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SageTV EPG Service Discussion related to the SageTV EPG Service used within SageTV. Questions about service area coverage, channel lineups, EPG listings, XMLTV, or anything else related to the service or programming guide data for SageTV should be posted here. |
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Updated XMLTV Plugin with compile steps
In an effort for some IPTV channels I am working for importing into SageTV I updated the plugin for more use cases. The changes below should work with most XMLTV grabbers. Also for future development there are easy steps for compiling the plugin on the Unraid Docker image. The Unraid Docker Image already has the required java_jdk installed for compiling. In the future I might look into the the ICON working as the data is also stored inside the XMLTV file.
(Warning me venting) The original was not touched since the beginning of SageTv and impossible to use without remapping or using scripting for remapping channels. It is almost like the developers of SageTV wanted everyone to use their guide data or SD. As for SD the plus is that it gives 2 weeks of data with more info than XMLTV grabbers thus being a good value. Also to be fair to SageTV they also did give a good run(~15 years) with their guide data. Any case with SageTV on its last leg this needs to change as other DVR development have XMLTV native. Viva La SageTV ![]() 1. Stop SageTV Server 2. Rename on add/modify/ xmltv_EXAMPLE.properties examples 3. Copy all files and folder contents(not folder) of folder SAGETV_SERVER_ROOT to SageTV folder. Only Jar and *.proerties are required if not compiling required 4. Add the following line in Sage.properties epg/epg_import_plugin=xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin 5. Start SageTV Server 6. Monitor in server folder xmltv.log, sagetv_0.txt,Sage.properties. If epg/epg_import_plugin=xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin is removed from Sage.properties something is installed not correctly 7. In SageTV guide setup use XMLTV with zipcode 00000. If ask for license use TRIAL #######Commnds for UnRaid Docker to Moditfy Sage.properties for Plugin # Stop Sage Server sudo -E "PATH=$PATH" -u sagetv /usr/local/bin/stopsage & # Property Setting for EPG Plugin sudo sed -i 'epg/epg_import_plugin' /opt/sagetv/server/Sage.properties sudo echo 'epg/epg_import_plugin=xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin' >> /opt/sagetv/server/Sage.properties # Start Sage Server sudo -E "PATH=$PATH" -u sagetv /usr/local/bin/startsage & #########Commnds for UnRaid Docker Compile of Plugin cd /opt/sagetv/server/xmltv sh ondocker_build.sh Code:
/* Change Log ##V2.0 01/13/2022 1. Add code if display-name or channel id number(example 5, 5.1 5-1) then add as the channel number for import. Examples below import as channel 2.1 and 1162 respectively below ##2.02 01/14/2022 1. Fixed first channel * bug 2. Fixed double year in title when title already had a date 3. add tms filed for episode-num instead of creating unique id 4. Do not generate SxEx if default case is found ("onscreen", "common") 5. Fix Display for SxEx in descriptions 6. Fix short name being set as channel number 7. Start code for reading Logo Icon for channel (WIP) ##2.03 01/14/2022 1. Fixed new Integer((int) to remove compile deprecated warning 2. Switched org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory to javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; to remove compile deprecated warning ##2.04 01/16/2022 1. Added .properties entry for xmltv.channel.display-name.ShortNameIndex default=0 with no entry .properties file init.ChannelShortNameIndex0:=shortest found without spaces init.ChannelShortNameIndex>0: XMLTV file index found in order starting with 1 <display-name>CBS</display-name> 2. Added .properties entry for "xmltv.channel.xmltv.channel.ShortNameRegEx" default=.