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Old 04-23-2007, 03:57 PM
wvpolekat wvpolekat is offline
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Why do you have your SageTV PC hooked to the TV?


So, I like to read the forum here at least once a day, sometimes more if time allows. I have observed something that I find very puzzling that I would like to hear some feedback on.

With the MVP being available and affordable, why does anyone actually hook their SageTV box directly to their TV?

It seems to me, in my limited view of the Sage world, that with the exception of HD, there is no really compelling reason to do this. A PC hooked to the TV just seems akward and clumsy compared to the MVP.

When I went to the war department about getting funding for Sage, the MVP was the key to it all. And, to me, it just makes good sense. For about $100, less than the cost of a quality video card, you don't have to worry about noise, heat, space, etc.

So, if you have your Sage PC hooked to the TV, why did you choose that over the MVP?

Last edited by wvpolekat; 04-23-2007 at 05:54 PM. Reason: To make sure I don't get a thread full of HD responses. Yes, we know it won't do HD.
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Old 04-23-2007, 04:12 PM
Mahoney Mahoney is offline
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Speed. The MVP remains irritating in its delay between button press and reaction.

DVD player without needing to go to a different interface.

High resolution photos.

Audio without the TV needing to be on.

Game console.

High Definition TV (once Sage can record BBC HD).

Potential to upgrade and put in an internal Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player when they are sensibly priced (why are there no Blu-Ray ROM devices available anywhere?).
Sage 6.1.9, Java 1.6.0_01, AthlonXP 3000+, 512MB RAM, Terratec Cinergy 2400i, Technotrend S2-3200

Sage Client 6.1.9, Java 1.6.0_01, AthlonXP 3000+, 512MB RAM, GeForce 6150, ForceWare 93.71, nForce 8.26, PureVideo 1.02-223, SageMC 6.3.2c
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Old 04-23-2007, 04:27 PM
Fluffdaddy Fluffdaddy is offline
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High Definition TV
Upconversion and regional free DVD player
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Old 04-23-2007, 04:56 PM
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There are really two issues here:

1. Client/server (with server in closet) v. one-box solution in TV room.

2. PC client v. MVP.

On #1, I prefer the client/server approach, for reasons of noise and aesthetics. But I can see why some folks might not want to pay extra for a second box, or might not have a server closet to put it in.

On #2, until recently I had all PC clients and no MVPs. When one of the SD clients died a couple of weeks ago, I decided to try an MVP instead. I'm favorably impressed by the picture quality, but as mentioned previously the UI responsiveness is not what I'm used to, even with the stock STV. To use my custom STV, I had to disable a lot of animation effects that work fine on the PC but bring the MVP to its knees.

And of course for HD clients you need a PC (at least for the present).
-- Greg
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Old 04-23-2007, 05:49 PM
wvpolekat wvpolekat is offline
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I guess I somewhat work under the assumption that people want Sage on more than one TV. The MVP makes more and more sense as you add more TVs considering $100 vs $400+ per TV.

HD is obviously an limitation to this setup at the moment. I assume that hi-res photos fall into this as well.

DVD player is one I didn't think of, but I already had a set top DVD at each TV anyhow. One of the goals of Sage for me was to eliminate the DVDs anyway by ripping them anyhow. Problem with this is rentals and if a friend brings a movie by (movies you don't own) Blu-Ray falls somewhat under HD, but ripping them is only a matter of time as well.

Some of the others that have been listed puzzle me.

Delay on the MVP? Maybe I am not as sensitive, but my MVP is just as responsive as my cable box. Since a couple of you have mentioned this, I assume I am just more tolerant of this, or they have improved this on newer versions?

Audio without TV. You mean there are people who use their TV speakers? My MVP feeds my stereo just like a PC would.

Game console? Meaning playing PC games on the TV?
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Old 04-23-2007, 05:50 PM
NEOSG NEOSG is offline
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HD, HD, and HD

HD accounts for 90% of our viewing
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:42 PM
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Originally Posted by wvpolekat View Post

So, I like to read the forum here at least once a day, sometimes more if time allows. I have observed something that I find very puzzling that I would like to hear some feedback on.

With the MVP being available and affordable, why does anyone actually hook their SageTV box directly to their TV?
Because the MVP is really only ideal for SDTVs, it does no upscaling, responsiveness (though with Java 1.6 it's pretty good), DVD playback (both direct and ripped).

Basically without HD output, even for SD playback, there's no way I'd go to an MVP over my full client for connection to my primary display (HD Front Projector).

Now, when the HD extender comes out, that may all change.

