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Old 04-30-2008, 01:07 PM
drewg drewg is offline
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Originally Posted by bcjenkins View Post
So far so good. Will update after I run for a while.


I'm glad I could help. If it works, you should probably submit a patch
to the ivtv maintainers!

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Old 04-30-2008, 01:37 PM
bcjenkins bcjenkins is offline
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It is working, I'll wait to see how many "Dad, the TV is broken" calls I get..

I'll also post on IVTV's list to see if there is a reason it is not included. Thanks again for the insight, really easy to implement.

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Old 04-30-2008, 03:24 PM
Zervun Zervun is offline
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Originally Posted by bastafidli View Post
Zervun, what tuner are you using? I am currently using my CentOS without tuner but might be interesting in adding one in near future and I would like to get one which works with CentOS.
I'm using hdhomerun -

I don't have tuner issues yet (I installed centos 32 bit and with my HD100 it recognizes the hdhomerun, although I'm having trouble getting signal)
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Old 04-30-2008, 10:42 PM
bastafidli bastafidli is offline
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thanks. I am planning to get the HDHomerun and the new Hauppage device in next few weeks but dont want to spend too much time troubleshooting the setup. We have a new baby coming so there will be lots of sleepless nights which I would prefer just watch some tv.
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:18 AM
Zervun Zervun is offline
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The centos 32 bit, followed by directions on here was cake -

the one thing that I really needed was that on hdhomerun you download/compile their config tool and do a scan of each tuner, THEN set it up via their instructions in sagetv - if you don't sagetv won't pick up the channels

I recommend the sagetv/hdhomerun/centos32bit combo - I'm going to try to get 64 bit running.

The only downside is that by default centos doesn't do XFS

the htpc works great - I have a HD100 extender that tends to freeze a bit and is a tad bit buggy - my only complaint
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Old 05-03-2008, 10:34 AM
Zervun Zervun is offline
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Originally Posted by Vox-uLaw View Post
O/S: OpenSuSE 10.3 (64-Bit)
Tuner: SiliconDust HDHomeRun
  • Installed SageTV dependencies, 64-Bit versions; faad2, lame and mad.
  • Installed Wine from repository for comskip usage; 32-Bit.
  • Downloaded the latest 32-Bit Java from Sun website; jdk-6u5-linux-i586.bin at the time.
  • Added the following two lines to the top of the startsage script.
    This allowed me to test many different versions of Java without changing anything on the system.
    export PATH

I was going to install Ubuntu or Gentoo, but their release dates were a few months out so I settled with OpenSuSE, which has very nice RAID detection in the installer. I setup the machine with six available OS partitions so I can install other distributions at later dates.

SageTV detected the HDHomeRun tuner without incident. The primary reason I purchased that tuner was to avoid kernel and driver issues related to on-board tuner cards.

I use an extender rather than hooking up directly to the projector, so I bypassed a lot of video issues there.

I probably did more, but am not sure it relates to getting SageTV up and running on 64-Bit O/S.
So I have tried, CentOS 64 and now am on Debian 64 - so far everything has gone ok except for the end

On Debian 64 I've gotten this far -

1. apt-get gcc g++ make autoconf libtool automake libc6-dev
2. Download latest bin from java of jdk - currently jdk1.6.0_06 - run it, move created directory to /opt/jdk1.6.0_06
3. Download libmad, faad2, lame from websites as source, then compile and make install
4. Add
export PATH

to (without it it reports encryption error

5. Add
export PATH

to startsage

at this point startsage throws the error below, which in another post that someone had to add lib64 to their path (but there are multiple places with lib64)


Can you expand on your install?

When I go to download and compile the faad libmad and so on from source, they do not specify that they are 32 or 64 bit. Is this an Opensuse thing?

I also had to add the PATH to the keygen you added to startscript, to get the key to register properly

whether or not I add the PATH you specified to the startscript I still get this error -

Executing pre-scripts
Starting server mode
isis:/opt/sagetv/server# Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /opt/sagetv/server/ /opt/sagetv/server/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
at sage.Sage.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
at SecuredLoader.main(

In someones previous post about another issue, they said they just added the lib64 to the path but that is kind of ambigious - if I can get this fixed I think I will be ok -
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Old 05-03-2008, 01:38 PM
bcjenkins bcjenkins is offline
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Have you:
apt-get install ia32-libs


