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Old 08-19-2013, 03:41 PM
jt4242 jt4242 is offline
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SOLVED - HDHomerun and only 1 channel NO SIGNAL

The support team at HDHR has told me that some of the metadata the station is broadcasting is invalid. They're sending 2 different formats of channel identifying data, one the normal ATSC style, and the other the DVB (what would be used in Europe, Australia, etc.). This is why SageTV is getting confused and thinking it's a DVB channel.

HDHR has sent an email to the chief engineer of the station asking them to disable this incorrect transmission.

hoorah - I was going crazy comparing files, etc.


I'll try to lay this out clearly as it's a little confusing.

I use HdHomerun with SageTV and have 2 antennas hooked up. Alls has always worked flawlessly until yesterday. When I first boot up and start SageTV all is well - I can receive all the channels from Tuner 0 and, in the HDHomerun config, I can click VIEW and QuickTV opens and I can see the station.

But then something happens - I can NOT figure out what. Something must kick in and then I can no longer tune in one specific channel on SageTV. I get the screen NO SIGNAL. But this is with only 1 of the 14 channels I get on this tuner. The channel is 5-1 (WPTZ-HD). I can get all the other channels from that tuner so it is not the connection or the HDHomerun box. If I then go to the HDHomerun config and click view, sometimes the station opens but other times I get the following error message from HDHomerun:

ERROR: Tuner in use by
Override Cancel

If I click Override then 5-1 tunes in on the HdHomerun Quick TV viewer but I still get nothing in SageTV for channel 5-1.

I updated HDHomerun software to the latest version.

And, finally, I tried doing a new channel scan in Sage - below is an image with the result - 3 stations are added - all very peculiar with channel strings that don't exist and have odd symbols in them. The 3 odd ones below are for channels 49.1 and 15.1 and 15.2

When SageTV is on and tuned to one of the HDHomerun channels, I get the following in HDHomerun Config showing how strong the signal is. At the bottom, is the Network Target (which is the same IP as in the error message)

But I've discovered that if I close Sage and copy over the old, it works again??????????

I do not know what on my computer could be using the same IP address as this (if that is what the problem is?) and, though I've searched the web, I can't figure out how to find out.

Help Help - I'm way way out of my comfort zone. Not sure if anyone will know what this might be but any help would be so welcome. I hope I've put it all in - it's hard to get it down clearly.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg error.jpg (13.4 KB, 239 views)
File Type: jpg new scan.jpg (128.3 KB, 238 views)
File Type: jpg HDHomerun signal.jpg (61.3 KB, 284 views)

Last edited by jt4242; 08-20-2013 at 05:26 PM. Reason: solved
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Old 08-19-2013, 03:48 PM
jt4242 jt4242 is offline
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sorry - forgot to mention that the tuner I'm using is the:
SiliconDust - HDHomeRun Network-based Dual Digital - HDTV Tuner Ethernet Interface
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Old 08-19-2013, 04:38 PM
jt4242 jt4242 is offline
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SiliconDust HDHomerun support just had me try the following:

enable internet connection sharing on your primary network connection, sharing to the interface the HDHomeRun is connected to. This will allow that second interface to have a static IP address, and will also allow it to assign the HDHomeRun an IP via DHCP. This can help improve the reliability of communications and perhaps prevent the tuner in use messages.

We'll see how it goes -
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Old 08-20-2013, 12:15 PM
jt4242 jt4242 is offline
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NO SIGNAL follow up - native.log file differences

Still no joy. I've been exploring - I've been checking the SageTV file native.log when 5-1 tunes it and when it doesn't - have noticed the difference below but don't understand what it signifies. I hope someone might see something that might lead to a solution.