It seems to me, in my limited view of the Sage world, that with the exception of HD, there is no really compelling reason to do this. A PC hooked to the TV just seems akward and clumsy compared to the MVP.
For SDTVs, yes, for HDTVs (not even playing HD), no. Especially if you get a nice case and make efforts to quiet it.

When I went to the war department about getting funding for Sage, the MVP was the key to it all. And, to me, it just makes good sense. For about $100, less than the cost of a quality video card, you don't have to worry about noise, heat, space, etc.
Oh, it's definitely more cost effective, but if you've got an HDTV, it just doesn't quite get you there, quality wise/feature/experience wise. It is awesome for secondary and tertiary TVs though

So, if you have your Sage PC hooked to the TV, why did you choose that over the MVP?
Well for me, the answer was easy, there was no MVP Extender when I built my client. That said, I haven't replaced my client, and won't consider it until there's an HD extender for the reasons listed above.

And even when there's an HD extender available, I'll be putting HD Extender + Scaler up against my HTPC, and that basically nullifies the price advantage of the extender.
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by wvpolekat View Post
Delay on the MVP? Maybe I am not as sensitive, but my MVP is just as responsive as my cable box.
OK, sure, the MVP is about as fast as my DirecTV receiver. But that's not saying much. When the DirecTV installer saw SageTVClient running on my PC and started fooling around with it, his first reaction was "Wow! That's really fast!"
-- Greg
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Old 04-23-2007, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by wvpolekat View Post

So, I like to read the forum here at least once a day, sometimes more if time allows. I have observed something that I find very puzzling that I would like to hear some feedback on.

With the MVP being available and affordable, why does anyone actually hook their SageTV box directly to their TV?

It seems to me, in my limited view of the Sage world, that with the exception of HD, there is no really compelling reason to do this. A PC hooked to the TV just seems akward and clumsy compared to the MVP.

When I went to the war department about getting funding for Sage, the MVP was the key to it all. And, to me, it just makes good sense. For about $100, less than the cost of a quality video card, you don't have to worry about noise, heat, space, etc.

So, if you have your Sage PC hooked to the TV, why did you choose that over the MVP?
I have a Sage client hooked up because
1) Flexibility.

I can run whatever I need on using my main client. If I want to run a DVD, I don't want to go into the basement to put in the DVD. Also, I run Launchcast and Pandora, neither of which Sage supports.

And movie trailers...

Also, I use a cool screen saver for just coolness.

Give me Launchcast and Pandora, and I would give it thought.
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:33 PM
wvpolekat wvpolekat is offline
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So, it seems like there are a few driving forces here.

#1 HD- obviously. Although I do have an 43" HD set in the living room, my source sucks bad enough that I can't tell the difference between the STB hooked straight to the TV or via the MVP. So, it seems that source quality plays a role in it for those with just SD content.

#2 DVDs- I am content with just the main feature and just rip that and drop it on the Sage box from my laptop (no trip to the basement), I did not consider the other content on the DVD.

#3 Other features- Things such as web radio, games etc... Basically, things you can do via the PC that you just can't do on the MVP.

#4 Using Sage since before the MVP.

Interesting to read these, although, most of these are things that don't impact me, at least Sage is flexible enough to allow all the different use scenarios.
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Old 04-23-2007, 07:48 PM
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HTPC client can be put in the closet with a repeating remote and wires run through the wall to your wallmounted plasma, so that no equipment or wiring is visible.

I've tried the same with the MVP, but am having issues learning the MVP remote codes into my MX800.
My Home Automation YouTube channel
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Old 04-23-2007, 10:01 PM
tipstir tipstir is offline
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Originally Posted by wvpolekat View Post

So, I like to read the forum here at least once a day, sometimes more if time allows. I have observed something that I find very puzzling that I would like to hear some feedback on.

With the MVP being available and affordable, why does anyone actually hook their SageTV box directly to their TV?

It seems to me, in my limited view of the Sage world, that with the exception of HD, there is no really compelling reason to do this. A PC hooked to the TV just seems akward and clumsy compared to the MVP.

When I went to the war department about getting funding for Sage, the MVP was the key to it all. And, to me, it just makes good sense. For about $100, less than the cost of a quality video card, you don't have to worry about noise, heat, space, etc.

