Originally Posted by RevolutionMastr
I might buy a set top box, but will I be able to have Sage control it. (I want to use it as a DVR.) I would need sage to be able to change channels and record on a schedule. I want the DVR capability of my current setup, being able to set it up to record and walk away.
All I want is to be able to get DVR on Fios through Sage.
The only thing that will get you the full native resolution HD from cable/FIOS is the R5000-HD mod. This works very well with Sage. Expensive, but several folks have it working fine with Moto boxes from VZ.
I have one, and it works great. Much better than a cablecard Vista based system. No DRM.
Server: Sage 6.5.9 - X2 3800+, DFI NF4 MB, 1 GB, 300 GB HD (system disk), NV 7600GS, - Windows XP SP2
Client 1: Sage 6.5.9 - E7200, Abit IP35 Pro, ATI 4850 with HDMI connect to Denon 3808CI and Sony A3000 SXRD TV
Client 2: HD200 connected to Denon 3808CI and A3000 SXRD TV
Client 3: Media MVP to 15" Toshiba LCD
Client 4: HD100 connected to Samsung 23" 720P LCD
Client 5: HD100 connected to Vizio VX37L