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Old 07-11-2012, 08:21 PM
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I hope this is in the right forum... I have been using SageTV in my office, garage workshop and portable tablet for 7 or 8 years, very happy, no real problems.
Here's my problem with my living room setup: Using a SA 8300HDC cable DVR, Nakamichi A/V receiver and an LG 42" LCD controlled by a Harmony200 (phenomenal $17 remote programmed automatically over the internet by USB!) OK, TV in living room is fine. Before I added the LG 42", I was feeding a 36" old SD crt TV by Svideo. Now I feed the LG by HDMI. Well, the bedroom SD tv is connected by RG6 to the "Cable out" on the STB in the living room. Upon retiring from the living room to the bedroom, the LG TV is turned off, STB left on with possibly a recorded program playing. Turn on the bedroom TV and it used to play the recording through the RG6 RF cable on channel 3 (crappy, I know, but she falls asleep after 5 minutes of watching). Well, now, since the LG is connected by HDMI, the bedroom TV displays a blue screen about HDCP and HDMI error, no recorded video. I went deeper and found that when there is a HDMI cable connected from the STB to the LG (on or off/standby), all video outputs on the STB are non-working - no Svideo, no composite, no RF, just a warning screen about protection of signal. Is this normal? The STB senses a HDMI connection and shuts off all other video outputs for protection? Sounds pretty stupid, as we all here record HD all the time with Sage using component outputs. Anyone know how to get a measly SD output for a 14" bedroom TV? Temporarily I split the cable in the living room and feed cable tv to the bedroom, but of course no recordings from the living room STB - just straight cable. Is this HDCP doing it's job? If so, it's rather lame.
Thanks - hope I explained it so it's understandable. And, NO I won't put my wife's living room LCD on Sage - I don't have 12 hours a day to show her how to easily watch anything you want..... she complained about a new remote to learn.
Thanks for reading.
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Old 07-11-2012, 08:48 PM
KeithAbbott KeithAbbott is online now
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Swap the HDMI cable for a component cable+SPDIF, and your problem should be solved. Sucks, I know. Isn't HDCP wonderful?
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Old 07-11-2012, 09:17 PM
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Interesting solution... I'll try it tomorrow. I have component cables, and stereo RCA cables for audio to the TV (no optical on TV). But that's fine cause the optical output of the STB goes to the Nakamichi amp - very seldomly use the TV speakers - sometimes late at night to keep the bass from rattling the furniture..
I wonder if I will have audio - video sync problems.

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