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Old 06-17-2014, 07:42 AM
gprichardson1 gprichardson1 is offline
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Posts: 58
Halt detected in recording, end up with mpg and ts

Hi all,

I'm using the latest SageTV7 (Windows), SageDCT, and an HDHomerun Prime with Comcast cable card.

I've recently been getting warnings about a halt detected in a recording. The most recent was last night, recording 24. I get the following message:

Warning - Halt Detected in Recording

The devin input "SageDCT-HDHomeRun Prime Tuner 1315E054-0 on Digital TV Tuner" stopped producing data while recording "24: Live Another Day" on WFXTDT on physical channel 806. SageTV will try to reset the device. This may be caused by a channel that is no longer available.

If I look at my recordings in the Sage GUI I see 24 is recorded. It seems Comskip wasn't able to process the video, which I thought odd. For the heck of it I went into my recording directory (it's a Windows box) and I saw that the show is split into two videos:

E:\VideosE>dir 24*.*
Volume in drive E is E
Volume Serial Number is 6C83-1F43

Directory of E:\VideosE

06/16/2014 09:09 PM 31 24LiveAnotherDay-Day9600PM700PM-9484034-0.edl
06/16/2014 09:09 PM 97,189 24LiveAnotherDay-Day9600PM700PM-9484034-0.log
06/16/2014 09:07 PM 779,934,168 24LiveAnotherDay-Day9600PM700PM-9484034-0.mpg
06/16/2014 09:09 PM 90 24LiveAnotherDay-Day9600PM700PM-9484034-0.txt
06/16/2014 10:00 PM 5,341,024,352 24LiveAnotherDay-Day9600PM700PM-9484034-1.ts
5 File(s) 6,121,055,830 bytes
0 Dir(s) 310,878,011,392 bytes free


(sorry about the formatting of the file list above)

It started out recording as an mpg file, then the hiccup occured, and it continued recording it as a TS file. My file is configured with this for all tuners:


Which I'm to understand means my recordings will be in mpg format.

It seems I have two problems - one is why I'm getting the halt in recording, and two - why does it resume recording as a TS file? For now I'd like to figure out why I'm getting a mix of MPG and TS files for the recording.

I suppose I can set encode_digital_tv_as_program_stream to false so they then record as TS file and see what happens. If I can get it so, even with an interruption, I'm recording in the same file format (so hopefully comskip processes ok) I can then try to narrow down what's causing the halt. I'm thinking something network related.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas on having two filetypes for the recording I'd appreciate it!



Last edited by gprichardson1; 06-17-2014 at 07:44 AM.
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Old 06-17-2014, 07:58 AM
BobPhoenix BobPhoenix is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 3,152
I get that all the time with my ATSC and QAM recordings (halt detected) - due to bad signals. Too many trees in the neighborhood and a lousy cable company. It is the biggest reason I have multiple servers recording the same major network shows and so many tuners in general. Out of four servers I usually get at least one good recording - excluding all the severe weather recordings where all 4 look the same. The shows on a cable channel are usually repeated so I setup manual recordings for the second+ recordings and keep the best of however many I record.
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