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Hardware Support Discussions related to using various hardware setups with SageTV products. Anything relating to capture cards, remotes, infrared receivers/transmitters, system compatibility or other hardware related problems or suggestions should be posted here.

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Old 01-17-2005, 06:45 PM
indigo indigo is offline
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Question Smooth as Silk Sage

As the title states this is what I want. I already have the main system AOpen Motherboard(nForce2), AMD Athlon 1700+(overclocked silently from 1.47GHz to just over 2GHz), GeForce4000MX 128MB(S-Video Out to SD Sony WEGA), and soon to be 512 MB of RAM(is this enough?) What I want to know is how much HD space will I need and how can I have the install go as smooth as possible, also I have dial-up, does this pose a problem with sage needing to connect every night?
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Old 01-17-2005, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by indigo
As the title states this is what I want. I already have the main system AOpen Motherboard(nForce2), AMD Athlon 1700+(overclocked silently from 1.47GHz to just over 2GHz), GeForce4000MX 128MB(S-Video Out to SD Sony WEGA), and soon to be 512 MB of RAM(is this enough?) What I want to know is how much HD space will I need and how can I have the install go as smooth as possible, also I have dial-up, does this pose a problem with sage needing to connect every night?

While I'm sure some will claim there is a way to have a completely smooth setup with Sage, I say that there isn't. Sage (while it's still my choice of pvr's) is a hobby, not just a simple installation.

If you're looking just for something that's easy to stand up, it's time to buy a tivo. Sage on the other hand is a full fledged hobby.
Warm Regards,

Andy Kruta A+, CNA, MCSA, Network+, RHCE

"It's kinda fun to do the impossible"
- Walt Disney
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Old 01-17-2005, 07:02 PM
indigo indigo is offline
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I understand its a hobby and I don't have a problem with that but there has to be a way to dodge major conflicts on the first install and quite frankly I would love for it to work reliably
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Old 01-17-2005, 07:20 PM
pcuoco pcuoco is offline
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Originally Posted by indigo
As the title states this is what I want. I already have the main system AOpen Motherboard(nForce2), AMD Athlon 1700+(overclocked silently from 1.47GHz to just over 2GHz), GeForce4000MX 128MB(S-Video Out to SD Sony WEGA), and soon to be 512 MB of RAM(is this enough?) What I want to know is how much HD space will I need and how can I have the install go as smooth as possible, also I have dial-up, does this pose a problem with sage needing to connect every night?

How much hard drive you need depends on how much video you plan to record? If memory servers Sage default setting is around 2GB of disk space per hour of recorded video. It can be configured to use more or less depending on the quality. The higher the quality the more disk space you'll need.

Sage can be configured to automatically dial-up for EPG downloads.

To get the the smoothest installation possible start with a fresh XP install. Install XP updates. Then get all the latest drivers for you sound, video, and TV tuner(s). Install those, make sure everything works. Then install Sage, and and you should be fine. If you have any problems or questions check the FAQ and Manual. If the answers not there, this is Forum is great for finding answers, and nice people willing to help.

Good luck!
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Old 01-17-2005, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by indigo
As the title states this is what I want. I already have the main system AOpen Motherboard(nForce2), AMD Athlon 1700+(overclocked silently from 1.47GHz to just over 2GHz), GeForce4000MX 128MB(S-Video Out to SD Sony WEGA), and soon to be 512 MB of RAM(is this enough?) What I want to know is how much HD space will I need and how can I have the install go as smooth as possible, also I have dial-up, does this pose a problem with sage needing to connect every night?
I agree & disagree with krutaw's post. I believe you can have a smooth running, stable, high WAF factor, easy to use Sage configuration. Depending on level of computer expertise it may or may not be "easy" to setup to get there. Researching and reading directions, including the manual, before hand will likely make a smoother install. But even then, if you get in trouble this Forum has lots of experience to draw on.

To attempt to answer your specific questions as best I can yes 512MB RAM adequate for IMO. AMD 1700+ cpu likely also adequate since Client runs fin on Debi's PC with AMD 1600+. How much HD space depends on what you want. 30hrs low quality or 300hrs DVD Standard quality is a big difference. For a good high quality DVD Std is my choice, approx 3.25GB per hour. So if you want 100hr record capability you'd need 325GB video storage (100hr*3.25GB/hr). Dial-up wise for EPG can't answer that. While I still have an external modem "just in case" been on cable modem for years. Also to consider is how many record streams you want at once remembering watching "live" is really recording and then playing back what was just recorded. A single HD will be limited on how many simultaneous record sessions with even one playback it can handle with intermittent playback hangs. Seems two about the limit with single HD, maybe three. This is based on what I've read on the Forum from others because I don't have that particular limitation. (Storage HD subsytem 7 7200rmp SATA drive RAID5 with 256MB Controller write back cache, 5x Std Qual record with simultaneous playback no problem.)
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:06 PM
ptaylor ptaylor is offline
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I have heard of some people having problems with AMD based Sage systems... I don't believe I've ever tried it though. Hopefully someone with a solid AMD system will chime in on their specs soon.

Personally, I'm running a P3-550 overclocked to 733 as my Sage server... (Using an old Asus 815 chipset motherboard with 384 MB of RAM). It has an NVidia 5200 FX video card to help with the MPEG decoding, since the CPU is a little short...