* with no entry .properties file will find anything 3. Added .properties entry for xmltv.channel.display-name.LongNameIndex default=0 with no entry .properties file init.ChannelLongNameIndex0:=longest found with spaces init.ChannelLongNameIndex>0: XMLTV file index found in order starting with 1 <display-name>CBS</display-name> 4. Added .properties entry for xmltv.channel.NumberTag default="" No entry .properties file. init.ChannelNumberTag="" None will try to detect channel number from <channel id=XXX> or <display-name>XXX<display-name> init.ChannelNumberTag=channel then <channel id=XXX> init.ChannelNumberTag=TAG_NAME then <TAG_NAME>xxx<TAG_NAME> 5. Added .properties entry for init.ChannelNumberTagIndex default=0 with no entry .properties file init.ChannelNumberTagIndex=0 None will try to detect channel number from <channel id=xxx> or <display-name> init.ChannelNumberTagIndex>0 XMLTV file index found in order starting with 1 6. Added .properties entry for "xmltv.channel.xmltv.channel.NumberTagRegEx" default=.* with no entry .properties file will find anything 7. Added .properties entry for "xmltv.channel.IconDownload" default=false with no entry .properties false=Do Note download image file true=Download image file from channel <icon src= > ##2.06 01/18/2022 1. Added the following .properties entry for enabling or disabling logging parts. Defualt with no entry is true log.show=false log.channel=false log.configuration=false log.defaults=false 2. Changed the way ChannelId is calulated. The previous way caused collections. The new way uses the ProviderID as part of the encoding. The new limit limits the Provider ID to 998. 2147483647 Max Number 1000000000 1030002100 99999 SD MAX it Sends 998 Upper Part is Listing ProviderID 1-998 999 used if none provided (* 1000000) 123456 Max XMLTV Number without Decimal 999999 1 123456 Max XMLTV Number with Decimal 9999.99 When Decimal (* 100 +1000000000) 3. Remove non file characters so Channel icons could be downloaded the following examples where failing: "Cats 24/7" or "Dogs 24/7" ##2.08 01/28/2022 1. Filter if desc tag is from channel section. This would crash the plugin if not done. 2. Add show if it is up to 8 hours previous. Fixes on first import no data problem 3. Add setting this.show.showId on <episode-num system="pluto"> tag 4. Fixed freeFormEpisodeNumber on <episode-num system="onscreen"> and <episode-num system="common"> tags 5. Add new classs to hold all the init. variables from .properties file 6. Added xmltv.channel.NumberOffset to offset channel numbers on import. 7. Added if *.xmltv.properties is found in server directory use it as properties without requirement of configurations= in xmltv.properties file ##2.09 011/13/2022 1. Added if no <date> tag is found use <start> time. This means it is new or live 2. Switch function from addAiringPublic to addAiringPublic2. This allows the following mask to be set: LIVE_MASK and NEW_MASK audio: STEREO_MASK, SAP_MASK, DD51_MASK, DOLBY_MASK, DUBBED_MASK, SURROUND_MASK, SUBTITLE_MASK, CC_MASK, TAPE_MASK quality: HDTV_MASK, THREED_MASK, LETTERBOX_MASK, WIDESCREEN_MASK premiere: PREMIERE_MASK, CHANNEL_PREMIERE_MASK, SEASON_FINALE_MASK, SERIES_FINALE_MASK, SEASON_PREMIERE_MASK, SERIES_PREMIERE_MASK show part total parts ##2.10 11/13/2022 1. Fixed <date> logic to use date in <previously-shown> ##2.11 11/13/2022 1. For Strings use isEmpty not isBlank */ Last edited by hvymetal; 11-12-2022 at 09:45 PM. |
The auto mapping works great.
The problem that remains for me is how sagetv reads the epg provided by Channels dvr. As @nyplayer pointed out over in the hardware thread, sagetv does some strange things with the names of movies and the titles of series when the epg comes form channels dvr. See the attached pictures. The same thing happens when I send the epg from channels dvr through xteve. |
I have attached a sample. I dont know where to access the Schedules Direct version for comparison though. I can confirm from experimentation that the current format from the channels dvr server works flawlessly with nextpvr and even with mythtv.
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct. |
Yeah the auto-mapping works with the files provided in the attachment above. The only problem continues to be the funky thing that happens with the names.
Yeah the names and epgid etc ...also season and episode even though it is there is not recognized by SageTV. So I went with a sched direct west coast and east coast lineup.... and manually mapped channels I wanted.
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct. |
Thanks |
The plug in not Linux dependent it should also work with windows.
I know for sure there is no original airdate parsed season episode parsed as misc.... and epgid data is wrong ... https://forums.sagetv.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66885
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct. |
The pictures are below.
