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Remote Controls
I just recently had to throw my $200 Philips PronotNEO in the garbage after only about a year and a half of use becuase two buttons broken and the main board failed.
Since pretty much everything I have is on Sage, except for my stand-alone DVD player and control of my HDTV set, I'm looking to see if anyone here has recommendations for a new remote. I'm reluctant to buy another Pronto. I see the FireFly, but I don't know if Sage supports it. But more than that, I want it to turn on my Amp, TV, wake up Sage, etc, etc. Amy I asking too much of a $49 remote? Any suggestions for replacing my Pronto with all the cool things it did woudl be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Stacy |
I use and can recommend the combo of
USB-UIRT ( http://usbuirt.com/ ) and Philips Media Center Remote ( http://www.newegg.com/app/viewProduc...100-201&depa=0 ) The USB-UIRT will do everything but make breakfast (that is, unless your toaster operates via IR) and the remote feels great in the hand and has nice set of keys/layout. I own three of each of them. |
If you do not mind some configuration work and having the PC on all the time I use a combination of Girder, ATI Remote Wonder, and USB UIRT with a set of stereo splitters.
USB UIRT From Frey $47.95 Dual Stick on Emitters from SmartHome.com $9.99 http://www.smarthome.com/8170.HTML ATI Remote Wonder or other remote with Girder plugin $49.00 Average price...I have seen it for a few dollars less. I have girder prgrammed to allow to power everything on with one button - at the same time it starts SageTVClient. Then I can toggle between my HDTV, VCR, DVD, and SageTV all using the buttons on the top of the remote. I have programmed most of the key features on all of the above devices. I like the remote wonder because it is RF and I can easily use it any where, without line of sight issues. I have a Pronto NEO as well and it worked ok, but the battery life issues were painful and because of the location of many of my components in the cabinet I really needed a repeater of some sort which is what I use the USB UIRT and the stick on emitters for. I also got two 10 foot USB extenders for the ATI Receiver to get it away from all the RF noise near the TV cabinet and to make sure the USB UIRT could be positioned in the optimal spot to hit all the devices no matter what. A simpler approach would be a Nevius Remote. It has RF USB connection like the ATI Remote wonder as well as a IR that has an library of pregrammed devices and it looks like you download more. http://store.niveusmedia.com/s.nl/sc...2/it.A/id.4/.f John. |
I use a USB-UIRT with a One For All URC 6131 universal remote control. It is only about $20 and has all the necessary PVR buttons for Sage (including thumbs up/down, skip forward 10s and 2 1/2 m) and will also control the TV, external DVD, Audio reciever, cable/sat box, and VCR.
Wouldn't just be eazy to order new Hauppauge new 45 button remote control to use it with the USB UIRT.
Yes the FireFly works with SageTV. |
I like the look of the new Hauppauge remote.... a lot.
