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Hardware Support Discussions related to using various hardware setups with SageTV products. Anything relating to capture cards, remotes, infrared receivers/transmitters, system compatibility or other hardware related problems or suggestions should be posted here.

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Old 05-15-2008, 06:33 AM
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USB UIRT - Not Seen by SageTV

After consulting the manual and searching the forum, I am stumped.

I have SageTV up and running (XP, SageTV ver 6.3) A-ok. I now want to move the machine into a closet where I can connect the video card output to a HD distribution systems (via lots of component cables going to all my TV locations). I am trying to figure out how to control the server computer using an attached USB UIRT that I can send IR signals to. I have installed the latest UIRT drivers (for XP). The red UIRT led lights up when I send IR signals to ir (so it seems active).

When I try to configure Sage for the UIRT control, no matter what tuner control setup I try (even ones that don't make sense for my tuning configuration), Sage gives me the message that it doesn't see the UIRT. The exact message is: "Failed Setting the Infrared Transmitter port. Please esnure that it is connected and no ther programs are using it"
The UIRT is good, (I know this because I have taken it off my PowerHome machine where it worked just fine).

So, the question is: Can I control the SageTV application locally via USB-UIRT control? I would be using 4 tuning sources (2 from the HDHR) and a NVidea dual tuner card. I would like the UIRT to be able to control the local Sage application so that I can take the video card output and distribute it (thus getting away from all extenders).

Side note: (I built the house and wired it with a Xantech IR system that carries my IR signals back to the closet where my Sage computer is.) Since there is only two of us, we usually watch TV together, and thus we have the need for only one output display channel at any one time).
Home Automation Setup:

Local Sage Machine: NVIDIA nForce 680I LT SLI Motherboard, Intel® Core™2 Quad processor with 8MB cache, 2 GB of PC5400 DDR2, 7.1 channel Integrated audio, gigabit LAN, GeForce 8500GT 512MB PCI-Express video. HDHR and PCI NVidea dual tuner.

Last edited by smarty; 05-15-2008 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 05-15-2008, 02:13 PM
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How does one deal with this USB-UIRT error???

"Failed Setting the Infrared Transmitter port. Please ensure that it is connected and no other programs are using it"
Home Automation Setup:

Local Sage Machine: NVIDIA nForce 680I LT SLI Motherboard, Intel® Core™2 Quad processor with 8MB cache, 2 GB of PC5400 DDR2, 7.1 channel Integrated audio, gigabit LAN, GeForce 8500GT 512MB PCI-Express video. HDHR and PCI NVidea dual tuner.
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Old 05-15-2008, 02:36 PM
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Opus4 Opus4 is offline
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Are you using SageTV in service mode? If so, I've seen other people say that the service has to be configured to log in as the same user + password as the desktop user that is used to run the SageTV UI.

- Andy
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Old 05-16-2008, 07:02 AM
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To address the question, Sage is not in service mode.

I have found that the lrnhelper software ALSO doesn't seem to recognize the UIRT. So, I think the issue is outside of sage.

The USB hardware device manager items all look OK. I don't think any other software is using the UIRT, but I know the UIRT works when i fire up PowerHome and send/receive IR signals.

So, what else should be done to try to get the UIRT recognized by SageTV and the lrnhelper sofware?
Home Automation Setup:

Local Sage Machine: NVIDIA nForce 680I LT SLI Motherboard, Intel® Core™2 Quad processor with 8MB cache, 2 GB of PC5400 DDR2, 7.1 channel Integrated audio, gigabit LAN, GeForce 8500GT 512MB PCI-Express video. HDHR and PCI NVidea dual tuner.
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Old 05-16-2008, 07:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Opus4 View Post
Are you using SageTV in service mode? If so, I've seen other people say that the service has to be configured to log in as the same user + password as the desktop user that is used to run the SageTV UI.

- Andy
Actually I never had any luck getting SageTV to work in service mode and client mode on the same machine "sharing" the USB-UIRT even with having the service using the same user + password. Which is why I do not currently use service mode (even though I know it would be a better solution). Currently testing 3rd party IR control software so that I can use SageTV in service mode.

OP: Make sure NO other application is running that would use the usb-uirt, because it does not like to be shared between apps. Once one app has it, no other app can access it (from the testing I have seen). so check for any background apps that may have it, also check for any services running.
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Old 05-16-2008, 12:36 PM
CollinR CollinR is offline
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This is true you will probably need to make sure Powerhome is not running, at all.

Also since IIRC I sold you a Geovision OSD kit you may be able to use the IR reciever from that with EventGhost to control Sage. Then the USBUIRT can be reserved for transmitting IR which is what it does best.
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