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Old 04-22-2009, 09:30 AM
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Dolby 5.1 w BEV 6100 + HDPVR???


Have any Bell TV/ExpressVu subscribers with a 6100 STB and an HDPVR got Dolby 5.1 working? My first HDPVR was a Rev C and the audio sounded like it was under water. I RMA'd and got a Rev E. The audio sounds great, but the audio and video go in and out of sync over the course of a recording if I choose Dolby as the output from the STB -- 2 channel via optical works just fine.

If others with the 6100 and the HDPVR have stuff working, I may try to RMA the HDPVR again. I've narrowed it down to either the STB output or the HDPVR itself. I've recently completely rebuilt my server -- hardware, software and the like replaced with a beefy WHS and I can't get 5.1 recording to work.
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Old 04-22-2009, 11:06 AM
JerryB JerryB is offline
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Have you tried the new beta drivers for the HD PVR (v1.5.6 beta)? I'm not familiar with Bell TV but these drivers fix the audio problem 6xxx series STB's and Verizon.
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Old 04-23-2009, 09:03 AM
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Thanks for the reply Jerry. I didn't realize a new Beta had been released. Bell uses the DishNet STBs so this fix might do the trick. I have just loaded it and will run it through some tests today.
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Old 04-23-2009, 11:55 PM
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1.5.6 Beta works

So, the new Hauppauge 1.5.6 Beta driver works to resolve 5.1 with the ExpressVu 6100 (Dishnet) and HDPVR.

Clean 5.1 recordings, no popping, underwater or out of sync audio to contend with.
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Old 05-08-2009, 01:29 PM
vikingisson vikingisson is offline
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Could you elaborate how your system is setup and how well it works? I'm being pestered by my boss to build him a sage setup. He's a picky pain in the bum and won't tolerate problems. What I'm thinking of doing is to run Expressview (or whatever they call it these days) via an HDPVR and also basic analog cable via a tuner card plus digital OTA via the same tuner card. From the HDPVR I expect HD and 5.1 sound recording in sage. This I assume is done with component and SPDIF from the STB to the HDPVR and finally to sage.
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Old 05-25-2009, 11:35 AM
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Skiier__Dude Skiier__Dude is offline
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I do BEV via a 6100 STB (this is one of their older receivers) into a HDPVR via Component Cables and SPDIF optical audio. Output on the ExpressVu audio is Dolby/PCM. I don't do local cable. Otherwise just as you have outlined.

Server is a WHS which seriously lowers the PITA factor as it is very solid.

The only issue is that once in a while I have to restart the HDPVR. Playback via one of the media extenders is probably mandatory if your boss doesn't want a hassle.
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Old 05-25-2009, 02:40 PM
vikingisson vikingisson is offline
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Thanks for the update. Now that I have an HD-PVR I wonder how you are changing channels. I'm using the blaster which is about 95% accurate but the delay is painful. It isn't just the blaster delay but the time for the STB to lock and then the PVR to lock in. It took a while to get the codecs working right so at least it now looks ok on the server. Placeshifter viewing however is not acceptable yet, beta version stutters, stable version looks right but audio sync is off. Sometimes I simply switch my amp to the pass-through and watch that way.
I'd be a lot happier if I could get basic service without an STB over sat or digital cable. Nothing on BEV is in the clear anymore. Things were much faster over analog. At least I have digital OTA.
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Old 05-25-2009, 03:12 PM
wayner wayner is offline
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There is probably something wrong in your setup as I find that IR channel changing is 99.999% accurate although I am using a USB-UIRT rather than the Hauppauge blaster. The most reliable option for channel change is firewire - I don't know if the Bell STBs have that but the Rogers digital boxes do and I have two Rogers HD boxes hooked up to HD-PVRs on my Sage WHS box. (FYI-I have had less luck with firewire drivers for the Rogers SA4250HD box than the SA3250HD box if you decide to try that ruote)
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA
Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA
Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server
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Old 05-25-2009, 03:57 PM
vikingisson vikingisson is offline
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Interesting. I haven't yet glued down the IR properly so I'm sure I could get more accuracy. Firewire might be better but it also seems like overkill just to change a channel. To me I'd expect firewire to change channels *and* deliver video and not need a box in between at all. But we can't have that kind of thing which I find distressing but that is how things are in this digital rights paranoid world. I don't have firewire on the stb anyway.

I only have two problems: my system is small, one tv (22" monitor) and a pc/laptop for around the house. The cost of doing it right is high for a small system and someone who generally disdains most tv packages available here.
The other problem is that I'm trying to design a system for my boss. His system can justify all the expensive little boxes it will take but the issues from all the bits are a lot less enticing for him than it would be for me. I think I'll pass on doing his system. Knowing how he is it is too much risk. Besides, I just got laid off so I'm not
feeling as compelled to build it.

And to circle back to the original topic, 5.1 is indeed working when there is an actual 5.1 source available.
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Old 06-02-2009, 10:00 AM
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Just a consideration, but you could grab a tuner card and record the digital OTA that you are getting. You then don't have to bother with IR channel changing and the cost of BEV -- just a thought.
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Old 06-02-2009, 12:51 PM
vikingisson vikingisson is offline
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Oh but I do have a tuner. OTA HD is what works best by far, full HD and great digital audio through my Yamaha amp. And with the HD-PVR beta drivers I don't have problems with S/PDIF. It is the HD-PVR's TS format that gives me fits. And the random lockups. And the slow channel changing...
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