Strange no video playback for HD OTA only FOX network content!
I've started having some very very strange playback issues which so far occur only with ONE HDTV OTA channel here in Portland, OR, the fox affiliate KPTV.
Any HD content (usually the primetime stuff) gets me audio only. Video is completely blank. The local commercials before/in between the national HD content play fine. Within the same recording file! I can physically watch the local commercials play fine, then the video will freeze while the audio continues when the HD content begins.
Even stranger, playing the .mpg files with mplayer or vlc have no problems! Playing back older recorded files from the same channel work fine. Playing OTA HDTV content from other channels work fine.
I think these problems started ~1 week ago. They coincided with my trying 6.5.11, but rolling back to 6.5.9 did not fix it. I have to think it is affiliate related.
Is there any conceivable way this could be explained? I have to think there was some switch in how this affiliate broadcast their OTA HD signal that now Sage can't playback.
Figured out it must be the video decoder, so switching from Intervideo to essentially anything else fixes it for now. Still very strange.
Updating my install of Intervideo also seemed to have done the trick.
Last edited by waylo; 03-07-2009 at 12:47 PM.