The xmltv info for The Angry Birds is: Quote:
@nyplayer I didn't see your recent posts on your attempt to fix this until just now when you linked to it. If you have managed to fix any part of what I have here let me know. |
![]() Code:
String title = this.show.title; // FIXME handling rerun shows correctly with SageTV 9 // String rerunTitle = null; String rerunTitle = this.show.title; String episodeName = this.show.episodeName; if (this.initcapAllChannelIds || this.initcapChannelIds .contains(this.channel.xmltvId)) { if (this.initcapTitle) { title = initcap(title); } if (this.initcapEpisodeName) { episodeName = initcap(episodeName); } } if (title != null) { if (this.show.date != null && isActivated(categories, this.dateTitleDecorationCategories)) { title = this.dateTitleDecoration.format( new Object[] {title, this.show.date}, new StringBuffer(), null).toString(); } else if (this.titleAddYear && this.show.year != null && isActivated(categories, this.titleAddYearCategories)) { title += " (" + this.show.year + ")"; } if (this.show.quality != null && this.show.quality.startsWith("HD") && isActivated(this.channel.id, this.hdTitleDecorationChannels)) { title = this.hdTitleDecoration.format( new Object[] {title}, new StringBuffer(), null) .toString(); } } if (this.show.rerun) { rerunTitle = title; // FIXME handling rerun shows correctly with SageTV 9 //title = null; |
Update should fix the problems listed. Update is in top post.
I am getting this error ... on Windows. All I want to test is bringing in epgdata.xml which is in the SageTV root directory ... no XTEVE yet.
14-01-2022 04:47:29,860 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: xmltv/Channel at xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin.startElement(XMLTVImportPlugin.java:1431) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.startElement(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.dtd.XMLDTDValidator.startElement(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanStartElement(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDriver.next(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentScannerImpl.next(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.next(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source) at com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source) at xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin.updateGuide(XMLTVImportPlugin.java:1299) at xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin.updateGuide(XMLTVImportPlugin.java:1204) at sage.EPG.pluginExtractGuide(EPG.java:1625) at sage.WarlockRipper.extractGuide(WarlockRipper.java:973) at sage.EPGDataSource.expand(EPGDataSource.java:709) at sage.EPG.run(EPG.java:773) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 14-01-2022 04:47:29,860 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: xmltv/Channel at xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin.updateGuide(XMLTVImportPlugin.java:1311) at xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin.updateGuide(XMLTVImportPlugin.java:1204) at sage.EPG.pluginExtractGuide(EPG.java:1625) at sage.WarlockRipper.extractGuide(WarlockRipper.java:973) at sage.EPGDataSource.expand(EPGDataSource.java:709) at sage.EPG.run(EPG.java:773) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct. Last edited by nyplayer; 01-14-2022 at 07:44 AM. |
I think this was caused because the docker I'm using is Java16 and I did not compile for lower version of java. Can you test the attached version it was compiled for 8 or higher of java. Last edited by hvymetal; 01-16-2022 at 11:03 PM. |
These are the error logs and my xmltv.properties... I might be doing something wrong in the setup.
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct. |
What Java are using? Also how did you install? You should only need the .Jar file copied to you servers JARs folder. Make sure you do not have older versions of the plugin in the same folder(.jar or folders). Also any xmltv folder in the root of the Server or in the JARs referencing the older version need to be renamed
Last edited by hvymetal; 01-14-2022 at 09:36 AM. |
I am going to try a full fresh install of SageTV there might be some stuff from the old XMLTV around.
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct. |
1. Installed with latest SageTv 64bit installer 2. Ran SageTV First time 3. Stop SageTV 4. copy the XMLTVImportPlugin.jar in SageTv Jars folder 5. Add the following line in Sage.properties epg/epg_import_plugin=xmltv.XMLTVImportPlugin 6. Copied a XMLTV FILE name epgdata.xml 7. Start SageTV 8. Source Setup->EPG Lineup 9. Zip Code 0000 10. Will list XMLTV Lineup 11. Use extended The plugin will work with out any .properties file if epgdata.xml in the root of the SageTV server directory. It will give error in xmltv.error.log for not finding the .properties but still work(This is a bug and need correcting). The .properties are used if you want to do customizations and add multiple lineups. The examples I provided 2 examples that give the guide a different name and location of the XMLTV file. |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
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