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Hardware Support Discussions related to using various hardware setups with SageTV products. Anything relating to capture cards, remotes, infrared receivers/transmitters, system compatibility or other hardware related problems or suggestions should be posted here. |
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Updated script for readability and logging.
Syntax for command: (tune.ps1) tune TunerNumber=<tunerNumber> ChannelNumber=<channelNumber> EnableDebug=<True | False> Run from command shell: powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File "PATH\tune.ps1" -TunerNumber <tunerNumber> -ChannelNumber <channelNumber>" tune.ps: Code:
Param([string]$TunerNumber, [string]$ChannelNumber, [ValidateSet("true", "false")]$EnableDebug="false") switch($EnableDebug.ToLower()) { "true" { $EnableDebugBool = $true } default { $EnableDebugBool = $false } } $ChannelNumberArray = $ChannelNumber.ToCharArray() $HostName = "" $HostPort = 8080 $TuningCommand = "http://" + $HostName + ":" + $HostPort + "/sagex/api/?c=TransmitCommandUsingInfraredTuningPlugin" $TuningPlugin = "USB-UIRT Transceiver" $TuningPluginPort = "0" $BaseRemoteName = "PaceRNG150" $RemoteName = $BaseRemoteName + "-" + $TunerNumber $RepeatFactor = "2" $LogFile = "log.txt" $Username = "sage" $Password = "frey" $Headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $Username,$Password))) } if ($EnableDebugBool) { $ChannelText = "***** Tune " + $ChannelNumber + " *****" Write-Output $ChannelText | Out-File $LogFile -append } foreach ($Digit in $ChannelNumberArray) { $Uri = $TuningCommand + "&1=" + $TuningPlugin + "&2=" + $TuningPluginPort + "&3=" + $RemoteName + "&4=" + $Digit + "&5=" + $RepeatFactor if ($EnableDebugBool) { Write-Output uri:$Uri | Out-File $LogFile -append } $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers } if ($EnableDebugBool) { Write-Output "*******************" | Out-File $LogFile -append } To find the parameters for your system - here is a sample of the following commands to run in a browser: Quote:
Having problem with tuner executable entry in OpenDCT config...
Entered the following line: Quote:
And in the OpenDCT log file: Quote:
You need to escape the backslashes. \ needs to be \\
SageTV v9 Server: ASRock Z97 Extreme4, Intel i7-4790K @ 4.4Ghz, 32GB RAM, 6x 3TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 5TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 6TB 7200rpm HD, 4x 256GB SSD, 4x 500GB SSD, unRAID Pro 6.7.2 (Dual Parity + SSD Cache). Capture: 1x Ceton InfiniTV 4 (ClearQAM), 2x Ceton InfiniTV 6, 1x BM1000-HDMI, 1x BM3500-HDMI. Clients: 1x HD300 (Living Room), 1x HD200 (Master Bedroom). Software: OpenDCT :: WMC Live TV Tuner :: Schedules Direct EPG |
Buy Fuzzy a beer! (Fuzzy likes beer) unRAID Server: i7-6700, 32GB RAM, Dual 128GB SSD cache and 13TB pool, with SageTVv9, openDCT, Logitech Media Server and Plex Media Server each in Dockers. Sources: HRHR Prime with Charter CableCard. HDHR-US for OTA. Primary Client: HD-300 through XBoxOne in Living Room, Samsung HLT-6189S Other Clients: Mi Box in Master Bedroom, HD-200 in kids room |
Nevermind... silly mistake...
Correct path is: Quote:
Now I have a different problem...
