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Old 11-30-2005, 02:04 PM
starvoise starvoise is offline
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Originally Posted by austin
Thanks for the response but I guess that I wasn't clear enough in my first post. The problem has to do with running 1920x1080 and not with decoding the 1080i signal. If I switch the resolution down to 1280x720 the picture looks fine, no stuttering etc. Of course this defeats the purpose of having an LCD with a native resolution of 1920x1080. What I wanted to know is, if I upgrade my video card can I run the native resoluion cleanly?


I just want to share with you that I also went through the exact same problem. Unfortunatelly it appears that Geforce 6600 does not have the memory bandwidth to do HD at 1080i due to the fact that it uses DDR memory. Now the 6600GT uses DDR3 memory subsystem that allows it to go over the 10GB/sec memory bandwidth requrement by MS for HD (6600 is around 8GB/sec if memory serves me correct). I have tried all tweaks possible + BIOS edits and even overclocking a PNY 6600 and no luck with 1080i VMR + NV Pure Video + latest NVIDIA drivers. I have also tried 3 different mobos with differnet chipsets and CPU, all of them with 2 GIG RAM and the end result was exactely the same: stutter at 1080i with VMR ad FSE, overlay works fine (but you lose deintelacing with with it). Keep in mind that there is a good reason why NVIDIA has deinterleacing disabled on the 6600 at HD resolutions, but it is enabled on the 6600GT:

Notice that the 6600 does not have a check mark against Spatial-Temporal De-Interlacing for HD content.

In case you wondering, the 6600 will work fine with let's say elecard decoder, since it does not take advantace of the Spatial-Temporal De-Interlacing, only Pure Video does. Of course the quality is not nearly close to the Pure Video IQ though.

I have bought a 6600GT for that reason and it will arive tomorow. I will post a comparison on the weekend after I do some testing.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by starvoise; 11-30-2005 at 02:15 PM.
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Old 11-30-2005, 02:18 PM
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Both my 6600 and 6600GT do HD great at 1080i. Never tried at 1080p. 6600 does to HD deinterlacing but it is not supported for it. To be safe I would stick with a GT.

Also note, I don't see any visual difference in 1080i since nVidia implemented HD deinterlacing. Anything special I need to do besides set it to Pixel Adaptive?
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Old 11-30-2005, 02:30 PM
starvoise starvoise is offline
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Hi mlbdude,

As far as I know it also has to be set to Smart deinterleacing mode in order for it to work properly. I will know more about it when I get my GT. I do know that Pixel Adaptive option is not even available on the non-GT boards that have V43-A4 revision of the GPU. I am surprised you can actually enable it on yours. What version of the pure video/drivers for the non-GT are you using if you don't mind me asking?
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Old 11-30-2005, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by starvoise
Hi mlbdude,

As far as I know it also has to be set to Smart deinterleacing mode in order for it to work properly. I will know more about it when I get my GT. I do know that Pixel Adaptive option is not even available on the non-GT boards that have V43-A4 revision of the GPU. I am surprised you can actually enable it on yours. What version of the pure video/drivers for the non-GT are you using if you don't mind me asking?
I am using 81.95 with Smart deinterlacing and the latest PureVideo decoders. I was surprised to find the Pixel Adaptive setting there too. I would guess that the card is right on the edge so they would not want to officially support it. It is a Leadtek 6600 not sure what GPU version.

Visually I don't see a difference between it and my 6600, but as I mentioned above when I excitedly installed the 81.x drivers to get new HD deinterlacing my 1080i content looked the same.
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Old 12-02-2005, 12:23 PM
starvoise starvoise is offline
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Just a quick update:

1.) Geforce 6600GT is definitely making a difference for 1080i and 1080p modes. I did not have to change anything but reinstall the drivers for it and I got a silky smooth HDTV with VMR9 and FSE.

2.) Very important little thing that makes all the difference with the AGP version of the 6600/6600GT: USE A DEDICATED power connector coming form the power suply to connect the additional molex on the video card to. If it is shared with anything, expecialy HD/DVD/CDROM it will stutter. That was confurmed to me by a customer support engineer at one video card manufacturer. Since the NV chips scale dynamicaly depending on the load, they migh be starved if a device on the same power line is being accessed and that causes the stutter.

So bottom line: get at least 6600GT to be on the safe side in turms of playing HDTV without braking the bank.

Hope this may be helpfull to someone.
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Old 12-02-2005, 12:44 PM
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Here is more info too .

Basically they indicate that full resoluion 1080i can only be gotten with a 7x00 series nVidia card.
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Old 12-04-2005, 06:00 AM
SystemAero SystemAero is offline
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Originally Posted by starvoise
Just a quick update:
2.) Very important little thing that makes all the difference with the AGP version of the 6600/6600GT: USE A DEDICATED power connector coming form the power suply to connect the additional molex on the video card to. If it is shared with anything, expecialy HD/DVD/CDROM it will stutter.
All power connectors coming out of a PS share the SAME rail. Some power supplies have two 12 V rails, but then where? One goes to the main motherboard connector, the other to the 4-pin molex connectors. Open up a PS and look for yourself. All those tangled wires lead to the same solder points: +5, +12 and GND.
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Old 12-05-2005, 11:47 AM
Polypro Polypro is offline
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As a new owner of the Sceptre 37", head on over to the AVS forum and look for the the review thread posted by dkelley in the LCD Display section. The problem seems to be with the TV over DVI/VGA, as if you change to HDMI or HDCP mode, the HD content plays back smoothly. I use a Gigabyte 6600 and havn't had a problem with HD on my 27" 720p Viewsonic. When I switched to the 37" Sceptre, I had the stutter. Switch to HDMI or HDCP and it's smooth. If the 6600 couldn't do HD, I would expect stutter over HDMI and HDCP also. Unfortunately, only the DVI or VGA mode looks good with an HTPC. The other modes introduce red, green, and blue artifacts. Kind of a bummer, but we're hoping for a fix from Sceptre.

