I have noticed this problem before, but I didn't understand its cause until tonight. If you are recording two programs, you will notice that jumping between the programs will not return you to the previous point in the program.
Tonight, I was recordig two programs, one was 30 mintues long and the other 60 (the 30 minute program started half way through the 60 minute program). It appears that when you toggle between two programs that are being recorded, you will enter the next program at the time offset where you left the previous program. I.e., if you are 45 minutes into the 60 minute program, then jump to the 30 minute program and watch the first 5 muntes, returning to the 60 mintue program will start playing from the 5 minute mark (not the 45, as it should). The progress bar on the OSD is correct, and tracks correctly, but the screen will display the wrong segment of the program. If you fast forward or rewind, you will jump to the proper location in the program (45 minutes +/- 10 seconds).
In the past, I had been jumping between same-length programs and was wondering why I why the program to which I was switching was always at the end, as if it had not paused. I hope this description isn't too confusing