I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I saw a message suggesting that stuckless is considering updates to BMT.
Here's a few things that I've struggled with as a user:
- Search: Just yesterday I finally figured out how to use the search box. I always expected that just entering a string would search for that string in the names/titles of recordings and imported media. I suggest you have a basic search field, and use PQL for advanced searches.
- Missing Metadata: I'd like an easy way to identify just the files that couldn't find matches. "Missing metadata" seems to catch more than that. Or, perhaps I just need a way to tell BMT to ignore some set of files. I have a couple hundred files that are permanently missing metadata for a variety of reasons, and right now they're making it hard to identify new things that just aren't being matched.
- Correcting mismatched (or unmatched) TV shows is hard: I've done it before, both by using the "add matcher" button and by modifying the mediatitles.xml by hand, but I think this difficult to use. Is there any way to make this more user-friendly? If I haven't done it for a while I need to search the forums to find an example of how to use it.
- Problems Matching TV shows: BMT seems to struggle with shows that have multiple versions with the same name, which is to be expected. Is it actually using the original air date to help with matches? If not, could it?
- List of Files: I find it difficult to look through the list of files. For one, titles don't appear to be sorted in any particular order. Second, the titles are returned in batches (I know the size of these batches is configurable). While someone that knows what they're doing in PQL probably easily deals with this by searching for what they're looking for, I find this difficult to use- particularly when I'm scanning through things looking for files that seem to lack any metadata.
In a perfect world I'd love to see a mobile app (or mobile-friend webGUI) to help with matching, but it's probably hard to justify that as a priority given that there are much more important things to work on.