Originally Posted by AtariJeff
Bahhh! I can't take it anymore. I'm this close to dusting off the JAVA books and programming this myself. My take on this solution would be to:
1) Have a plugin for MT that the xmltv plugin could talk to directly instead of all this MT->Access->xml->SageTV conversion. The access tables that MT produce seem to be lacking some info. I say this because the data in the tables and the XML generated from it do not properly break out ratings (very important to me for the kids), episode names, actors, etc.
2) Make a variant (or rewrite) of one of the multi-epg Sage plugins that reads the MT EPG data directly as one of it's sources. From there it's a matter of overlaying 2 schemes together and configuring which channels come from which source. Maybe something like using the Zap2It data as a master list. Then I configure channels 350-400 to come from another source, like MT, to replace that particular range in the Zap2It data.
No idea how I'm going to find time for this...but I'll try
</end rant>
While being able to parse the data from MT directly would be great, its a LOT more complicated than what I think most of us need.
I believe the simplest solution is to let Sage use both its own EPG data AND xmltv data as opposed to the current situation where it's gotta be one or the other. That way you get all the info you need for regular channels and at least some bare functional data for the PPV / Sports packages. I requested the feature in the Sage EPG Service forum in this thread;
As for categorizing, I think using the Demideus plugin as the XMLTV importer for Sage should let you assign broad categories to the XMLTV imported channels (eg PPV = Movies; NHL/MLB/NBA channels = sport).
Rating would be tougher. As you say, the data is there, but its not being parsed out right. The best solution would obviously be if Saar created more categories in the MDB file and parsed it in to proper categories instead of dumping it all in the Desc, but thats probably difficult given that each satellite provider probably sends the data in a diff format.... so it would realistically need to be an addon to the data exporter for MT (xmltv2mtepg).
Its not likely Dom (the author of xmltv2mtepg) would want to do this work, so if you wanted to help out, this is where I think it would matter. If you wanted to help code in XMLTV2MTEPG, I think it would be easier to parse the Desc data from the MT Access database and extract the right categories in to xmltv data than try to get it directly from the sats.
Thats my .02 =)