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Old 11-11-2004, 06:52 PM
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STV: Meekell Beta 0.3 Release (April 3, 2005)

Well many of you showed interest in making that pdf brochure a reality, so I've been working to make it happen!

Download here. To install simply extract the image folder and the meekell.stv to the STV folder in your SageTV installation directory.
Other icon sets: Rustic Icons Reflective Icons by kny3twalker

meekell_beta_0_3 Release Notes:
  • Added: Visual confirmation of watched/disliked airings in the guide and recordings menus.
  • Fixed: Commands watched/dislike are functional in the upcoming recordings, recordings, and guide.
  • Fixed: Sorting bug in the recordings menu.
  • Fixed?: End of file popup delete command. (untested)

meekell_beta_0_2 Release Notes:
  • Added: Visual confirmation of watched or disliked upcoming recordings.
  • Added: Screensaver
  • Added: Replaceable "No Art Available" graphic in the jukebox. Simply replace no_art.png with whatever you want.
  • Removed: Archived menu. Archived shows are now viewable from the Recordings Menu.
  • Added: "Browse Themes" item to the main menu.
  • Updated: "Find Shows" now goes directly to the search menu.
  • Added: "History" menu.
  • Updated: Music Jukebox functionality. Selected songs are not automatically added to the queue.
  • And much more...

meekell_beta_0_1 Release Notes:
  • Updated: Main Menu item list. (Preparation for custom xml menu)
  • Fixed: Long show information wasn't completely viewable. The popup description from the main menu and the Detailed Show Description in the guide are now scrollable.
  • Added: "Weather Setup" to the General Settings. On SageTV startup, if there is no "mlbdude/weather_zip" entry in the properties file, SageTV will ask iif you want to setup the weather. Selecting yes will take you through the setup up process, no will ignore the weather functionality. You can always access the setup from the Generel Settings Menu. All the necessary files are included in the weather directory.
  • Updated: Icon set (thanks iain). You can simply relace the icons in the directory if you would like to use others.
  • Added: Video preview in the Recordings, Imports, Archived Menus. Video preview can now be disabled from the Settings->Multimedia->"Menu Video Preview Window" setting.
  • Fixed: Conflict Resolution wasn't resolvable if conflict popups were disabled. If there are any conflicts, a conflict menu item will appear in the Main Menu. From there conflicts can be resolved.
  • Added: Full screen pictures are browseable. FFWD goes to next image, RWND goes to previous, STOP closes full screen viewer.
  • Added: Refresh Library to Options menu of Music Jukebox.

meekell_alpha_0_5_2 Release Notes:
  • Fixed: menu topbar was using a lot of cpu resources.
  • Fixed: animation panels were using a lot of cpu resources.
  • Added: Volume displays in the upper right when changed in menus
  • Added: Date and time toggle every 5 secs in the topbar of menus
  • Added: Sort Music by Genre. Not completely polished off yet but it works. TODO: Replace "(##)" with actual genre.
Get the 5.2 update here .

meekell_alpha_0_5_1 Release Notes:
  • Updated Music Jukebox, Picture Library, and Imports to flow with the rest of the stv, and improve usability.
  • Many more UI improvements (there's way too much to list)

meekell_alpha_0_4 Release Notes:
  • Added: Genre toggle. This allows the user to filter the albums by genre. Select/Deselect the genres in the genre dropdown menu.
  • Fixed: Albums wouldn't sort by Artist.
  • Added: Search functionality added in the Music Jukebox. Can be accessed from the options menu, or the navigation jump bar found at the bottom of the jukebox. Once the search has narrowed the results you can clear the results by pressing the back button or using the back arrow on the leftmost tab.
  • Fixed: Playall would go to TV if using the standard play mode in the jukebox.
  • Added: Icons to the flyout menu. They can be replaced as long as the filename is preserved. I've included the icon set in the stv image folder.
  • Fixed: I removed quite a bit of uneeded refreshing to the osd. This along with a couple other changes will hopefully stabalize the experience for those having problems during playback.
  • Added: Setting Advanced->MVP Performance. When enabled this will do even less osd refreshing and painting allowing for quicker response time from the mvp.
  • Fixed: Mini-guide wierdness. Onscreen miniguide will now stay in the correct time block when browsing the channels.
  • Fixed: OSD displayed incorrect channel info. This seems to be a problem haunting me. Everytime I think I've fixed it it comes back. Hopefully it's gone know.
  • Added: Lot's of UI improvements.
  • Added: Manual comskip detection to the "More Options" menu. If commercials are already detected the button will display this and you will be prompted to redetect them.
  • Removed: The recording schedule menu. Since the main menu has the list of upcoming recordings it seemed unecessary.
  • Added: "Shows to Record" in the Recordings Menu. This takes you to the favorites manager.
  • Added: "Smart Folders" button. This actually has been functional but is very inefficient so its functionality has been disabled for now.
There's probably some stuff I'm forgetting. I'll leave it up to you to spot it.