So, if you have your Sage PC hooked to the TV, why did you choose that over the MVP?
HAU software is faster when it comes to the MediaMVP since the HAU software has DHCP and some tweak is can run 16:9 at 480i SD. I don't know how the SAGETV MediaMVP works. I've been with GBPVR and MediaMVP since 2004. SAGETV I am starting to use it after 4 and now 5x. Great MPEG2 video has excellent PQ and my channel 2 and 4 comes in so clear. I got all 3x PVR-150 recording without a glitch. 4th one is also recording on another desktop I want to connect DCT 2244 into it to record, but it's clipping on the digital channels? Anyway I know that Java base apps are much faster then .NET apps.

To make your buttons on your remote for MediaMVP to repond better have you tweak the network buffers on your desktop. By default they're 4K you can got as high as 64K in some cases 128K but I would only recommend 64K.

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Old 04-23-2007, 10:04 PM
stevech stevech is offline
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My Sage PC is a silent laptop + some USB2 drives. Older 1.8GHz laptop pressed into service.
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Old 04-23-2007, 10:10 PM
tipstir tipstir is offline
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Originally Posted by stevech View Post
My Sage PC is a silent laptop + some USB2 drives. Older 1.8GHz laptop pressed into service.
That's perfect, how large is your HDD?
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Old 04-24-2007, 12:25 AM
Mahoney Mahoney is offline
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DVD player is one I didn't think of, but I already had a set top DVD at each TV anyhow.
I want there to be one box and one box only in the living room.

Delay on the MVP? Maybe I am not as sensitive, but my MVP is just as responsive as my cable box. Since a couple of you have mentioned this, I assume I am just more tolerant of this, or they have improved this on newer versions?
I have used the MVP with version 6.1.8. It's better but it's still a relief to return to a PC.

Audio without TV. You mean there are people who use their TV speakers? My MVP feeds my stereo just like a PC would.
I want one box in the living room - part of the point of Sage is not to have a stereo. One box, one remote. I expect the HTPC to be the stereo.

Game console? Meaning playing PC games on the TV?
Yes. Using a gamepad. It's a 1080P TV, why not play games on it?
Sage 6.1.9, Java 1.6.0_01, AthlonXP 3000+, 512MB RAM, Terratec Cinergy 2400i, Technotrend S2-3200

Sage Client 6.1.9, Java 1.6.0_01, AthlonXP 3000+, 512MB RAM, GeForce 6150, ForceWare 93.71, nForce 8.26, PureVideo 1.02-223, SageMC 6.3.2c
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Old 04-24-2007, 06:28 AM
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I think the main reason why people use a PC as a client is because they have HDTVs (LCDs, Plasmas, DLPs, LCOS, etc). Until the HD extender is out, PC client is a better solution then an MVP. For SDTVs, nothing beats the MVP in terms of picture quality and overall performance. With the latest SageTV and Java 6, the menu response of the MVP is very good.

- SageTV 7.1.9 Server. Win7 32bit in VMWare Fusion. HDHR (FiOS Coax). HDHR Prime 3 Tuners (FiOS Cable Card). Gemstone theme.
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Old 04-24-2007, 06:37 AM
_matt_ _matt_ is offline
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Originally Posted by tipstir View Post
To make your buttons on your remote for MediaMVP to repond better have you tweak the network buffers on your desktop. By default they're 4K you can got as high as 64K in some cases 128K but I would only recommend 64K.
Increasing the size of the TCP Receive Window? Is that what you mean? Can you explain this a little more please?
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Old 04-24-2007, 06:41 AM
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My thinking is the same as the OP's - With the exception of HD support the MVP is much better than a client. The responsiveness on mine are excellent. WAF and KAF (kids) are off the scale high. They just love "the TV thing". A PC in each room would simply not cut it in my house.

Sage Server: 8th gen Intel based system w/32GB RAM running Ubuntu Linux, HDHomeRun Prime with cable card for recording. Runs headless. Accessed via RD when necessary. Four HD-300 Extenders.
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Old 04-24-2007, 06:49 AM
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Here's a few settings that I made on my media server that seem to have increased the responsiveness of the MVP and Placeshifter. Perhaps it's only imaginary, but it does seem to help.
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Old 04-24-2007, 08:30 AM
jmiddleton jmiddleton is offline
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Some of us have true media center PC's using a large screen TV (or projector) as the monitor with SPDIF audio to a Dolby digital receiver. You need a wireless keyboard and mouse that will work from your easy chair (I use Gyration). My 52" DLP supports 1280x768 resolution and, with large fonts, it is perfectly legible for surfing or office applications from 10 feet away. If you enjoy gaming, try your favorite game on a large screen connected to a good home theatre sound system - you won't want to go back to sitting at a desk with a tiny 17" display and those little plastic speakers!
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