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SageTV HD Theater - Media Player Discussion related to using the SageTV HD Theater as a Media Player, i.e.: in use while not connected to a SageTV server. Questions, issues, problems, suggestions, etc. relating to using a SageTV HD Theater as a Media Player should be posted here. Use the SageTV Media Extender forum for issues related to using it while connected to a SageTV server.

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Old 06-17-2009, 12:12 PM
Bigb Bigb is offline
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What is the difference between

In the display screen video's, What is the difference between Titles and DVDs?

I imported my share media into dvds and they show up there, but show nothing in titles. If I imported them into titles, will they show up in dvds.

I am running in Media Player Mode.

I am also confused about how to store them on the server so the title will show up as titles and also see the subtitle. For example.
If the Title is Star Trek the subtitle would be Trouble with Tribbles.

Thanks for you help...
I am running Server 2003, but not sagetv server.

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Old 06-17-2009, 12:27 PM
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The SageTV PDF manual coverage of the Video Browser menu (starts on p. 89 for the v6.5 version) still applies to that same menu on the HD200.

In the video browser, imported videos recognized as DVDs are listed under the DVD view, while all non-DVD videos are listed under the Titles (for lack of a better name) view.

- Andy
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Old 06-17-2009, 01:12 PM
Bigb Bigb is offline
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Depending on the selection of videos or imported DVDs, various views will be available on the
Category Bar near the top of the screen. Each view’s title will be preceded by the number of
selections in that view. The available choices are:
Titles – Lists all the imported videos, sorted by title.
DVDs – Lists all the imported DVDs, sorted by title. For information regarding
importing DVDs stored on your hard drive, see Appendix I: Playing DVDs from the Hard

That is from the manuel and I understand that to say if you import the video or dvd you will see it in both sections.....Title and DVD.

I never see it in the Title section but see it in the DVD section.
I must be doing something wrong because Title section says I have 0 titles but dvd section says I have 12.
Any Ideals?

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Old 06-17-2009, 01:39 PM
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The terminology in the manual obviously isn't clear enough, but I already explained it in my previous post.

- Andy
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Old 06-17-2009, 01:44 PM
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Sage does not consider a DVD to be a Video.

DVD's do not store movies in a single file - they use a folder structure to store the movie in one or more files with .VOB extensions plus have additional files that tell the DVD player how to navigate the DVD, display chapters and menus, etc.

So, Sage treat's DVD rips (and also BluRay rips) as special. All of your other single-file video types (MPG, MKV, MP4, AVI, WMV, etc.) are lumped together and show up under the "Titles" category.

Now, what you called a "subtitle" in your original post is what most people would call the "Episode Title". Just to be clear, for most people, subtitles are the words that get printed on the screen during movies like for foreign language translations.

When you import a movie or DVD into Sage, all Sage can do is read the filename (or folder name if its a DVD) and use that as the title. It can analyze the video file to determine its duration and encoding type. But, it can't get any other "MetaData" on its own.

MetaData would be extra information like the show rating, release year, list of actors, and actresses, director, producer, etc.

For show that Sage records, it reads the MetaData from the EPG (Electronic Program Guide). It's the same data that it displays in the TV Guide. For shows that you import, Sage has no way of knowing.

Now, Sage does allow you to create a text file with a .properties extension for each of your imported movies (or DVDs) where you can enter your own custom metadata. If Sage sees a properties file when it imports a movie it will read in the information from that file. This is documented in the manual and elsewhere on these forums.

Alternatively, there are several imports written by 3rd parties that you can find on this forum that attempt to make it easier or give you more control over this whole metadata thing. Some of them will go out to the internet and scrape metadata from websites such as and add it to the Sage Database. Some will also try to download fanart (Movie Posters, Banners, Backgrounds, DVD covers) and display it.
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Old 06-17-2009, 02:14 PM
Bigb Bigb is offline
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You are correct about the is not clear because is says imported dvd will be displayed under Title and Dvd section.

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Old 06-17-2009, 02:22 PM
Bigb Bigb is offline
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Thanks also for your answer it was also very helpfully.

Then most people are converting to a different format than video_ts files. What is the program they are using and what format do they convert to.

Also how do you say put a complete first year of dvd of murder she wrote on hard drive to watch 2nd years and so on.?

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