Originally Posted by boukmandutty
Zogg, How goes it man?
I got bored and decided to mess around and figured out a way to get ffmpeg into an existing, isntalled opendct container. As usual my method is crude given my lack of expertise.
The trick is to get the binary version inserted into the container. You have to get into the terminal for the opendct container. (I dont know how to do it with UNRAID. I have only been messing around to see how sagetv would work on a synology nas via docker. I think I will try this UNRAID thing over the holidays.)
Once you are able to get into the terminal for the opendct container download, extract and, rename if you like the binary version of ffmpeg as described here:
If you are unable to extract it from the terminal, then download it and save it to one of the folders you mapped for opendct . After that you should now be able to access the ffmpeg binary from the opendct container terminal (Awkward naming I know. But I dont know what to call it).
Move it to /usr/lbin/
You can test it with the following for example :
If all went well you should see gibbersh flood the screen. You can exit the terminal you opened for the opendct docker and move on to edit your opendct config file.
My line in the opendct config file looks like this:
@boukmandutty, I finally got it to work! With the new docker image, it comes with ffmpeg so I put copies of it in several paths and I think it's finally finding the file in opt/bin.
I have a few other things to work on, but I'll try using Pluto eventually. I'm just glad I finally figured this out!  
AMD Ryzen 5 3600, B450 m/b, 32Gig, lots of disks, Unraid, 2x HDPVR2 tuners, HDHomeRun Prime, HDHomeRun HDHR4 OTA, Windows Live Tuner, SageTV docker, OpenDCT docker, Win8.1 VM, EventGhost