When 5-1 tunes in, the native.log file has the following entry (this is followed by the entry when 5-1 does NOT tune in) - I've pasted from just before the two differ and I've left a blank line around the entry that starts the difference in each:


08/20/2013 13:46:27 Channel:1 (tsid:2171) PMT pid:0x0030 Program:0003 PCR pid:0x0031 .
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Type:0x02 Pid:0x031
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Type:0x81 Pid:0x034
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Type:0x81 Pid:0x035
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Channel:2 (tsid:2171) PMT pid:0x0040 Program:0007 PCR pid:0x0041 .
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Type:0x02 Pid:0x041
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Type:0x81 Pid:0x044

08/20/2013 13:46:27 stream clock (GMT):UTC:08/20/2013 20:46:25

08/20/2013 13:46:27 ATSC Channel Info (format:ATSC total:2) pmt count:10, psi:1
08/20/2013 13:46:27 channel (tsid:2171):5-1 program:3 frq:470000000 mod:23 service:"Digital TV" name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:46:27 ATSC channel program id was changed! 0=>3(2) (slot:0)
08/20/2013 13:46:27 ATSC channel major:5 minor:1 tsid:2171 program:3 (3) (slot:0)
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Tune Channel (slot:0) ATSC phy:14 major:5 minor:1 program:3
08/20/2013 13:46:27 channel (tsid:2171):5-2 program:7 frq:470000000 mod:23 service:"Digital TV" name:"CW-METV"
08/20/2013 13:46:27 TS:0 type:0x02 pid:0x031 video MPGV
08/20/2013 13:46:27 TS:1 type:0x81 pid:0x034 audio AC3
08/20/2013 13:46:27 TS:2 type:0x81 pid:0x035 audio AC3
08/20/2013 13:46:27 PCR: pid:0x31
08/20/2013 13:46:27 *Select ATSC channel (slot:0, media:16) major:5 minor:1 tsid:2171 program:3 (3) stream:3
08/20/2013 13:46:27 TS Dump program Data pmt bytes:31 pmt data:0x4cde4fe8 (180).
08/20/2013 13:46:27 HDHR: Program 3 is put into a HDHR program filter is called hr=0x0
08/20/2013 13:46:27 ES:0:0 strmid:0xe0-0x0 esid:0x0000 video MPEG2 "open"
08/20/2013 13:46:27 ES:0:1 strmid:0xbd-0x0 esid:0x0000 private MPEG2
08/20/2013 13:46:27 AV:0:0 video MPGV (pos:1034376)
08/20/2013 13:46:27 AV:0:1 audio AC3 (pos:1060884)
08/20/2013 13:46:27 ES:0:2 strmid:0xbd-0x0 esid:0x0000 private MPEG2
08/20/2013 13:46:27 AV:0:2 audio AC3 (pos:0)
08/20/2013 13:46:27 stream clock (GMT):UTC:08/20/2013 20:46:25
08/20/2013 13:46:27 *********** PARSER STATUS: STREAM READY (slot:0) elapsed time:0. ***********
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Main video at track:0; Main audio at track:1
08/20/2013 13:46:27 INPUT-AVINF|MPEG2-TS;br=8605000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=29.970030;fpsn=30000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1920;h=1080;lace=1;cs=yuv420p;main=yes;tag=0031;pid=49;index=0;];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;ch=6;br=384000;main=yes;tag=0034;pid=52;index=1;];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;ch=2;br=96000;tag=0035;pid=53;index=2;];
08/20/2013 13:46:27 system header, PSM (bytes:0x2a), SageInfo was created, video_track:1 audio_track:2.
08/20/2013 13:46:27 OUTPUT:AV-INF|f=MPEG2-PS;br=8605000;[bf=vid;f=MPEG2-Video;fps=29.970030;fpsn=30000;fpsd=1001;ar=1.777778;arn=16;ard=9;w=1920;h=1080;lace=1;cs=yuv420p;main=yes;tag=e0;index=0;];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;ch=6;br=384000;main=yes;tag=bd-80010000;index=1;];[bf=aud;f=AC3;sr=48000;ch=2;br=96000;tag=bd-81010000;index=2;];
08/20/2013 13:46:27 ****** Find AVINF (pos:2674864) ******
08/20/2013 13:46:27 Parsing is Done!