PS I have the following installed:

bcjenkins@sagetv-server:~$ dpkg --get-selections
adduser install
apparmor install
apparmor-utils install
apt install
apt-utils install
aptitude install
at install
base-files install
base-passwd install
bash install
bash-completion install
belocs-locales-bin install
bind9-host install
binfmt-support install
binutils install
bsdmainutils install
bsdutils install
build-essential install
busybox-initramfs install
bzip2 install
cabextract install
command-not-found install
command-not-found-data install
console-setup install
console-terminus install
console-tools install
coreutils install
cpio install
cpp install
cpp-4.2 install
cron install
curl install
dash install
debconf install
debconf-i18n install
debhelper install
debianutils install
defoma install
dhcp3-client install
dhcp3-common install
diff install
dmidecode install
dmsetup install
dnsutils install
dosfstools install
dpkg install
dpkg-dev install
e2fslibs install
e2fsprogs install
ed install
eject install
ethtool install
fakeroot install
fdutils install
file install
findutils install
fontconfig install
fontconfig-config install
friendly-recovery install
ftp install
fuse-utils install
g++ install
g++-4.2 install
gawk install
gcc install
gcc-4.2 install
gcc-4.2-base install
gcc-4.2-multilib install
gcc-multilib install
gettext install
gettext-base install
git-core install
gitk install
gnupg install
gpgv install
grep install
groff-base install
grub install
gzip install
hdparm install
hostname install
html2text install
ia32-libs install
ifupdown install
info install
initramfs-tools install
initscripts install
inputattach install
installation-report install
intltool-debian install
iproute install
iptables install
iputils-arping install
iputils-ping install
iputils-tracepath install
kernel-package install
kernel-wedge install
klibc-utils install
klogd install
laptop-detect install
less install
lib32asound2 install
lib32gcc1 install
lib32gomp1 install
lib32ncurses5 install
lib32stdc++6 install
lib32z1 install
libacl1 install
libacl1-dev install
libasound2 install
libatm1 install
libattr1 install
libattr1-dev install
libbind9-30 install
libblkid1 install
libbz2-1.0 install
libc6 install
libc6-dev install
libc6-dev-i386 install
libc6-i386 install
libcap1 install
libck-connector0 install
libcomerr2 install
libconsole install
libcupsys2 install
libcurl3 install
libcurl3-gnutls install
libcwidget3 install
libdb4.6 install
libdbus-1-3 install
libdevmapper1.02.1 install
libdigest-sha1-perl install
libdns32 install
libedit2 install
libelfg0 install
liberror-perl install
libexpat1 install
libfontconfig1 install
libfontenc1 install
libfreetype6 install
libfribidi0 install
libfuse2 install
libgc1c2 install
libgcc1 install
libgcrypt11 install
libgdbm3 install
libgnutls13 install
libgomp1 install
libgpg-error0 install
libgpmg1 install
libhtml-parser-perl install
libhtml-tagset-perl install
libhtml-tree-perl install
libidn11 install
libio-pty-perl install
libipc-run-perl install
libisc32 install
libisccc30 install
libisccfg30 install
libiw29 install
libkeyutils1 install
libklibc install
libkrb53 install
libldap-2.4-2 install
liblocale-gettext-perl install
liblwres30 install
liblzo2-2 install
libmagic1 install
libncurses5 install
libncurses5-dev install
libncursesw5 install
libnewt0.52 install
libntfs-3g23 install
libopencdk10 install
libpam-modules install
libpam-runtime install
libpam0g install
libparted1.7-1 install
libpcap0.8 install
libpopt0 install
libproc-daemon-perl install
libraw1394-8 install
libraw1394-dev install
libreadline5 install
librpc-xml-perl install
libsasl2-2 install
libsasl2-modules install
libselinux1 install
libsepol1 install
libsigc++-2.0-0c2a install
libslang2 install
libsqlite3-0 install
libss2 install
libssl0.9.8 install
libstdc++6 install
libstdc++6-4.2-dev install
libsysfs2 install
libtasn1-3 install
libterm-readkey-perl install
libtext-charwidth-perl install
libtext-iconv-perl install
libtext-wrapi18n-perl install
libtimedate-perl install
liburi-perl install
libusb-0.1-4 install
libuuid1 install
libvolume-id0 install
libwrap0 install
libwww-perl install
libx11-6 install
libx11-data install
libxau6 install
libxcb-xlib0 install
libxcb1 install
libxdmcp6 install
libxfont1 install
libxml-parser-perl install
linux-headers-2.6.25-server install
linux-image-2.6.24-16-server install
linux-image-2.6.25-server install
linux-image-2.6.25server install
linux-image-server install
linux-kernel-devel install
linux-libc-dev install
linux-server install
linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-16-server install
locales install
login install
logrotate install
lsb-base install
lsb-release install
lshw install
lsof install
ltrace install
lvm2 install
lzma install
make install
makedev install
man-db install
manpages install
mawk install
mdadm install
memtest86+ install
mercurial install
mii-diag install
mime-support install
mktemp install
mlocate install
module-init-tools install
mount install
msttcorefonts install
mtr-tiny install
nano install
ncurses-base install
ncurses-bin install
net-tools install
netbase install
netcat install
netcat-traditional install
ntfs-3g install
ntpdate install
openssh-client install
openssh-server install
parted install
passwd install
patch install
pciutils install
pcmciautils install
perl install
perl-base install
perl-modules install
po-debconf install
popularity-contest install
ppp install
pppconfig install
pppoeconf install
procps install
psmisc install
python install
python-apt install
python-central install
python-gdbm install
python-gnupginterface install
python-minimal install
python-support install
python2.5 install
python2.5-minimal install
readline-common install
reiserfsprogs install
rsync install
samba install
samba-common install
sed install
sharutils install
ssh install
startup-tasks install
strace install
sudo install
sysklogd install
system-services install
sysv-rc install
sysvutils install
tar install
tasksel install
tasksel-data install
tcl8.4 install
tcpd install
tcpdump install
telnet install
time install
tk8.4 install
ttf-dejavu install
ttf-dejavu-core install
ttf-dejavu-extra install
tzdata install
ubuntu-keyring install
ubuntu-minimal install
ubuntu-standard install
ucf install
udev install
ufw install
unzip install
update-inetd install
update-manager-core install
upstart install
upstart-compat-sysv install
upstart-logd install
usbutils install
util-linux install
util-linux-locales install
uuid-runtime install
vim-common install
vim-tiny install
w3m install
wget install
whiptail install
wine install
wireless-tools install
wpasupplicant install
x11-common install
xdg-utils install
xfonts-encodings install
xfonts-utils install
xfsprogs install
xkb-data install
zlib1g install
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Last edited by bcjenkins; 05-03-2008 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 05-03-2008, 03:03 PM
Zervun Zervun is offline
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Thanks for the quick response - I'm assuming that you have everything running right now?

