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Old 05-24-2003, 01:18 PM
jimbobuk jimbobuk is offline
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Sage client (how does it work!? ;) small audio probs

I just went out today and brought a new machine to test Sage on and well they were going cheap and i was bad, and brought one

I've got it all connected.. got Sage and the card running on it... having problems playing directly on that machine, will look into this later.. but networking is working... really happy so far...

DVD Standard play is about 1000k/s according to my firewall... mostly the quality is fine.. when i change channels tho it sometimes slurs the audio/video for a few seconds.. actually more the audio... almost sounding like its underwater... I assume its not managing to get all the information across quick enough... after a short time its fine... rewinding to same segment seems to be fine too...

Does sage totally stream stuff!?!? does it save files locally in a scratchpad... does it buffer stuff up... if so could we have options to extend the buffer... tv cards and changing channels are a bit annoying by being slower than a normal tv... but whilst using it over the network i'll be quite happy to have an extra 1-2 second delay on playback etc.. all to then enable this playback to be fautless when it actually starts...

I am using 100meg/s wired ethernet through my router/switch...
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Old 05-24-2003, 01:21 PM
jimbobuk jimbobuk is offline
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ohh and as an aside it seems to be running a little cooler... not able to get a fan on it as yet and its running warm/hot but not uber hot as it was in my other machine...

its a RAID free setup so i am hoping for less/no glitches we'll see hopefully playing over the network isn't going to introduce other glitches...

Knowing whether replaying a certain section is going to play what it recieved or reget it from the server will save me from looking for repeating glitches and making any conclusions from that..
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Old 05-24-2003, 01:41 PM
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Use lower setting over network 4MB or less
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Old 05-24-2003, 01:49 PM
jimbobuk jimbobuk is offline
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i want to keep the quality though.... due to trying to avoid those bugs i was getting in my recordings i will want to keep this machine doing the decoding.. yet my main PC has better graphics and sound (connected directly to my DAC) so i want to use it for playback...

as such i'll always want to use network play... it seemed ok once it got going... i will test it more tonight/tomorrow... thanks tho SHS... i'm thinking that the hotness of my PVR is something different.. I'll comment on it after more tests on the original thread for it
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Old 05-24-2003, 02:28 PM
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A few folks here said they had good lucky 4MB or around 2GB hour or less any more that they run in to problem I think 100MB network maybe to small for 6 or 8MB MPEG so I think the next step GigaNetwork.
l only CVD here.
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Old 05-25-2003, 01:30 PM
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Are people having problems using higher bitrates on networking? I don't have any reports of that yet for those on 100Mbit networks. I can stream at any bitrate the card captures at and have no issues on my LAN.
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Old 05-25-2003, 04:42 PM
jimbobuk jimbobuk is offline
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mine is fine once it gets going i think... its just on changing channels i get this slight audio problem for a few seconds... then fast forwarding seems fine ... 100mbit is good for 12.5 megabyte/s i guess.. then again thats assuming 100%throughput which ethernet rarely manages.. or is that only when you have a lot of machines??!? not sure how fast dvd standard is.. its about 4meg isnt it!? i was looking through the options of the encoder... i'm sure i saw 4meg CBR... i also saw inverse telecine was switched off!?? isn't this deinterlacing?! why wouldn't we want to enable it!? or isn't it any good.. or is this to allow interlaced output somehow back onto a tv?!

Anyways hiccups aside i can cope with 3.5gig... dunno how multiple clients at that rate would deal...
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Old 05-25-2003, 05:01 PM
JasonJoel JasonJoel is offline
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I'm streaming DVD Standard with absolutely no problems with 54g wireless... So I can't imagine ther would be ANY issues with real 100mbit ethernet.


Originally posted by Narflex
Are people having problems using higher bitrates on networking? I don't have any reports of that yet for those on 100Mbit networks. I can stream at any bitrate the card captures at and have no issues on my LAN.
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Old 05-26-2003, 08:36 AM
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There shouldn't be any problems with 100mbit ethernet. I'm watching HD programming over my 100mbit ethernet at 19.2 MB/s with no problems at room to spare.
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Old 05-26-2003, 10:24 AM
jimbobuk jimbobuk is offline
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surely 100mbit/s is only good to 100/8=12.5 mbyte/s

how you are managing to do 19.2mbyte/s HD over it I dont get... nice tho
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Old 05-26-2003, 03:37 PM
JasonJoel JasonJoel is offline
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Unless he is using full duplex 100 Mbit ethernet.. which theoretically could do 200 mbit, but in practice doesn't.

I've gotten 20+ MBYTE/s over my full duplex 100mbit ethernet many times. Usually lower than that sustained though.


Originally posted by jimbobuk
surely 100mbit/s is only good to 100/8=12.5 mbyte/s

how you are managing to do 19.2mbyte/s HD over it I dont get... nice tho
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Old 05-26-2003, 05:01 PM
jimbobuk jimbobuk is offline
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how do u know if its full duplex... i have a switch in my router.. i think that is full duplex... doesn't it need 2 connections..

anyways i dont get hdtv over here so its not an issue
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Old 05-27-2003, 08:24 AM
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The networking talk has moved beyond my level of knowledge. All I know is that I have both of my HD recording computers connected through a router, and I am able to easily watch the recorded files from one computer on the other over the network.
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Old 05-27-2003, 09:23 AM
sshapiro63 sshapiro63 is offline
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Using SageClient does not work properly for me if I set the recording rate on the encoders to anything higher than 2GB (Great). Above this setting I get a/v stuttering after changing channels with SageClient. Sometimes it recovers, sometimes it does not.

SageTV works fine at higher rates, but not SageClient.

My network is 100Mbps with pc's connected through a switch.
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Old 05-27-2003, 09:40 AM
JJarmoc JJarmoc is offline
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Full Duplex makes use of an additional pair of wires in the cable, so that a single cable can send traffic bi-directionally. Most network equipment will come set to 'autodetect' the duplex settings of devices on the other end of the cable. There will also be settings to force it. This will be in your NIC drivers, or in the hub/switch/router's configuration somewhere (hard to be more specific than that, it varies a lot depending on what specific device.) Sometimes, different vendors interpret the means for autodetecting slightly differently, which can potentially cause duplex mis-matches (one end thinks it's a half duplex connection, the other thinks it's full) This will usually manifest itself by generating CRC errors on the interface. The work around is to force duplex settings if you have reason to believe this is a problem.

To simplify the difference between half and full duplex, consider the following;

Think of a walkie talkie as half duplex - when you talk, you can't listen. If two people try to talk at once, you'll get a 'collision' neither one of you heard the other, since you were both trying to talk. So each will wait some period of time before attempting to re-transmit.

Think of a telephone as full duplex - you can talk over each other if you want, and there will never be a collision.
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Old 05-27-2003, 02:09 PM
jimbobuk jimbobuk is offline
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thanks jjarmock... I get half and full duplex i am a little unclear why it would increase performance along one of the channels.. if its allowing 100meg each way simultaneously surely that doesn't equate to any more in 1 direction if the other direction is now being used much...

all good tho... mine is mostly ok with it
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