Sorry to sound stupid here, but I need/want (we've got a WAF here) the Hauppauge remote to be able to hit one button, turn on the amp, TV, set the TV to the DVI Input (7), wake up sage, etc. Then I need another button to turn on the Amp, Turn on the TV, set the TV to Ant 1 (HDTV Tuner), etc, etc. Can I do this? If so, what exectly do I need to buy? Thanks, Stacy |
can i ask a question about that philip's MC remote? i see that it is an IR remote. does that mean i can just use the USB-UIRT plugin for girder to pick up the remote, without needing a special girder plugin for this remote? thanks- |
My previous recommendation would not be smart enough to toggle the inputs or have macro options, so your best bet is to pick the ir remote that you like best then you USB-UIRT and Girder to control everything. I can pass along my Girder file for you to look at. John
SageTV 6.6, 100Mb LAN Living Room: WinXP Pro SP2, AMD XP3200+, 1GB, 1.3TB 3ware 9500S12 RAID5, GigaByte GA7N400Pro2, 2xVBOX USB2 HD Tuner<-Antennna, 1xHDHR<-Antennna , HD100 to HDMI Splitter 1080i->32" 4:3 HDTV or 1080i->92" 1080P LCD Projector Kitchen: WinXP Home SP2, Celeron 2.0Ghz, 512MB, 40GB, Saphire ATI MB, ATI9200->19"LCD 2 BedRooms: MediaMVP |
I don't mind programming. I've had a few Pronto's and always used the PC to program a custom GUI with discreet IR codes, macros, etc. So, just to make sure I've completely got it, the USB-UIRT basically gets the IR codes from ANY remote, then the software on the HTPC looks up what button was pressed, then either sends a command to Windows internally (i.e. SageTV) or can send other sets of IR instructions out the IR transmitter port? What those commands are is completely up to me and what I tell girder to send. Is that it in a nutshell? What are my remote control choices? I've seen the new Hauppauge (which my wife says looks to small), the Philips MCE, whose buttons seem kind of specialized just for MCE and FireFly. Right now I'm leaning towards the Firefly. What others are out there? We have a large extended family who (for better or worse) end up staying with us more frequently than I'd (i'm going to stop right there before I get in trouble ![]() I would appreciate any further input on remote controls. Thanks! I'm leaning toward the FireFly. |
I find the mouse pad on the remote wonder to be VERY handy from time to time.
would the niveus need a USB-UIRT?
actually, could someone explain what USB-UIRT is for? |
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I ordered Girder and the USB-URIT. Now for the remote..... I was about to order the Firefly, but PC Magazine's review says that it is RF only (no IR). How would that connect to the UIRT? Stacy |
You can't srothwell
I am a fan of the MX-700 remote. Ofcourse that is due to owner-bias but I do like the ability to program it to do what I want yet not nearly as intensive programming as a pronto. Still, a little on the pricey side. Downside that I have with it is only 5-character LCD labeling and backlighting could have better contrast. Otherwise, thumbs up.
I use the MX-700 with USB-UIRT and IRMan. Girder handles everything and is the god of WAF HTPC. EDIT: Jptaz: Thank you so much for the reference to the IR blaster extenders. I was in the market for one. DFA
Wrong information is worse than no information Last edited by DFA; 11-17-2004 at 07:06 PM. |
Just to clarify.
When using the FireFly or ATI remotes they both have a USB RF Receiver and software and/or plugins for girder. So while it is true that FireFly does not use the USB-UIRT, to achieve the stated goal of being able to control AV componenets the USB-UIRT or similar IR transmitter is required. In the case of the Hauppauge and many other IR based remotes you can use the USB UIRT for both receiving the IR comands from those remotes as well as sending the IR messages to control other IR Devices like Amps etc. I have attached my Girder File that contains the following: ATI Remote Wonder - X10 / ATI Plugin since it allows all buttons to be mapped. ATI software must not be loaded at system startup as this plugin communicates directly with the USB Receiver driver. SageTVClient - Works with latest version Dennon AVR3200 Receiver - Only bare bones required buttons mapped since I don't touch any of the buttons on the remote enough for me to map them. Zenith C32V37 - HDTV - Mapped a large percentage of the buttons since I use almost all of the buttons on this. Pioneer Elite DV-37 - Sadly only programmed the power button at this point. I really need to get back to programming this one. Toshiba VCR - Mostly programmed - enough to work for me for how rarely it is used. Technics SH-AC5000 - DTS / Dolby Digital Decoder - all buttons programmed. This was done with Girder 3.2 and that is where it has stayed since I have been too cheap to actually pay for it, but I probably will buy the new version soon. Basically the Remote Wonder Folder has it buttons mapped to jump to commands in the Remote Logic folder, which in turn does either a simple event message or a macro type function. The Real work of sending messages either to SageTV or other components resides in the Devices Folder. TV, DVD, and Web buttons are linked to Same Named action groups in remote logic that performs a group of tasks. For Example TV first sends a command to the TV to swith to TV - on my TV I have to use channel up to switch, Then it changes my Decoder to the correct input. Finally it changes the aspect ratio on my HDTV. After all of that it disables all the devices except for the TV. Now when I hit channel up the command goes from ATI Remote Wonder to Channel Up, to Remote Logic Channel UP which sends a girder event of rrChannelUp. Every device that wants to use the ChannelUp button then must have an rrChannelUp event which allows it to receive that event. Since all but the TV device is disabled the TV is the only device that will receive that event. Stacy, Since you had/have a pronto it should be a little easier for you since the USB-UIRT pluggin has a special mode for learning IR commands that allows you to copy the Pronto Hex codes. Otherwise you just need to hit the learn button in the USB UIRT and Hold down the remote button a few inches from the USB UIRT. EDIT: Forgot forums only allows text or images. Just remove the .txt to open it in Girder. Girder files are just XML. John Last edited by jptaz; 11-17-2004 at 09:52 PM. |
Why not just buy the StreamZap for $29 instead of the USB-IRT for $47 and use the StreamZap as the receiver? This way you can start with the StreamZap remote or replace it with any other remote...
