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SageTV Customizations This forums is for discussing and sharing user-created modifications for the SageTV application created by using the SageTV Studio or through the use of external plugins. Use this forum to discuss customizations for SageTV version 6 and earlier, or for the SageTV3 UI.

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Old 07-19-2004, 03:43 PM
McTurok McTurok is offline
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Posts: 70
Intelligent Recording Options Possible?

With all this GREAT stuff being created for SageTV I was wondering if it was possible to create Intelligent Recording by Categories.

So instead of turning it on for everything, instead I could just turn it on for "movies" (you know, the ones colored purple in the guide) or sporting events (green) or "comedy", etc.

Is this something that could be done with the current customizations you all are working on?

I'm not asking for it or asking anyone to do this, but it's something I think would be a nice feature.

I guess it could almost be a filter added to the currect IR.

What you all think?

My head is really spinning right now. I've gone through a bunch of posts today and setup my SageTV with MlbDude's mods (Thanks man, they are great, I love them and you've really done a great job!) I didn't find anyone else talking about this or asking for it, etc. so I thought I'd throw it out there.

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Old 07-19-2004, 04:24 PM
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It has been requested as a feature that SageTV allow some sort of IR customization or tweaking, but it is not possible to do so at the moment. Currently, as far as I know, all IR settings are internal to the core program & are not adjustable through Studio. Maybe that will change some day...

- Andy
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Old 07-19-2004, 04:40 PM
McTurok McTurok is offline
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That's what I was afraid of. Well, let me throw this out at you.

What about building a menu option for listing what the IR would show you if it was enabled?

Then it could be more like a filter and allow you to pick and choose all or individually that programs you "might" like.

But not having to have them all recorded as IR does right now,

Make sense?

I see lots of wonderful menus being built with Studio right now and they can filter and sort the listings on the screen as you want them to.

I'm just looking for a way to see what the IR might suggest and give me the option to look for "sports", "movies", etc, etc. Then I can pick and choose which one's I would like to record.

I think my buddy's TIVO does this when he has the menu up for recording a show.
It suggests "other shows" he might also like to record.

Sometimes there are just so many listings on the screen it's hard to really tell which I would like. I'm really looking for some IR suggestions on my menus isntead of everything.
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:48 PM
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Yup, that's been suggested before, but it doesn't hurt to mention it again. It seems that the IR schedule is calculated even when IR is off, but I haven't looked to see if Studio has access to those unused scheduled shows. (I believe it has been noted that the exported schedule includes IR shows even when IR isn't on.)

You could always do what I do w/IR: periodcially check the schedule (once a day?) and mark the ones you don't like. It will recalculate te schedule & you can mark again... could go in circles until IR stops adding new shows.

- Andy
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