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SageTV Placeshifter Discussion related to the SageTV Placeshifter application produced by SageTV. Questions, issues, problems, suggestions, etc. relating to the SageTV Placeshifter software application should be posted here.

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Old 03-30-2010, 03:31 PM
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mkanet mkanet is offline
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Placeshifter menu lag over Internet

This is a relatively low priority item; but, it's significant enough of an issue where I think there may be something wrong.

I have a stable 10-15mbps up and >62mbps down Internet connection; however, I still have a significant lag when hovering over different menu items (without live video, fanart/thumbnails, or any other heavy graphics present). Also, it usually takes 5-6 seconds to switch from one menu to another.

Streaming video/audio is great. I can max out all settings and reach up to (peaking) at 3000-4000kbps when watching live DVD quality streaming video without any glitches. Is there a hardcoded reserved bandwidth cap set for menu graphics when not on my LAN? I have tried changing all settings that's available to me via the placeshifter settings options; but all produce this same behavior. When I'm at home on my LAN, menus are very fast; just like the menus on my HD-200.

I'm curious if others experience this kind of lag on a very fast home Internet connection. I know this is a very bad comparison, but to give a relative comparison, applications such as RDP/VNC, are lightening quick, I can move/drag complex objects around smoothly on my remote desktop; pretty close to the same speed on my LAN.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas what's causing this menu lag, I'd really like to know. I doubt Im sending bursts of network traffic between menus to cause 5-6 seconds delay or up to 1-2 seconds hovering over each menu item. Maybe, there's something misconfired with uPNP? I already have port 31099 forwarded manually on the router. I have Windows Vista firewall disabled since I already have a hardware based firewall. Edit: Disabling SPI (stateful packet inspection) on my router doesnt make any difference.

Thanks in advance for any help to figure out what might be the cause; and a possible fix.

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Old 03-31-2010, 09:03 AM
MitchSchaft MitchSchaft is offline
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I've experienced the same with mine. Although I dont have nearly that upload bandwidth. I resorted to turning off animation and mouse hovering to help a bit.
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Old 03-31-2010, 09:09 AM
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mkanet mkanet is offline
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I have all animations off too. I guess it doesnt really make a difference how much your Internet upstream bandwidth over the Internet (non-LAN). 6 seconds seems a bit too much just to go from one screen to the other. I was thinking about a second maximum would be reasonable for 10-15mbit upstream.
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