My wife's PC (a Celeron 533 overclocked to 800) is running the Sage client with an ATI 8500DV to help with MPEG decoding.

In the last few months I've had to reboot my Sage server a few times due to issues with Sage, but the server is working quite well to be honest. It's actually very solid considering the amount of use it gets... (It plays back for several hours each day, and probably records at least 2 hours a day)

We have problems on my wife's PC with the client locking up on average of a few times a week, I'd say...

Of course, my wife uses her PC for other things as well, so that might have something to do with it. My Sage server, on the other hand, is completely dedicated to running Sage. The only web surfing done on it is to download driver updates, etc. No anti-virus on it either, as that's generally a huge hog in terms of performance.

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Old 01-17-2005, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by ptaylor
I have heard of some people having problems with AMD based Sage systems... I don't believe I've ever tried it though. Hopefully someone with a solid AMD system will chime in on their specs soon.
Click my sig line! I've been AMD'r for eons, since 486 days, no wait, before that! My Sage setup solid as a rock. Back with Sage2.0 Sage hung on Server for unknown reason once in 8 months. Once in 8 months of constant recording often 4 simultaneously sometimes 5 and playback to one or more Client's at the same time. Since moving to 2.1.10 running service mode zero hangs. But it hasn't been another 8 months yet.
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:19 PM
ptaylor ptaylor is offline
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One freeze in 8 months beats me.. (I've probably had to reboot due to a "glitch" about once every 2-3 months)

I tried Service mode when I first installed that version of Sage and had a problem with it, so I turned it off and just kept running the way I ran before...

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Old 01-17-2005, 08:25 PM
mostlyfodder mostlyfodder is offline
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yup my sage setup is pretty solid. actually, sage, meedio, and girder running under windows xp are all surprisingly stable.
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:36 PM
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Originally Posted by ptaylor
One freeze in 8 months beats me.. (I've probably had to reboot due to a "glitch" about once every 2-3 months)

I tried Service mode when I first installed that version of Sage and had a problem with it, so I turned it off and just kept running the way I ran before...

To clarify my Sage server wasn't running without a Sage glitch for 8 months without a reboot, I've done a few manually reboots for the heck of it, but actually never needed to reboot because Sage. The one time Sage hung on the Server v2.0 I just killed the process and restarted Sage and Sage went merrily on it's way. Don't know for sure why my Server has been so stable. I believe it has alot to do with the fact I use the Server for nothing else. Don't use it for playback, don't use custom STVs on it, nada, just Sage Serving. Adequate cooling AND not having VIA chipset with AMD cpu also a factor I'm sure. All playback tweaking, STV experimenting, comskip processing done on Clients. My workstation Client my main try new STVs before implementing on HTPC Client and main comskip processor. Probably why HTPC has kept high WAF factor! Dinner ready so I'll stop rambling...
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Old 01-18-2005, 12:40 PM
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I have been using SageTV on a VIA motherboard since 1.2.8 and it was rock solid until I added my PVR 500. In fact I do not know a single instance of a non beta Version of SageTV causing me any problems and I run my server 24x7. For about 6 months I used hibernate and SageWake and never had any issues. I gave up on using power management recently for several reasons....

1. It does not work real well in SageTV 2.2.X since I am using the Actisys IR Blaster it no longer functions after a wake.

2. I run two MediaMVPs off the Server and the MediaMVP will not wake the server.

Number 2 is more relevant since I could go back to SageWake.
SageTV 6.6, 100Mb LAN
Living Room: WinXP Pro SP2, AMD XP3200+, 1GB, 1.3TB 3ware 9500S12 RAID5, GigaByte GA7N400Pro2, 2xVBOX USB2 HD Tuner<-Antennna, 1xHDHR<-Antennna , HD100 to HDMI Splitter 1080i->32" 4:3 HDTV or 1080i->92" 1080P LCD Projector
Kitchen: WinXP Home SP2, Celeron 2.0Ghz, 512MB, 40GB, Saphire ATI MB, ATI9200->19"LCD
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Old 01-18-2005, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by jptaz
I have been using SageTV on a VIA motherboard since 1.2.8 and it was rock solid until I added my PVR 500.
BTW -- that reminds me: I saw somewhere that Hauppauge is aware of some sort of conflict between the 150/500 and some VIA chipsets. People having problems with these new boards on a VIA-based motherboard may want to check with Hauppauge.

- Andy
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- Read the SageTV FAQ. Older PDF User's Guides mostly still apply: SageTV V7.0 & SageTV Studio v7.1.
- Hauppauge remote help: 1) Basics/Extending it 2) Replace it 3) Use it w/o needing focus
- HD Extenders: A) FAQs B) URC MX-700 remote setup
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Old 01-18-2005, 01:25 PM
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I contacted Hauppauge and they did say that it was a known issue that VIA motherboards have compatibility issues, but they did not say which specific chipsets it was. I think it also depends on if the motherboard vendor has added some work around code to deal with limitations of the chipset.

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Old 01-18-2005, 05:05 PM
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My sage recorder works fine using an AMD processor. I am using an analog modem and the sage does occasionally freeze because a connection to the epg server cannot be made. Sage is set to autodial for epg updates. For some reason my modem connects, but won't pass data until I disconnect and reconnect. It did this before I loaded sage, so I'm certain it's not a sage problem.
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