meekell_alpha_0_3_5 Release Notes:
  • Recordings menu Sorting is fully functional.
  • "Manage Favorites" button added to Recordings menu.
  • "Shows to Record" button added to Recordings menu. (work still to be done to Scheduling menu)
  • "Rec" icon is displayed in the Recordings menu when a show is recording.
  • Added new icon to the guide "On Air" which displays the show currently being watched.
  • Updated the guide's show info panel to match more closely to the Teehan+Lax theme.
  • Added recording notification to the time bar in the OSD to show when a show is recording. This only shows up if it's a manual recording or a favorite recording (not sure if it works for Intelligent Recordings). -Still need to add for shows that are scheduled but not recording.

meekell_alpha_0_3_1 Release Notes:
  • Play button will play selected recordings in most menus without popup.
  • Sage Commands for Video Library, Picture Library, SageTV Recordings, Recording Schedule, Music Jukebox, DVD, Search Guide, Power, Mute, Volume, & Stop are globally accessable.
  • Shows episode name if available in the expanded folder view.
  • OSD transparency issue solved when in VMR.
  • timebar guide will now jump to the selected channel if the timeslot isn't current.
  • Moved "Archived" to the "My Shows" menu.

meekell_alpha_0_3 Release Notes:
  • Browsable timebar in the MediaPlayer OSD
  • Added "meekell/disable_conflict_popup" (true/false) If false conflicts will be displayed on the main menu. Resolution isn't possible yet with this method.
  • Added Setting: Advanced->Disable Conflict Popup
  • Added Setting: General->Guide Channel Style
  • Added Themes browsing. Smart themes displays the themes that have been used frequently (may not work yet).
  • Updated the album browser to scroll horizontally.
  • Many other visual enhancements and more to come...

meekell_alpha_0_2_6 Release Notes:
  • Fixed: Popup doesn't go away after picking conflict resolution option.
  • If "show_mouse_icons" is true navigation arrows will be visible in the guide.
  • Grey "REC" icon is displayed in the guide if the show is a favorite or manual recording scheduled.

meekell_alpha_0_2_5 Release Notes:
  • Fixed: Mouse selection in guide. Still need to support paging (up,down,left,right).
  • Fixed Mouse selection on home screen.
  • Added new property "meekell/channel_style" This allows the user to select how they want to display the channel ids. Settings are: "num+name" (default), "num","name","logo","logo+num"

meekell_alpha_0_2_4 Release Notes:
  • Updated Imports Menu
  • Support for external dvd player ("external_dvd_player=filepath")
  • Fixed: Conflict resolution options are now displayed.
  • Fixed: Channel change conflict resolution.

meekell_alpha_0_2_3 Release Notes:
  • Better handling of genres
  • Fixed album covers not showing if running v2.1

meekell_alpha_0_2_2 Release Notes:
  • Added ability to display albums by Genre
  • Fixed the problem with logos not showing if running v2.1
  • Fixed the transparent background for overlay in the OSD on high resolutions
  • Set default weather image directory to be STVs//teehan-lax//weather (this won't override the setting in the properties file)
  • Conflicts will be handled as they're found by a popup options menu (haven't tested because I wasn't able to schedule conflicts)
  • Reminders should be more reliable

meekell_alpha_0_2 Release Notes:
  • Added Archives
  • Added mlbdude's weather
  • Added Reminders to advanced options for airings
  • Added ability to play DVD from home screen
  • Added Queue Mode music jukebox (must be using V2.2 to work correctly)
    enable from the musicplayer options in the jukebox options menu. When enabled the each song selected will be queued in the order selected. The
    current playlist can be saved or loaded from the playlist menu.
  • Redesigned the jukebox look and feel (still much more work to do)
    while browsing the albums all the way left will take you to the folder tabs all the ways to the right brings up jump menu
  • Fixed many bugs

meekell_alpha_0_1 Release Notes:
There's going to be a lot of things that don't work as expected. Just keep that in mind.