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Old 12-05-2005, 02:02 PM
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Just to reiterate, 256Mb Geforce 6600 only have memory running at 500Mhz, which is half the rate of the GTs. That card probably cannot handle 1080i in VMR 9.

I've got a 6200 and I get mad frame dropping in 1080i broadcasts. I've got a 6600GT on the way (Gigabyte, memory clocked at ~1200 Mhz).

I'll report back whether it resolves my issue or not!
Hardware: P4 3.0E; Asus I865PE mobo; 1Gb pc3200; Gigabyte 6600GT; VBox DTA 150; Fusion 5 Lite;MCE Remote;USB-UIRT; Philips 30" CRT @ 1920 x 1080, 60Hz; JVC D201S receiver

Software: XP Pro SP2; SageTV 4; nVidia Video Decoder; nVidia Audio Decoder
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Old 12-05-2005, 02:21 PM
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Don't forget that any nVidia card an't to 1080i VMR9 without FSE. It will stutter or tear otherwise.
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Old 12-05-2005, 03:35 PM
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Couple Related Questions

Is there any place where the DXVA Deinterlacing Modes are defined? I have no clue what A, B, C, or D indicate.

There are a few settings in SageTV that overlap with the PureVideo decoders such as setting DXVA. You can also set the Interlacing in both the PureVideo config AND Sage TV. What exactly do the Sage TV settings change? Do they change the settings in the selected decoder (i.e. nVidia) or do they change some kind of merit in the registry for the stock decoders?

And yes, FSE is enabled.
Hardware: P4 3.0E; Asus I865PE mobo; 1Gb pc3200; Gigabyte 6600GT; VBox DTA 150; Fusion 5 Lite;MCE Remote;USB-UIRT; Philips 30" CRT @ 1920 x 1080, 60Hz; JVC D201S receiver

Software: XP Pro SP2; SageTV 4; nVidia Video Decoder; nVidia Audio Decoder
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Old 12-05-2005, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Commodore 64
Is there any place where the DXVA Deinterlacing Modes are defined? I have no clue what A, B, C, or D indicate.
Those are actually decoding modes, and are basically meaningless (for us) you shouldn't need to bother with them.

There are a few settings in SageTV that overlap with the PureVideo decoders such as setting DXVA. You can also set the Interlacing in both the PureVideo config AND Sage TV. What exactly do the Sage TV settings change? Do they change the settings in the selected decoder (i.e. nVidia) or do they change some kind of merit in the registry for the stock decoders?
I would change the setting in the decoders and leave Sage's settings at default. I'm not sure how they interact with the decoders, but I do know that Sage's options don't cover all (or the best) available modes.
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Old 12-05-2005, 05:39 PM
austin austin is offline
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Well I got my 7800GT today and much to my disappointment it didn't help. As it turns out my new TV is defective, I've been following the AVS forum discussion about it and it seems as if all V2 Sceptre X37SV-Naga's have the same stutter problem when being driven via DVI. Oh well I guess it's time to return it and move on
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Old 12-06-2005, 12:50 PM
starvoise starvoise is offline
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Originally Posted by SystemAero
All power connectors coming out of a PS share the SAME rail. Some power supplies have two 12 V rails, but then where? One goes to the main motherboard connector, the other to the 4-pin molex connectors. Open up a PS and look for yourself. All those tangled wires lead to the same solder points: +5, +12 and GND.
Yes, they might lead to the same rails, but keep in mind that gage is what matters. Have you ever noticed how all those tangled wires get warm? The point is that by having devices such as HD/DVD/CD that all have motors, ateenuators, etc. and add to that the aledged 200W needed by a GF6600GT, one can see why that migh be a problem. In addtion to that, better power supplies quite often have additinal filtering per power line.

FYY, that is also being recomended by techsupport of at least couple of video card manufacturers. I can also attest that just by moving my AGP 6600GT to a separate power line, all random stuttering that it used to exibit dissapeared.

Have fun troubleshooting..
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Old 12-06-2005, 01:40 PM
Polypro Polypro is offline
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Originally Posted by austin
Well I got my 7800GT today and much to my disappointment it didn't help. As it turns out my new TV is defective, I've been following the AVS forum discussion about it and it seems as if all V2 Sceptre X37SV-Naga's have the same stutter problem when being driven via DVI. Oh well I guess it's time to return it and move on
There's some hope...maybe Switching to 1080i and tweaking refresh rates may solve the problem. Check AVS thread. (I agree that *we* shouldn't have to do this...but for the price .vs specs, there is nothing else out there).


Re: Power Supply -

Just so I have this straight - my Seasonic has 2 main bundles coming off it. 1 should be used for the SATA drives and DVD...and the other solely for the AGP card?


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