The OpenDCT log file shows the command executing: Quote:
But in fact it is NOT executing. |
There is a commandline program on the usbuirt forums to send a command to the USB-UIRT. That could be used with the following batch file to have openDCT directly blast the channel change instead of having sagetv installed on the remote machine (since it seems like the only reason you are using sage on the remote machine is to deal with the blasting):
@echo off REM ************************************************* REM * IR Blasting Script * REM * by Christopher Piper * REM * * REM * Set the following blastercmd variable * REM * where //digit// will be the digit to send * REM * * REM * example: * REM * SET blastercmd=uutx.exe -firfile.ir //digit// * REM * * REM ************************************************* SET blastercmd= REM ************************************************* if "%blastercmd%"=="" (goto nocmd) if "%1"=="" (goto syntax) else (set num=%1) if "%2"=="" (set min=3) else (set min=%2) if "%3"=="" (set del=250) else (set del=%3) ECHO Blasting %num%, minimum %min% digits, with %del% msec delay: REM Get digits from number SET digit0=%num:~0,1% SET digit1=%num:~1,1% SET digit2=%num:~2,1% SET digit3=%num:~3,1% REM Zero Pad the digits :testsize if "%digit3%"=="" (GOTO padit) goto testmin :padit SET digit3=%digit2% SET digit2=%digit1% SET digit1=%digit0% SET digit0=0 goto testsize :testmin if %digit0%==0 ( if %min%==4 goto blast4 if %digit1%==0 ( if %min%==3 goto blast3 if %digit2%==0 ( if %min%==2 goto blast2 if %digit3%==0 ( if %min%==1 goto blast1 goto end ) else goto blast1 ) else goto blast2 ) else goto blast3 ) else goto blast4 :nocmd ECHO. ECHO ERROR: blastercmd variable is not set. See note at top of blast.bat for help. ECHO. :syntax ECHO Send an IR blast ECHO. ECHO Usage: BLAST n [min] [delay] ECHO. ECHO Where: n = the channel number to tune to ECHO min = minimum number of digits to send (default 3) ECHO delay = inter-digit delay in microseconds (default 250) goto end :blast4 CALL :blast %digit0% CALL :delay %del% :blast3 CALL :blast %digit1% CALL :delay %del% :blast2 CALL :blast %digit2% CALL :delay %del% :blast1 CALL :blast %digit3% GOTO end :delay if not "%1"=="0" PING -n 1 -w %1 >NUL GOTO:EOF :blast call set cmd=%%blastercmd://digit//=%1%% %cmd% GOTO:EOF :end
Buy Fuzzy a beer! (Fuzzy likes beer) unRAID Server: i7-6700, 32GB RAM, Dual 128GB SSD cache and 13TB pool, with SageTVv9, openDCT, Logitech Media Server and Plex Media Server each in Dockers. Sources: HRHR Prime with Charter CableCard. HDHR-US for OTA. Primary Client: HD-300 through XBoxOne in Living Room, Samsung HLT-6189S Other Clients: Mi Box in Master Bedroom, HD-200 in kids room Last edited by Fuzzy; 02-21-2017 at 10:49 AM. |
SageTV v9 Server: ASRock Z97 Extreme4, Intel i7-4790K @ 4.4Ghz, 32GB RAM, 6x 3TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 5TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 6TB 7200rpm HD, 4x 256GB SSD, 4x 500GB SSD, unRAID Pro 6.7.2 (Dual Parity + SSD Cache). Capture: 1x Ceton InfiniTV 4 (ClearQAM), 2x Ceton InfiniTV 6, 1x BM1000-HDMI, 1x BM3500-HDMI. Clients: 1x HD300 (Living Room), 1x HD200 (Master Bedroom). Software: OpenDCT :: WMC Live TV Tuner :: Schedules Direct EPG |
For example if you send 5 <delay> 1 <delay> 3 when trying to tune channel 513 you may tune channel 5, then tune channel 1 and finally end up on channel 3.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
Am I missing something? I don't see anything in that BAT file that deals with zones? I think the whole reason he went down this path was to be able to use zones so he could control multiple STBs with one blaster.
Server: Ryzen 2400G with integrated graphics, ASRock X470 Taichi Motherboard, HDMI output to Vizio 1080p LCD, Win10-64Bit (Professional), 16GB RAM Capture Devices (7 tuners): Colossus (x1), HDHR Prime (x2),USBUIRT (multi-zone) Source: Comcast/Xfinity X1 Cable Primary Client: Server Other Clients: (1) HD200, (1) HD300 Retired Equipment: MediaMVP, PVR150 (x2), PVR150MCE, HDHR, HVR-2250, HD-PVR |
I don't think the uutx.exe command line program understands zones. We may need to get Jon Rhees to create a new version of it with a zone as a parameter.
New Server - Sage9 on unRAID 2xHD-PVR, HDHR for OTA Old Server - Sage7 on Win7Pro-i660CPU with 4.6TB, HD-PVR, HDHR OTA, HVR-1850 OTA Clients - 2xHD-300, 8xHD-200 Extenders, Client+2xPlaceshifter and a WHS which acts as a backup Sage server |
SageTV v9 Server: ASRock Z97 Extreme4, Intel i7-4790K @ 4.4Ghz, 32GB RAM, 6x 3TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 5TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 6TB 7200rpm HD, 4x 256GB SSD, 4x 500GB SSD, unRAID Pro 6.7.2 (Dual Parity + SSD Cache). Capture: 1x Ceton InfiniTV 4 (ClearQAM), 2x Ceton InfiniTV 6, 1x BM1000-HDMI, 1x BM3500-HDMI. Clients: 1x HD300 (Living Room), 1x HD200 (Master Bedroom). Software: OpenDCT :: WMC Live TV Tuner :: Schedules Direct EPG |
Regarding the time delay, I've never used it, so I can't say for sure if that's true in all cases. I just knew the utility was out there, so wrote up a (generalized) script to break a channel into digits.
