Originally Posted by GKenny
I have an Avermedia M179 installed in my Sage box with 2 PVR-250's. (I bought it for $50 to record my security camera.) It worked fine with Sage 2.0, but when I installed 2.1, it disappeared from the capture device list. Is it no longer supported? Need driver upgrade (I've looked for a newer one already)?
Glen Kenny
I might as well jump in here... I too had the M179 (Fry's closeout...) and it work just fine in 2.0. When 2.1 came along, I worked mightily (I always wanted to use that word in a sentance...
) to get it working. Frey suplied a few .dll's to try changing things, but in the end, I think it was the drivers that Aver supplied. I was using their most recent one (forget which ver...) and it had problems. I started getting a green vertical bar... In the end, I ordered a Hauppauge 150 from buy.com for less than $60.
With the M179 no longer being even supported, you may want to look there as well...