Another GetProperty Speed question
Okay I have asked a similar question before but have a better understanding now and doing things different. My question goes back to using attributes to set certain objects in the ui or Get Properties and speed.
Basically say I have an attribute called
PosterTransparency = GetProperty(name,value)
Then somewhere in the ui I give the transparency of a panel widget that attribute
Or I could call directly in the panel widget of the ui the GetProperty(name,value)
These are my own Property files and calls and as discussed earlier I am caching the entier property's file on load so I wouldn't actually be reading form props file everytime but the cached properties file.
The only reason I am asking this is I have started doing the later and putting getproperties directly in the ui portion of studio and haven't noticed any slowdowns as of yet, but can remember some slowdowns when using the default sage properties api in the past and doing this.
And the only reason I am trying/considering this is because I don't want to have to go through and reset all the attributes every time I change a property and the only way to avoid that would be reloading the menu and I don't want to do that either
cheers and TIA