From what you described wanting to do(macros and multiple devices) I say get a MX500 or the higher end MX700 as someone above suggested. I love my MX500, it has all the right buttons in all the right places. It's a rather large remote in general, but not for high end remotes. I love the LCD and macro functions and the fact that the transport controls are right in the middle of the remote. If you plan to use this remote for alot of PVR use it's important to look for thta kind of setup, IMHO. Too many remotes put the FF,RW,etc below the channel number pad. This is just bad design in a PVR use remote. How often do you use the channels numbers as compared to the transport buttons? If your like me and very rarely use the channel nember buttons you'll want the transport controls above the number pad.
Another option would be a Harmony/Logitech remote(HST-659 or HST-688). I reccomend the 688 as it has a much better button layout, IMHO. They have very extensive Macro funtions. Actually the whole remote is concept driven around the action you wish to do rather than the remote(device your old remote would control) mode. ie You press "Watch TV" and it executes the needed commands to setup your system for watching TV. This requires you to setup the remote on their website fisrt but almost any device you can think of is already there and you can add your own profiles. You can still use the remote like a normal universal remote if you like. I use my HST-688 this way since we have 2 and since the remote makes assumptions about the devices states(on/off, input, etc), it can get out of sync with two remotes. Since one can make a state change and the other remote will still think your system is in the state it left it in last. Still there's a quick routine to resync the devices actual states and the remote's remembered states, if needed. If you look in this thread, I have a LONG review of my impression of the 688's ergonomics. Some have said it has too short of a battery life but I find it acceptable, considering it only uses 2 batteries while most remote of it's complexity use 4. This makes the 688 a lighter, but does reduce the battery life. I find that, in general, the 688 has about 2/3 the battery life of my MX500. In the end the battery life time really comes down to how much you use the 688's great(seriusly it's beautiful) backlight. I just use recharable Nimh batteries and just keep switching between the ones left in my charger and the ones in the remote(actually I almost exculsively use rechargables for everything and always some ready to go whenever a device needs it). Anyway those would be my two suggestions for a great remote. I really don't think you could go wrong with either the MX500/700 or the HST-688. Both were and still are big success's in my home. Best fo luck. /justme |
Remotes are a very personal thing and everyone hs there own opion. I love my ATI Remote wonder because the majority of the buttons I use are all located at the bottom of the remote. I have Play/ pause / ffwd/ arrow keys and a bunch of custom butons associated with sagetv down there. This only works for the ATI remote because itis very light and not to long so I hold it at the base and my thumb nicely pivots around to all these buttons. The reason I switched to all PC control and macros is more an issue of the need to have the ir blasters directly on my components since the cabinet is located in such a way that unless I aim directly at some of the comonents they will not receive the message. There nothing more annoying to me than having to point the remote at my devices. and with the RF remote I can sit and my dining room table and not have to aim over the sofa and other furniture to hit the components.
Just my thoughts. John |
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