Originally Posted by dfunk
I've got to replace a failing PVR-250 and am hoping that it's possible to run the Hauppauge 500MCE under Windows 2000/Sagetv. Is anyone doing this?
thanks, dfunk
MY 500MCE (analog cable only) is running on Win2k workstation (my SageTV server) on a Pentium III 1 GHz SOYO SY-7VBA133U with 1GB memory using the drivers supplied on the 500MCE CD, SageTV 2.2.2Beta. I also have 2 250MCE's installed (digital cable only). I record to a Win2K server accross a 1GB network connection. Been up for a day and a half now with no problems noticed so far (knock on wood
). In near future will be dumping the VIA board for an AMD Athlon XP I hope. Don't think I forgot anything but if you want further system specs let me know and I will look them up.