing my experience here. I thought I was pretty clear about how much I admire and appreciate the work you've done. I also stated that I understand the issues that are out of your control and related to My Movies but they work hand in hand so I thought it relevant.

It's the exact same hardware on which I was running Media Browser so forgive me for not jumping to the conclusion that the problem was mine. That being said, perhaps you're right and I have overstayed my welcome here as I'm starting to feel rather irritated myself.
Well MyMovies was resepctive Media browser wasn't to the port.

I was very highly stressed last night with the tornado's and such and sorry for the hast response.
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Old 05-25-2011, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by PLUCKYHD View Post
Well MyMovies was resepctive Media browser wasn't to the port.

I was very highly stressed last night with the tornado's and such and sorry for the hast response.
Everything OK? We had some tornado's to the west of me. Very nerve racking. I've lived through a few so it isn't anything new, but boy did people freak out around me.

Where are you located? (I forget if you've told me before)
SageTV Server: unRAID Docker v9, S2600CPJ, Norco 24 hot swap bay case, 2x Xeon 2670, 64 GB DDR3, 3x Colossus for DirecTV, HDHR for OTA
Living room: nVidia Shield TV, Sage Mini Client, 65" Panasonic VT60
Bedroom: Xiomi Mi Box, Sage Mini Client, 42" Panasonic PZ800u
Theater: nVidia Shield TV, mini client, Plex for movies, 120" screen. Mitsubishi HC4000. Denon X4300H. 7.4.4 speaker setup.
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Old 05-25-2011, 10:43 AM
Brent94Z Brent94Z is offline
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I voted for option 1 just because I think it would be pretty cool to have that combined but, really, if it comes down to it, I hope you can at least keep the base SMM functioning with future SageTV updates

I use Diamond but not for clicking and watching my movies... I use SMM for this. The main reason for this is because ~2,000 of my movies are stored OFF LINE. SMM still allows me to see my movie collection that I have not copied to hard drives.

Diamond is great for those who have only online stuff but many (or at least I think so LOL) still have DVDs offline as well. SMM is an EXCELLENT interface for a combo offline/online collection so any future development/support I will be grateful for
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Old 05-25-2011, 11:02 AM
Rob Rob is offline
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Originally Posted by PLUCKYHD View Post
I was very highly stressed last night with the tornado's and such and sorry for the hast response.
I hope all is well. That was a heck of a storm system with the sirens going off over and over again.
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Old 05-25-2011, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by panteragstk View Post
Everything OK? We had some tornado's to the west of me. Very nerve racking. I've lived through a few so it isn't anything new, but boy did people freak out around me.

Where are you located? (I forget if you've told me before)
Originally Posted by Rob View Post
I hope all is well. That was a heck of a storm system with the sirens going off over and over again.
Thanks for asking I am in Oklahoma everything is fine for use ended up going two miles north but a evening with a screaming kid in a neighbors storm shelter does not equal fun or stress free
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by PLUCKYHD View Post
Thanks for asking I am in Oklahoma everything is fine for use ended up going two miles north but a evening with a screaming kid in a neighbors storm shelter does not equal fun or stress free
Good to hear. I'm north of Dallas so I got bypassed by about 5mi south of me. Softball size hail and tornado's down there, but I only got 5min of light rain. Go figure.
SageTV Server: unRAID Docker v9, S2600CPJ, Norco 24 hot swap bay case, 2x Xeon 2670, 64 GB DDR3, 3x Colossus for DirecTV, HDHR for OTA
Living room: nVidia Shield TV, Sage Mini Client, 65" Panasonic VT60
Bedroom: Xiomi Mi Box, Sage Mini Client, 42" Panasonic PZ800u
Theater: nVidia Shield TV, mini client, Plex for movies, 120" screen. Mitsubishi HC4000. Denon X4300H. 7.4.4 speaker setup.
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:57 PM
DMT DMT is offline
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I voted as a SMM user not interested in TV support. I lied a bit. I don't currently use SMM. I did but the lack of detail and cast information caused me to revert back to the stock browser in sage.

I continue to use My Movies for collection management/meta data as I feel it is the best out there if you are very picky (like me).

SMM was/is remarkable; fast and infinitely customizable, the developer deserves a lot of praise.

Personally I think My Movies has too much data and I don't think SMM needs all of that but the basics like details, top cast members and director etc. are required.

Just my 2 cents.
SageTV 7.1.9 on Win 7 Ultimate x86; Intel DH67CF, i3-2100T, 4GB DDR3, 60GB SSD, 8TB Drive Bender storage pool, blu-ray. 2x HD PVR (SA 4250HD firewire channel change), 2x HD200 extenders (external IR receiver mod, HD300 remotes).
Plugins: Custom Main Menu, Enable/Disable Favorites, Stock Manager, Web Interface, Mobile Web Interface, PlayOn
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:57 PM
Rob Rob is offline
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I am in North Dallas. Lots of nasty skys and sirens, but nothing really that bad. Everytime I looked at the radar, I was thinking "wow, I'm glad I'm not in Oklahoma" - sorry PluckyHD!!
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Old 05-25-2011, 08:33 PM
a_puty a_puty is offline
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Originally Posted by PLUCKYHD View Post
Well MyMovies was resepctive Media browser wasn't to the port.

I was very highly stressed last night with the tornado's and such and sorry for the hast response.
All good. Most importantly I'm glad to hear you and yours are alright.

I work in I.T. and spend my days (and many of my nights) buried in tech research and troubleshooting so admittedly I can get pretty lazy about reading manuals and tweaking and such when it comes to things at home. So my bad there. I'll definitely start digging into my performance issue now knowing that what I'm seeing is way off the baseline. I couldn't go back to WMC if I wanted to (and I don't). So I'll just say that I am a definite yes please for TV integration and continued SMM development in whatever capacity that might be as I think it's fantastic. Whether it remains it's own thing or gets somehow absorbed into Diamond, either way would be great IMO. So thanks again for all of your effort.

Last edited by a_puty; 05-25-2011 at 08:36 PM.
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Old 05-26-2011, 12:23 AM
medwynd medwynd is offline
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What do you mean by tv support? I personally dont use sage as a pvr but I do have a lot of tv series on dvd/br.
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Old 05-26-2011, 04:34 AM
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With mymovies 4.0 they added tv series support.

Single episode rips as well as jumping directly to episodes on full rips is now supported in wmc and collection manager.
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Old 05-26-2011, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by PLUCKYHD View Post
With mymovies 4.0 they added tv series support.

Single episode rips as well as jumping directly to episodes on full rips is now supported in wmc and collection manager.
I do have a question about TV support. If you decided to add it how would you do it? In other words, how would the interface work? Similar to what WMC has or make it your own?
SageTV Server: unRAID Docker v9, S2600CPJ, Norco 24 hot swap bay case, 2x Xeon 2670, 64 GB DDR3, 3x Colossus for DirecTV, HDHR for OTA
Living room: nVidia Shield TV, Sage Mini Client, 65" Panasonic VT60
Bedroom: Xiomi Mi Box, Sage Mini Client, 42" Panasonic PZ800u
Theater: nVidia Shield TV, mini client, Plex for movies, 120" screen. Mitsubishi HC4000. Denon X4300H. 7.4.4 speaker setup.
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Old 05-26-2011, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by panteragstk View Post
I do have a question about TV support. If you decided to add it how would you do it? In other words, how would the interface work? Similar to what WMC has or make it your own?
Well that is the Poll

I would make my own like SMM

or integrate it into the core and it would work with diamond/phoenix/ortus.

The only thing in the core that would be missing is the chapter/episode support for full disc rips.
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