I have that first one installed,

I'm going to go through and check the others -

I'm woried about even though the PATH is correct that it's not looking for so such in the correct directory -

If I can get beyond this one bug, I think I will have a full debian base install and will whip up a readme

Personally I'd like to use Centos64, but it's to much of a hassle getting it to do XFS, and well, thats almost mandatory imo -

if you use xfs with centosplus, then you kill easy upgrades
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Old 05-03-2008, 07:18 PM
bcjenkins bcjenkins is offline
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I have it running using java 1.5_15.

Also use this is /opt/sagetv/server/startsage:

export PATH

PS - Have you done a
ldd /opt/sagetv/server/* | grep not\ found
to see what libs are missing?
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Tuning handled by HDHR3-6CC-3X2 using OpenDCT

Last edited by bcjenkins; 05-03-2008 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 05-03-2008, 09:41 PM
Zervun Zervun is offline
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So I figured out a couple things -

I had to install jdk/jre 64 bit to /opt and point keygen at that to get ./ to work or else it would report that I have a java encoding error -

I've got it running by pointing startsage to the i586 32bit java jre/jdk, but when I get into configuration it bugs, when I select local antenna in the configuration screen it does a there was an error connecting to SageTv Server.

I have iptables --flush, and it's pingable, it's not a network issue -

I will poke at it some more tommorow morning, maybe do a new install
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Old 05-13-2008, 09:01 AM
bcjenkins bcjenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by drewg View Post
I'm glad I could help. If it works, you should probably submit a patch
to the ivtv maintainers!

I didn't send a patch, but put the request in for inclusion.

ivtv/cx18: add compat_ioctl entries is now part of the v4l-dvb mercurial. I don't know if this gets rolled into 2.6.26 or not, still trying to figure that part out..

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Old 06-21-2008, 04:36 PM
uggie uggie is offline
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Originally Posted by Zervun View Post
So I have tried, CentOS 64 and now am on Debian 64 - so far everything has gone ok except for the end

On Debian 64 I've gotten this far -



Can you expand on your install?

