WinXP SP2 system (all MS updates applied)
I just tried to install a Plextor PX-TV100U. Drivers installed without problems. Installed SageTV Lite and began following setup.
During source setup for the PX-TV100U, the preview window for the TV100U has video and I can hear the audio no problem.
When I reach the place to test the video playback settings, SageTV Lite will freeze if I try to watch ANY video settings. The only way I can complete the setup is to choose "use these settings even though untested".
If I choose a channel from the guide and select "watch live tv" SageTV Lite freezes.
There is also some discrepancy between a setting in SageTV Lite and the literature for the TV100U. The literature says with the TV100U I can "watch pause and record live TV" but it also says it is software encoding only, no hardware encoding.
During source setup in SageTV Lite there was a question about timeshifting (valid for hardware encoding only). I initially chose "no" since I don't have hardware encoding. SageTV Lite reported that I would not be able to watch Live TV.
I tried both "no" and "yes" to this setting, and in either case SageTV Lite will freeze when I try to play video or watch Live TV.
What to do? TIA for help.
P.S. There were new drivers the Plextor site. I tried those too. No difference.