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Old 12-01-2006, 09:57 PM
craig2012 craig2012 is offline
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How do you check if Sage is recording?

So I want to write a little app to Reboot my Windows Sage server every 24 hours at say... 3am. So long as nothing is being recorded at the time.

Is there a xml/txt/cfg etc file I can read/check/parse to see if anything is currently recording before I reboot?

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Old 12-01-2006, 10:37 PM
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I'll let someone more experienced with sagewake comment, but you may be able to use a program like sagewake to check that there are no upcoming recordings to reboot the server.
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Old 12-02-2006, 03:33 AM
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see also:
Check out my enhancements for Sage in the Sage Customisations and Sageplugins Wiki
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Old 12-02-2006, 04:10 AM
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I remember someone posting a script a few months back that checked the drive space on each recording drive, then compared it a few moments later, and if the disk space free hadn't changed (no recordings happening), then it would reboot the PC.

I can't find it anywhere at the moment but it should be on the forum somewhere, but the plugin that was mentioned by a much more experienced sage user than myself may well be a better way to do it.
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Old 12-02-2006, 05:06 AM
nyplayer nyplayer is offline
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Here is the script below I have it setup to check 5 drives. You can tailor to your needs. I usually have it run at 6:00am...but you can set it anytime.

'WScript.sleep(1 * 1000)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objDrive = objFSO.GetDrive("M:")
Set objDrive2 = objFSO.GetDrive("N:")
Set objDrive3 = objFSO.GetDrive("O:")
Set objDrive4 = objFSO.GetDrive("T:")
Set objDrive5 = objFSO.GetDrive("U:")

diskm1=objDrive.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive.AvailableSpace
diskn1=objDrive2.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive2.AvailableSpace
disko1=objDrive3.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive3.AvailableSpace
diskt1=objDrive4.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive4.AvailableSpace
disku1=objDrive5.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive5.AvailableSpace

Wscript.Sleep (secondstowait * 1000)

Set objDrive = objFSO.GetDrive("M:")
Set objDrive2 = objFSO.GetDrive("N:")
Set objDrive3 = objFSO.GetDrive("O:")
Set objDrive4 = objFSO.GetDrive("T:")
Set objDrive5 = objFSO.GetDrive("U:")

diskm2=objDrive.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive.AvailableSpace
diskn2=objDrive2.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive2.AvailableSpace
disko2=objDrive3.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive3.AvailableSpace
diskt2=objDrive4.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive4.AvailableSpace
disku2=objDrive5.DriveLetter & "=" & objDrive5.AvailableSpace

if diskm1=diskm2 and diskn1=diskn2 and disko1=disko2 and diskt1=diskt2 and disku1=disku2 then
'msgbox "equal will reboot"
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run "s:\ResstartServer.bat",2,true
'msgbox "not equal will not reboot"
end if

ResstartServer.bat below

"s:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SendMessage.exe" -C SageClientApp -N SageWin -m 16 0 0
"s:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SendMessage.exe" -C SageApp -N SageWin -m 16 0 0
net stop dirmon2
net stop SageTV
shutdown -r -f
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct.

Last edited by nyplayer; 12-02-2006 at 05:15 AM.
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Old 12-02-2006, 07:47 AM
geogecko geogecko is offline
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Just out of curiousity (sp?), why do people need to reboot every day? Is this needed for some other program?

That script looks like a good plan. I'd add my $0.02 though, and would say it would be better to schedule it at the quarter, even increments of an hour, say, 3:15AM, or 6:45AM, that way, 99.99% of the time, using this script will have no effect on your recordings (for instance, if the script checked to see that the drive space was not changing, but at some time a few seconds after the check, a recording was scheduled).

I would think the 16 minutes is a bit excessive, or is it because it needs to be a fairly large difference before the script will notice it?

In other words, what I'm saying, is that maybe check within 4-5 minutes, and then the reboot should be finished before the next quarter hour is over, hopefully taking into account any padding for shows.
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Old 12-02-2006, 09:29 AM
nyplayer nyplayer is offline
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The Script checks then waits only 1 minute 60 seconds to check the second time. see "secondstowait=60" and that can be changed to your preference.

I chose my time because it works best for me. Also it is a good time to backup your wiz.bin etcc.. at that time just after sagetv shutdown and before restart-reboot.

I reboot because I do a lot of Archiving and I move some series to an external drive. So I prefer a fresh Start.