When I go to download and compile the faad libmad and so on from source, they do not specify that they are 32 or 64 bit. Is this an Opensuse thing?
Not sure if you still have an issue with this or not, but FWIW the builds will default to the native wordsize of the OS. If you want to force 32bit on a 64bit system you need to pass CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS to each package when you run configure and then the build will proceed normally after that.

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Old 10-05-2008, 08:17 AM
marcusjohn marcusjohn is offline
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Any further updates on the 64 bit linux problem?

Does anybody have a good summary of how to make it work in Linux 64 bits? I bought SageTV but it doesn't work. I have Ubuntu 64, and I would like to keep with the 64 bit version.

A really good possible solution is to run a 32 bit virtual machine, but I doubt that SageTV would be able to read my PVR-150 PCI inside the VM. I just may get a USB version of a tuner and use that, and then it would probably work.

I wonder if there is any reason why the backend of Sage TV would not run in a Virtual Machine? Then I could run the front end somewhere else.

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Old 10-06-2008, 02:42 AM
bcjenkins bcjenkins is offline
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What have you done to get this working?

1) Install 32-bit libs
2) Install 32-bit Java

Run ldd * | grep not\ found in the /opt/sagetv/server directory.

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Old 10-07-2008, 08:14 PM
marcusjohn marcusjohn is offline
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My answer

I am a newbie to Linux.

I don't feel that the required configurations were within my skill set in a reasonable amount of time.

So I reformatted and installed 32 bit Hardy. I had to go with the server kernel to get the memory I wanted, but that seems ok for now.

I am now in the process of trying to get it installed. So far, no video, but I am getting there slowly.

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Old 01-06-2009, 11:02 AM
kbyrd kbyrd is offline
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Originally Posted by bcjenkins View Post
What have you done to get this working?

1) Install 32-bit libs
2) Install 32-bit Java

Run ldd * | grep not\ found in the /opt/sagetv/server directory.

What about the dependencies of sage like faad, mad, lame, and such? Ubuntu makes getting 32-bit libs and java easy, but do I need 32-bit versions of those dependencies? What does Sage actually need from those projects? If it's an exe, I can imagine 64-bit execs would work, but if Sage calls into libfaad from a 32-bit Java process, it's going to have to be a 32-bit libfaad.
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Old 01-06-2009, 11:49 AM
cenwesi cenwesi is offline
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I don't recall having any issues with faad, mad, lame, and such. As far as JAVA goes, download what ever version of 32bit java works best with SageTV and make sure in startsage script you add to the top of the file...:

export PATH

please note that /opt/jdk1.6.0_11 is where i installed/copied the JAVA to. The only other thing that i had to resolve was the pvr-500mce drivers for 64bit which i believe bcjenkins documented here and IT WORKS!. I have thus far recompiled to kernel 2.6.28 and it works.
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Old 01-06-2009, 01:21 PM
kbyrd kbyrd is offline
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As I said, getting 32-bit Java on a 64-bit Ubuntu is easy, there's: ia32-java-gcj-compat, a 32-bit JRE for 64-bit installs. As far as mad, lame, faad, and such, I've installed 64-bit versions. It's just not clear if Sage needs the libs or the executables and if 64-bit executables are ok.

I'm concerned that Sage only uses these things for some extraneous functions (maybe transcoding) and I won't know that it's not working correctly because almost everything will work.
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Old 01-07-2009, 10:21 PM
bcjenkins bcjenkins is offline
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I think Sage is compiling ffmpeg static. And, they are including more libs in the server directory too. When you launch startsage, it adds the server directory to the ldd path.

And to answer the q, you do need the 32-bit libs.

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Old 01-08-2009, 08:55 AM
kbyrd kbyrd is offline
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Originally Posted by bcjenkins View Post
I think Sage is compiling ffmpeg static. And, they are including more libs in the server directory too. When you launch startsage, it adds the server directory to the ldd path.
This is good news for me, because it means I don't have to deal with those dependencies myself.

And to answer the q, you do need the 32-bit libs.

Hmm, so I actually need to that list (faad, mad, lame) and lay them down somwhere in that LD_LIBRARY_PATH can find them? Or does sage include them? The aren't load time depedencies because I've got sage running without 32-bit versions of those libs. The must dl_open (or whatever you do in Java to get a handle to a library at runtime) them.

Thanks for the patience answering my questions. I might just go back to a 32-bit Linux for my Sage/NAS box.

Last edited by kbyrd; 01-08-2009 at 08:59 AM.
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