08/20/2013 13:22:52 Channel:1 (tsid:2171) PMT pid:0x0030 Program:0003 PCR pid:0x0031 .
08/20/2013 13:22:52 Type:0x02 Pid:0x031
08/20/2013 13:22:52 Type:0x81 Pid:0x034
08/20/2013 13:22:52 Type:0x81 Pid:0x035
08/20/2013 13:22:52 Channel:2 (tsid:2171) PMT pid:0x0040 Program:0007 PCR pid:0x0041 .
08/20/2013 13:22:52 Type:0x02 Pid:0x041
08/20/2013 13:22:52 Type:0x81 Pid:0x044

08/20/2013 13:22:52 It's an DVB Stream, DVB PSI parser ver.1.0.2 is created

08/20/2013 13:22:52 Stream TypeVB
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:52 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-7 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"CW-METV-SD"
08/20/2013 13:22:53 DVB Channel Info (formatVB total:2) (*)
08/20/2013 13:22:53 channel 1-2171-3 -- service:"Digital TV" ca:0 name:"WPTZ-HD"

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Old 08-20-2013, 05:37 PM
jt4242 jt4242 is offline
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SOLVED HDHomerun and only 1 channel with NO SIGNAL

I tried editing my previous post to add this and put SOLVED in the subject line but, though I could edit it, the changes did not show (I'm a forum novice)

The support team at HDHR has told me that some of the metadata the station is broadcasting is invalid. They're sending 2 different formats of channel identifying data, one the normal ATSC style, and the other the DVB (what would be used in Europe, Australia, etc.). This is why SageTV is getting confused and thinking it's a DVB channel.

HDHR has sent an email to the chief engineer of the station asking them to disable this incorrect transmission.

hoorah - I was going crazy comparing files, etc.
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Old 10-24-2013, 07:54 PM
imeric imeric is offline
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Still problematic for me!

Just lost NBC after a rescan. nots sure if its WPTZ or the "New" City TV...
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Old 10-25-2013, 07:36 AM
imeric imeric is offline
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WPTZ Issue

I have the exact same issue with my Hauppage cards (2 1250 in separate PCs).

The issue is not present using Jriver Mediacenter.

Eventhough it might be a bug with the station there's also something SageTV is not doing right...

Any ideas on how to resolve thsi..It's been there for a few months now..
thx folks
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Old 10-28-2013, 11:07 AM
jt4242 jt4242 is offline
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my final solution

Hi, I actually opened another thread when I discovered more information about this problem - I'll quote what worked for me below.

The thread was:
Has anyone ever seen this .frq file weirdness?

I, too, have had a problem (for a few weeks) with CJNT and also with WPTZ using SageTV and HDHR - after hours and hours of trying to figure it out, I finally found that my .frq files had odd entries for those 2 stations. I found correct entries and edited the file and for 2 days now everything has tuned well. my fingers are still crossed.

This is what the entries should look like:
CH:2 major:5 minor:1 prog:3 phy:14 frq:471250000 #:WPTZ-HD
CH:3 major:5 minor:2 prog:7 phy:14 frq:471250000 #:CW-METV
CH:18 major:62 minor:1 prog:1 phy:49 frq:681250000 #:CJNT-DT

and this is how they were in the file:
CH:2 major:1 minor:2171 prog:1 phy:14 frq:471250000 #:┘
CH:3 major:1 minor:2171 prog:1 phy:14 frq:471250000 #:2171
CH:18 major:1 minor:51 prog:1 phy:49 frq:681250000 #:┘

Note that funny right angle at the end of the bad entries as well as the incorrect entry for MAJOR and MINOR. I''m wondering if the WPTZ problem has anything to do with the change in made in 5-2. The other channel I mention (CJNT in Canada) also had a switch in station ID - that is the only thing these stations have in common so I think something got "changed" when they switched.

I put a write protect on the .frq files and I don't do any update scan. For a month now all has been well!
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Old 11-08-2013, 12:22 PM
imeric imeric is offline
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Very good info jtjt42 thx! i resolved the issue by doing a bunch of rescans until it locked on to WPTZ. I will give this a shot.
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Old 11-17-2013, 01:45 PM
jt4242 jt4242 is offline
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Glad you got it working - I tried to send you an IM when I first posted but was unable to.

I haven't rescanned as every scan I had done gave the funny symbols so it was just changing the frq files and locking them that solved my problem.

Hope yours continues to lock in!!
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