Below is my full restart batch file.

tskill wscript /a
"s:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SendMessage.exe" -C SageClientApp -N SageWin -m 16 0 0
"s:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\SendMessage.exe" -C SageApp -N SageWin -m 16 0 0
net stop dirmon2
net stop SageTV

move m:\sagem\StarTrek*.avi t:\importt
move n:\sagen\StarTrek*.avi t:\importt
move o:\sageo\StarTrek*.avi t:\importt
move m:\sagem\StarTrek*.avi u:\importu
move n:\sagen\StarTrek*.avi u:\importu
move o:\sageo\StarTrek*.avi u:\importu
move m:\sagem\TheOuterLimits*.avi t:\importt
move n:\sagen\TheOuterLimits*.avi t:\importt
move o:\sageo\TheOuterLimits*.avi t:\importt
move m:\sagem\TheOuterLimits*.avi u:\importu
move n:\sagen\TheOuterLimits*.avi u:\importu
move o:\sageo\TheOuterLimits*.avi u:\importu
move m:\sagem\Smallvil*.avi t:\importt
move n:\sagen\Smallvil*.avi t:\importt
move o:\sageo\Smallvil*.avi t:\importt
move m:\sagem\Smallvil*.avi u:\importu
move n:\sagen\Smallvil*.avi u:\importu
move o:\sageo\Smallvil*.avi u:\importu

cd U:\backujaned\janeds\public\wizbin\
del wiz_9.bin
ren wiz_8.bin wiz_9.bin
ren wiz_7.bin wiz_8.bin
ren wiz_6.bin wiz_7.bin
ren wiz_5.bin wiz_6.bin
ren wiz_4.bin wiz_5.bin
ren wiz_3.bin wiz_4.bin
ren wiz_2.bin wiz_3.bin
ren wiz_1.bin wiz_2.bin
ren wiz.bak wiz_1.bin
xcopy /y "S:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\wiz.bak"
shutdown -r -f
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct.

Last edited by nyplayer; 12-02-2006 at 09:52 AM.
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Old 12-02-2006, 09:45 AM
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Hey nyplayer,
That script looks interesting.
I wonder if I can tailor some of it to my needs. Any Dirmon people?
I record quite a bit of shows and have Dirmon and VideoReDo setup to scan for commercials automatically, then I check and batch cut them and at some point I use Staxrip with X264 batch mode to encode them.
What I would like to do is have Dirmon check for the resulting *.mp4 file and move it to it's appropriate import folder and then delete the 6 or 7 files created by Staxrip and finally refresh import folders.
Does refresh importt folders have a way to run outside of sage?
If this doesn't work right, Then:
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Old 12-02-2006, 09:51 AM
ChePazzo ChePazzo is offline
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seems like the only thing this won't account for is if the time to reboot is longer than the time until the next recording needs to start...

And yeah, sometimes there are shows on Comedy Central at 3:30am....

Why not go Linux if rebooting is an issue?
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Old 12-02-2006, 10:05 AM
nyplayer nyplayer is offline
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Originally Posted by ChePazzo
seems like the only thing this won't account for is if the time to reboot is longer than the time until the next recording needs to start...

And yeah, sometimes there are shows on Comedy Central at 3:30am....

Why not go Linux if rebooting is an issue?
No one said rebooting was an Issue... The Issue was to figure out a time frame to reboot the Sage machine when it is not recording without manual intervention . Whether you prefer to reboot everyday once a week or never is a personal preference. Lets not make this a Linux windows discussion and keep it on track.. A way to reboot the Sage Server when it is Idle.
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct.
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Old 12-02-2006, 10:26 AM
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Kind of on Topic...

Can somebody help me write a script just to use the move command? I created a move.cmd file with the following line:
move s:\Done\Done\StargateSG1*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi Series\StarGate Series\SG1

I tried it in a command prompt and get a syntax error. Is this because it uses dos naming convention? Is there a better file type to use than .cmd?
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Old 12-02-2006, 10:55 AM
nyplayer nyplayer is offline
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Put Quotes around it.

also why do use a command why not a batch file ..... name it whatever.bat

move "s:\Done\Done\StargateSG1*.mp4" "I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi Series\StarGate Series\SG1"
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct.
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Old 12-02-2006, 12:34 PM
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The real question is not whether Sage is recording anything right now. It's whether Sage wants to record anything in the next few minutes. No simple disk space check can tell you that for certain; for that you need to look at the recording schedule.

Seems to me it wouldn't be that hard to write an STVI that uses the RecordingScheduleChanged hook to write out the time of the next scheduled recording to an external text file. Then your reboot script could check that file and decide whether it has enough time to do what it needs to do.
-- Greg
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Old 12-02-2006, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by nyplayer
Put Quotes around it.
also why do use a command why not a batch file ..... name it whatever.bat
move "s:\Done\Done\StargateSG1*.mp4" "I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi Series\StarGate Series\SG1"

I actually did change it to move.bat and I just changed my import directories to have no spaces.
Now here is another issue: I setup Staxrip to batch encode sometimes 10+ files. I would LOVE to be able to put them away and clean up the staxrip temp files (About 7-8 of them)so this is what I have so far:

move s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\BSG\SG1 "Moves encoded file"
move s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.my I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\BSG\SG1 "Moves video detail file"
DEL s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.* "Deletes all the remaining files created by Staxrip"
move s:\Done\Done\StargateSG1*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\StarGate\SG1
move s:\Done\Done\StargateSG1*.my I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\StarGate\SG1
DEL s:\Done\Done\StargateSG1*.*

I have DIRMON setup to process the move.bat file when there is .mp4 files present in the directory but say Staxrip does BattlestarGalactica first, I do not want it to delete all the Stargate files. Is there a way to do something like:
if BattlestarGalactica*.mp4
move s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\BSG\SG1
move s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.my I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\BSG\SG1
then DEL s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.*
If this doesn't work right, Then:
"I'm going to blow up the Earth!"