The Detailed settings can be accessed by pressing OPTIONS from the main menu.

Channel Favorites: From the guide menu push the options button. Select new. Select your channel favorites and press done. Select yes to save your favorites list. Give it a name and select done. To select your new playlist press option button again. You should see the name in the popup menu. Select it.

Silvie live

Last edited by meekell; 09-08-2011 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 11-11-2004, 07:37 PM
DFA DFA is offline
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The choices and options are getting very cool. Decisions, decisions.

How long before you think you'll have something to release?

Hopefully more screenshots added as it progresses.

Love what I see. In fact, I love all the STB work that the great Sage people here have done (mlbdude, malore, cayars, nielm, opus4, et. al. and now meekel to join the legends). Truly remarkable. We users all owe you guys at least a dine-out dinner!

Big kudo's to Sage themselves for providing a product that allows for this level of customization.

Wrong information is worse than no information

Last edited by DFA; 11-11-2004 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 11-11-2004, 08:46 PM
kny3twalker kny3twalker is offline
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yeah,where is the alpha preview?
dump something on us
even if it might break on SageTV install
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Old 11-11-2004, 08:58 PM
dongta dongta is offline
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If you don't mind, I would like to make a suggestion.

In the fourth screen shot, the arrows you have don't flow with the rest of the theme. I was thinking maybe replace it with just a triangle or nothing at all (the indention may be enough).

Also, in the original thread, someone suggesting using BlueHighway font. I found it here

Looking forward to future previews/releases.
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Old 11-11-2004, 09:27 PM
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If you don't mind, I would like to make a suggestion.

In the fourth screen shot, the arrows you have don't flow with the rest of the theme. I was thinking maybe replace it with just a triangle or nothing at all (the indention may be enough).
Suggestions are what makes things better. As far as the arrows, I'm just following the format that was layed out for now (with a few exceptions).

Also, in the original thread, someone suggesting using BlueHighway font.
I previewed the font set quickly and didn't see much resemblance. I've been using Arial Rounded MT Bold (for now).

Last edited by meekell; 09-08-2011 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 11-11-2004, 09:30 PM
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yeah,where is the alpha preview?
dump something on us
even if it might break on SageTV install
Patience...Give me a week or two before I break your sagetv install.

Last edited by meekell; 09-08-2011 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 11-11-2004, 09:43 PM
kny3twalker kny3twalker is offline
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LOL cool
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Old 11-11-2004, 09:48 PM
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Looks GREAT so far. I'm going to do some more study of the thl document and then shoot some feedback your way. How do you feel about me updating thl on your progress? The last time I spoke to them, they were interested in progress.

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Old 11-11-2004, 10:59 PM
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I like it, can't wait to try it.
Mike Janer
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Old 11-12-2004, 01:32 AM
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Looks GREAT so far. I'm going to do some more study of the thl document and then shoot some feedback your way. How do you feel about me updating thl on your progress? The last time I spoke to them, they were interested in progress.
Here's the dilemna: Does it make sense to use this company's brand on something they've contributed very little to? We're kind of at a point where we can keep it going as a teehan-lax project our mold it into our own creation. I have only used a few graphics that they provided, which could be updated. Although a lot of their ideas are great, they may not be replicatable in sage. The further I go with this the more I have to improvise. Who is teehan+lax anyways? (Oops! I went to their website and realized that I've been using a minus instead of a plus the whole time) Are they going to make money off of this? Any thoughts about this?
Laguna Bay II Condo Pattaya

Last edited by meekell; 09-08-2011 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 11-12-2004, 02:20 AM
kny3twalker kny3twalker is offline
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I say go as close to the original as you want
I would use it as inspiration and thats all

you should really rename it Meekell STV
I know mlbdude named his SageMC but whatever he could have named it mlbdude3 for all it matters
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Old 11-12-2004, 02:42 AM
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Hi meekell,

You ask a few very good questions. My thoughts on this are as follows:

The document that all this is based on is pretty much exclusively a PVR concept. In many ways, it is perhaps 'the' PVR as far as navigation flow, etc. I believe that this document is more or less a public statement that there is better ways to do a PVR than what is currently available. Teehan+Lax obviously has no manufacturing or product but I suspect that this document was also a 'teaser' to get an OEM to license the UI.