Buy Fuzzy a beer! (Fuzzy likes beer) unRAID Server: i7-6700, 32GB RAM, Dual 128GB SSD cache and 13TB pool, with SageTVv9, openDCT, Logitech Media Server and Plex Media Server each in Dockers. Sources: HRHR Prime with Charter CableCard. HDHR-US for OTA. Primary Client: HD-300 through XBoxOne in Living Room, Samsung HLT-6189S Other Clients: Mi Box in Master Bedroom, HD-200 in kids room |
I did just tweak the script a bit to completely skip the delay step if you set the delay to 0, so if the uuirtdrv.dll does take 0.8 seconds to spool up, the interdigit delay should still end up being less than a second, and channel changes should still get off properly (like I said, I've not tried it, and am not even at home to give it a shot on a test rig yet).
Buy Fuzzy a beer! (Fuzzy likes beer) unRAID Server: i7-6700, 32GB RAM, Dual 128GB SSD cache and 13TB pool, with SageTVv9, openDCT, Logitech Media Server and Plex Media Server each in Dockers. Sources: HRHR Prime with Charter CableCard. HDHR-US for OTA. Primary Client: HD-300 through XBoxOne in Living Room, Samsung HLT-6189S Other Clients: Mi Box in Master Bedroom, HD-200 in kids room Last edited by Fuzzy; 02-21-2017 at 09:10 AM. |
Okay, so I was got home and was able to throw a spare USB-UIRT on my win10 desktop and throw some codes at it.
@echo off echo Start: %time% call blast.bat 1234 4 0 echo Stop: %time% Output: Code:
Start: 8:43:25.43 Blasting 1234, minimum 4 digits, with 0 msec delay: Stop: 8:43:27.13 Start: 8:45:17.19 Blasting 1234, minimum 4 digits, with 250 msec delay: Stop: 8:45:19.19
Buy Fuzzy a beer! (Fuzzy likes beer) unRAID Server: i7-6700, 32GB RAM, Dual 128GB SSD cache and 13TB pool, with SageTVv9, openDCT, Logitech Media Server and Plex Media Server each in Dockers. Sources: HRHR Prime with Charter CableCard. HDHR-US for OTA. Primary Client: HD-300 through XBoxOne in Living Room, Samsung HLT-6189S Other Clients: Mi Box in Master Bedroom, HD-200 in kids room Last edited by Fuzzy; 02-21-2017 at 10:50 AM. |
SageTV v9 Server: ASRock Z97 Extreme4, Intel i7-4790K @ 4.4Ghz, 32GB RAM, 6x 3TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 5TB 7200rpm HD, 2x 6TB 7200rpm HD, 4x 256GB SSD, 4x 500GB SSD, unRAID Pro 6.7.2 (Dual Parity + SSD Cache). Capture: 1x Ceton InfiniTV 4 (ClearQAM), 2x Ceton InfiniTV 6, 1x BM1000-HDMI, 1x BM3500-HDMI. Clients: 1x HD300 (Living Room), 1x HD200 (Master Bedroom). Software: OpenDCT :: WMC Live TV Tuner :: Schedules Direct EPG |
I so rarely have things recording from encrypted channels, and almost never three back to back to cause a need to miss the tuning time, that I've never really noticed an issue with the "slow" channel changes using IR, almost all my recordings are coming via cablecard or OTA these days. (I actually haven't had either HD-PVR online for a couple weeks now, and no-one in the house has said anything).
Buy Fuzzy a beer! (Fuzzy likes beer) unRAID Server: i7-6700, 32GB RAM, Dual 128GB SSD cache and 13TB pool, with SageTVv9, openDCT, Logitech Media Server and Plex Media Server each in Dockers. Sources: HRHR Prime with Charter CableCard. HDHR-US for OTA. Primary Client: HD-300 through XBoxOne in Living Room, Samsung HLT-6189S Other Clients: Mi Box in Master Bedroom, HD-200 in kids room |
Sage Server: 8th gen Intel based system w/32GB RAM running Ubuntu Linux, HDHomeRun Prime with cable card for recording. Runs headless. Accessed via RD when necessary. Four HD-300 Extenders. |
1. Setup a SageTV Server that serves local tuners - this allows any other SageTV Server to use this shared resource - allows any program (not just SageTV) to use this shared resource - also important when the hardware itself must be plugged in local (USB-UIRT) - especially useful when the common resource can tune ALL channels (including protected) such as the BM3000-HDMIs (amazing) 2. Ability to upgrade / configure one without the other - split the dependency - Updates to the main SageTV Server can be independent of the SageTV Server acting as a Network Encoder - the Network Encoders are completely backward compatible, works with any SageTV version - Can migrate configurations easily without reconfiguring tuners 3. Speed of changing channels for IR. (latest script attached) - the script is very fast since it leverages the in-memory REST - support multiple zones natively Last edited by sflamm; 02-21-2017 at 03:41 PM. |
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