Last edited by dvd_maniac; 12-02-2006 at 01:38 PM.
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Old 12-02-2006, 02:18 PM
AndyS AndyS is offline
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Originally Posted by dvd_maniac
Is there a way to do something like:
if BattlestarGalactica*.mp4
move s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\BSG\SG1
move s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.my I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\BSG\SG1
then DEL s:\Done\Done\BattlestarGalactica*.*
I'm not exactly sure from your description what you want to do, sorry, but you can use:
REM Do the next action only if the file exists
DEL <filename>
REM Do the following in all cases
DEL <anotherfile>

Is this what you want?

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Old 12-02-2006, 02:41 PM
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Say I recorded 2 shows on Friday night.
Battlestar Galactica and SG1. I record to S:\Recordings directory.
Then I cut out the Commercials and save them both into S:\Done folder
So I have 2 files there now

I then use Staxrip to encode them into H.264 which takes about 1 hour for each file to encode. So after I import them into Staxrip batch mode it creates a couple of temp files for each file in Staxrip's batch mode that it leaves. EX:

So now after BattlestarGalactica-UnfinishedBusiness.mp4 is created Dirmon will see it and run the .bat file

Now in the folder I have the 2 mpeg files the BSG mp4 file and all the temp files for both videos.
I want the batch file to move the BattlestarGalactica-UnfinishedBusiness.mp4 file to it's prope import directory and delete all the BattlestarGalactica*.* temp files. But I do not want it to delete ANY of the SG1 files because there is no correspoding mp4 file for SG1.
So in short I want to put all my favorites that I encode and archive in this batch file. But when it goes through the batch file if there is not yet an .mp4 file for that favorite then skip it. If there is nothing to move then do not delete anything.

Hope I am being clear enough. I am getting myself a little confused here....
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Old 12-02-2006, 03:42 PM
nyplayer nyplayer is offline
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Maniac What you are doing is a bit dangerous. As you stated you might lose some good mp4s.

If you are familar with DIRMON2 you can use something like this below. Your Target would be MP4 and your trigger could be something when Staxrip completes. This will move the MP4 to a staging folder (instantly) cleanup the Staxrip files by name. Then move according to where you want them to go.

md %~d1%\STAGING
move %~f1 %~d1%\STAGING
move %~d1%\STAGING
del %~d1%~p1%~n1.*

move %~d1%\STAGING\BattlestarGalactica*.* I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\BSG\SG1
move %~d1%\STAGING\StargateSG1*.* I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\StarGate\SG1
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct.

Last edited by nyplayer; 12-02-2006 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 12-02-2006, 06:07 PM
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I planned on using this with Dirmon2. I was going to use .mp4 as the trigger and have it wait until target file is not growing. This works great if only one video is concerned.
A few questions...
1. So the script below will work as move."bat"?
2. Will the script you supplied work only for the corresponding .mp4 file that Dirmon2 passes to it? IE: So if SG1 finishes encoding and creates an .mp4 file the script will move the SG1 file and delete the temp files but won't move or delete the BSG files?
If this doesn't work right, Then:
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Old 12-02-2006, 10:16 PM
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I tried the script and it creates the Staging folder, moves the .mp4 and .my files into it and that's it. It does not delete the temp files and does not move them from Staging to the import folders. any ideas?
Also, I really appreciate all the help.

md %~d1%\STAGING
move %~f1 %~d1%\STAGING
move %~d1%\STAGING
del %~d1%~p1%~n1.*

move %~d1%\STAGING\BattlestarGalactica*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\Galactica\2004
move %~d1%\STAGING\StargateSG1*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\StarGate\SG1
move %~d1%\STAGING\LasVegas*.mp4 T:\TV1\TV\LasVegas
If this doesn't work right, Then:
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Old 12-03-2006, 08:09 AM
nyplayer nyplayer is offline
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This should work below . Also for the Temp files if you know the extensions. You can add them below this line del del %~n1.* for ex: del *.tmp etc..

md %~d1%\STAGING
move %~f1 %~d1%\STAGING
move %~d1%\STAGING
cd %~p1
del %~n1.*
del *.tmp

cd %~d1%\STAGING

move %~d1%\STAGING\BattlestarGalactica*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\Galactica\2004
move %~d1%\STAGING\StargateSG1*.mp4 I:\TV2\TV2\SciFi\StarGate\SG1
move %~d1%\STAGING\LasVegas*.mp4 T:\TV1\TV\LasVegas
Channels DVR UBUNTU Server 2 Primes 3 Connects TVE SageTV Docker with input from Channels DVR XMLTV and M3U VIA Opendct.

Last edited by nyplayer; 12-03-2006 at 02:12 PM.
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