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Old 04-18-2011, 09:36 PM
Gustovier Gustovier is offline
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310 issues list

This is what I have thus far...(FYI the asterisks don't mean anything)

1) REW & FF buttons still not working. I thought this was resolved per the notes on googlecode from a looong time ago.*

2.) still no way to easily get back to the currently playing content. It's possible that u can get stuck with no path back to current playing video

3a.) on the epg if there is a movie/tv show *listed for which I have artwork, the poster image shows(but it is squished). Yes I have scaled my fan art as well. I see this only happens when you have the preview location set to "left"
3b) on the epg if you set preview location to "right" the sumarry information gets squished, but only if displaying info for a movie/tv show that you have metadata/artwork for.*

4.) when selecting the background image the first 5 images on the prievew pane are not showing up. I can select them though.*

5.) when viewing the list of tv shows the persisting of a grouping is now working(single list only, see below). But it's too granular, I want to group ALL my shows by season as it works now I would have to go into each show and set the grouping to by season. *

6.) I have no idea where the "newest movies" in the window you get when pressing "info" is getting the data, but it's all wrong. The movies listed there were not recently added to the library.*

7.) when viewing the "system status" *on the window you get when pressing "info" the words scroll off the window. Probably just need to resize that widget appropriately

8.) some how the image used for highlighting menu options on the main menu has got switched over to the image that's used for highlighting banners. *This happens when you enable "banners in list" in the umb settings

9.) what's the difference between "tv shows" and "All tv shows". Looks pretty similar to me.*

10. In the tv banner flow. The grouping of shows doesn't work. I can't for instance group "the office" by season. *

11. In the double *list view you can't group by season either.*

12.) not an issue but you are using up more java heap now bout 100mb more. My guess is this is related to the new umb views and image caching. Be mindful of this when putting in new features/fixes.*

13.) on the epg the alignment of the grid when set to bottom looks a little "off"

14.)*"fanart backgrounds" seems to always be enabled no matter what the setting under the epg options.*

15.) the mini guide moves in the wrong direction. Pressing down should make the channels go higher just like the real guide.*

Last edited by Gustovier; 04-18-2011 at 09:41 PM.
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Old 04-19-2011, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Gustovier View Post
This is what I have thus far...(FYI the asterisks don't mean anything)

7.) when viewing the "system status" *on the window you get when pressing "info" the words scroll off the window. Probably just need to resize that widget appropriately
FYI.. I'm not seeing this behaviour in my setup. I had in the past, but with 310, the system status appears to render properly on my HD300.

12.) not an issue but you are using up more java heap now bout 100mb more. My guess is this is related to the new umb views and image caching. Be mindful of this when putting in new features/fixes.*
I wouldn't put too much stock in the jvm sizes. Last night I spent about 30 minutes going through coverflow and grid views to movies and tv, check out the info menues, epg, etc, to look for issues, and then I eventually watched. After the movie was done, I went back into the grid view, etc, and then finally check the system status and my total jvm size was sitting at 93mb.

I'm not sure what causes the JVM to spike for some people and not others. People report this issue all the time, and yet others, like myself, running the same versions of sagetv, etc, have no jvm allocation issues at all.

In terms of the java code, there isn't that much difference between 309 and 310. We'd have to load ALOT of views to consume an extra 100mb of data.

But all that being said, I have yet to run a profiler on the Phoenix code, but it is on my list of things to do before we release a non beta version.
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Old 04-19-2011, 11:35 AM
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A bunch of these are things that are fixed in my working version. I just haven't merged my changes yet. I'm trying to weed out a bunch of leftover themes from the default STV and it is a it tedious. I'll merge my changes when I'm done with that. Sorry about the confusion.

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Old 04-19-2011, 11:42 AM
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9.) what's the difference between "tv shows" and "All tv shows". Looks pretty similar to me.*
All TV Shows is just that - all TV shows.
TV Shows is all un-archived TV shows.
Archived TV Shows is all archived TV shows.

5.) when viewing the list of tv shows the persisting of a grouping is now working(single list only, see below). But it's too granular, I want to group ALL my shows by season as it works now I would have to go into each show and set the grouping to by season. *
The UMB doesn't persist the sort/group/filter yet - so if you want something specific you need to create a view with that presentation. I'm not sure what you mean by 'its working' in single list - you can apply a group (or filter) at any level in Single List, but it doesn't persist as far as I know (next time you reload that menu or view the grouping is gone....)

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Old 04-19-2011, 06:30 PM
Gustovier Gustovier is offline
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Originally Posted by bialio View Post
All TV Shows is just that - all TV shows.
TV Shows is all un-archived TV shows.
Archived TV Shows is all archived TV shows.

The UMB doesn't persist the sort/group/filter yet - so if you want something specific you need to create a view with that presentation. I'm not sure what you mean by 'its working' in single list - you can apply a group (or filter) at any level in Single List, but it doesn't persist as far as I know (next time you reload that menu or view the grouping is gone....)

Yeah your right it still doesn't persist.
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Old 04-21-2011, 06:16 AM
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I can't say this is necessarily an issue, but 2 suggestions:

1) when looking at wall view or banner view for tv shows, you cant see the time and date. I realize there is a black shading on the right side of the screen which looks really nice, but is there any way to keep the time and date?

2) What do you think about moving the title of the currently highlited banner in tv banner view to the right in the empty black space below the description of hte show? Myu wife actually brought up this one. She struggles because the name of the show will actually overlay another banner at the bottom of the screen, and a lot of times you can't see waht the show name is because it is to difficult to read through the banner.
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Old 04-21-2011, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by PiX64 View Post

2) What do you think about moving the title of the currently highlited banner in tv banner view to the right in the empty black space below the description of hte show? Myu wife actually brought up this one. She struggles because the name of the show will actually overlay another banner at the bottom of the screen, and a lot of times you can't see waht the show name is because it is to difficult to read through the banner.
Yeah, that one stuck out at me too. When the screen was stationary for a minute I actually thought it was an error. Then I realized as one moved around so did the title, just on the wrong banner. If left on the bottom, maybe the banners should be pushed up and there be a bigger margin which the title displays in...
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Old 04-21-2011, 06:38 AM
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Yeah, I had noticed that already and I think the fix I have in place addresses your concerns.

The Z-order was all wonky on that screen.
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Old 04-21-2011, 06:43 AM
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Also be sure to explore the options in 'Configure Browser' from the options menu. There are lots of tweaks you can make.

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Old 04-21-2011, 07:04 AM
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One thing that I thought I noticed last night in the Series Wall View was that the once I selected a series and go the items... it didn't appear to show the Watched status. Watched may not be important to most, not sure, but i like it
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Old 04-21-2011, 07:08 AM
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Good - gives me leverage next time I need something from the core
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Old 04-21-2011, 07:13 AM
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Originally Posted by bialio View Post
Good - gives me leverage next time I need something from the core
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Old 04-21-2011, 07:35 PM
Gustovier Gustovier is offline
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I think I have another one.

It seems that in certain movies the first default image isn't showing for me through the stv. I have to pick another image and set to default. Even when going back to the original default image it still doesn't show when I view the the movie
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