I believe Sage was an entity that they perhaps didn't take into consideration in as much as the seeming fact that Studio allows radical changes of the UI it becomes possible to replicate most of their ideas into Sage. Ultimately I think both parties benefit, T+L from the standpoint that their 'concept' is now a real, tangible PVR. Sage from the standpoint that once refined completely, it offers the (ultimate?) ease of use, beautiful interface, and features/usage totally different from anything else available hardware based or software. I believe that Sage desperately needs to capitalize on market differenciation whenever possible.

Where to go from here? The T+L document is clearly PVR only. We have available the music, photo's, weather, RSS feed, etc that should be integrated. I know that T+L also have an extended concept that will encompass most of the above. Personally, I'd like to see maximum effort put into replicating their PVR as faithfully and completey as possible for now. Then, I can approach them to find out their thoughts on sharing their more elaborate concept with us and we can decide if we'd like to pursue it, or roll our own. A good UI is NOT an easy thing to create. Good features are a little easier to spec out, but to make it usable frankly is something I don't have the skills for and if we can leverage these guys demonstrated skill I think it'd be a good thing.

As for using their 'name', I certainly don't think it's necessary. After all, their UI is actually named "Avila". Maybe "SageTL-by meekell" would be better.

There is my thoughts on this, let's talk about it.


Last edited by PGPfan; 11-12-2004 at 02:50 AM.
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Old 11-12-2004, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by meekell
Here's the dilemna: Does it make sense to use this company's brand on something they've contributed very little to?
Who is teehan+lax anyways? (Oops! I went to their website and realized that I've been using a minus instead of a plus the whole time) Are they going to make money off of this? Any thoughts about this?
Well, Geoff Teehan was active on this board in the original thread... You could always try contacting him directly via a PM or email... I imagine they would be excited to see their thought experment being fleshed out, but there may be some IP issues regarding the name...

Also see:
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Old 11-12-2004, 06:49 AM
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I love the breakout/flyout menus on the front page (first screen you show). That is the make or break feature for me!!! xlr8shun previewed flyout menus back here, but nothing came from it, these screens were the best I've seen to date Click for link
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Old 11-12-2004, 09:24 AM
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I agree. Flyout menus are a very nice way to do things. Myth Tv does it, and that is one of the things I like about their interface.
Mike Janer
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Old 11-12-2004, 10:57 AM
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FWIW, I'm glad all those other features are going to be included in this STV. I'm pretty sure that this goes AGAINST the T+L model since the brochure is very specific about having core essentials in a PVR, etc. My original thought was to try to make two, one like they suggest, and one with a bunch of bells and whistles.

However, I like this new development. I say use their brochure as a springboard, but definitely keep their model in mind just because some of their ideas are so well thought out like the fonts and such.
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Old 11-12-2004, 11:34 AM
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Pleas dont forgett the back buttons, i use the client on my tv only with a transmition mouse.

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Old 11-12-2004, 08:46 PM
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Where to go from here? The T+L document is clearly PVR only. We have available the music, photo's, weather, RSS feed, etc that should be integrated. I know that T+L also have an extended concept that will encompass most of the above. Personally, I'd like to see maximum effort put into replicating their PVR as faithfully and completey as possible for now. Then, I can approach them to find out their thoughts on sharing their more elaborate concept with us and we can decide if we'd like to pursue it, or roll our own. A good UI is NOT an easy thing to create. Good features are a little easier to spec out, but to make it usable frankly is something I don't have the skills for and if we can leverage these guys demonstrated skill I think it'd be a good thing.
I plan to mold the stv to replicate their layout as much as possible. I agree that it is very difficult to design a good UI and they have done an excellent job of keeping the interface clean and intuitive. I believe that the reason we all are excited about making this a reality is because of the desire for a more intuitive interface that won't sell us short of the advanced features SageTV has to offer. The flyout menus that many of you are calling for are a great way to keep the interface intuitive. There's nothing worse than going through several menus to get to something.

I'm toying with "SageTL" or "Meekell" but will entertain any other suggestions.

Last edited by meekell; 09-08-2011 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 11-12-2004, 08:56 PM
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Pleas dont forgett the back buttons, i use the client on my tv only with a transmition mouse.
I was afraid of this! I'll see what I can do for you mouse users, but no promises yet.
Nexium problems

Last edited by meekell; 09-08-2011 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 11-13-2004, 07:16 PM
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Just giving my 2 cents:
When you click on a show, a pop-up menu gets on top of the guide, with options of: record, record options, go to channel now & information. But it only shows the Title, channel (not logo) & start + end time (the way you see it in the PDF. then if you click on info, it turns into the menu you see now.

(so it's simple and not so overwhelming )

Great work so far
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