Originally Posted by tiburon451
I've been considering upgrading my Sage 2.0 client/server configuration that has been very reliable for 6 months to 2.1 or higher to investigate using the MVP client. My current configuration took a significant amount of time to fine tune, and I don't want to make a Sage upgrade my new life's work. Reliabiity is my number 1 concern. Reading these and other Sage forums suggests that 2.1 is less reliable than 2.0, and all of the betas have their own problems; particularly tearing, remote problems, general headaches. My current system rarely crashes; I don't want to have the same problems I had when first configuring this system just to try some new features. Honest advice from the experts, not just spin, would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I understand the feeling and didn't immediately go to 2.1.10 when it came out either. The desire to try Cayars STV and Webserver finally got me to make the upgrade. I don't recall when I did go to 2.1.10 but I have not experienced the problems many have. Not sure why. Server was rock solid before running 2.x and still is rock solid running 2.1.10 (running in service mode, which I like). All three Clients working fine too.
I would/did of course make complete backup of Sage dir before making the upgrade just in case I wanted to easily go back. (Plus ghosted whole partition just in case it all went South) I have not upgraded to a 2.2.x beta and don't plan to, see no reason/benefit at this time.