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Phoenix This forum is for discussing the user-created Phoenix custom interface for SageTV.

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Old 11-27-2011, 12:34 AM
briankeys briankeys is offline
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Phoenix disables parental controls

Running latest version of Phoenix and SageTV. Absolutely love Phoenix but have three minor problems I'd appreciate help with.

1. When I start SageTV on a client PC with Phoenix STV, it disables the default parental controls on the server affecting all other extenders not using Phoenix?

2. How do I turn off the white transparent background that shows when the timebar pops up while watching a show or a movie? It prevents Phoenix from working on my old MediaMVPs.

3. Had Phoenix working great on my two HD200s for weeks. Girls loved it but now it is locking them up intermittently requiring a power disconnect / reconnect to reboot. sometimes once a day, sometimes ten times in an hour, all with different shows so not a corrupt media file. Switching back to SageMC fixes it for now but we like Phoenix! When the HD200 is locked up, it turns itself off. Turning it back on with the remote brings the red LED on the front panel on for about 10secs then it goes back off. Screen remains black during this time?

Any help with the above would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 11-27-2011, 04:51 PM
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bialio bialio is offline
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1. If you use parental controls you need to be either all in or all out for Phoenix.

2. I don't think the MediaMVP can handle phoenix. The white background is normally transparent. You can try setting the OSD alpha to 0 - that might help. Check in the options that are available while watching a video file.

3. If you have Auto Comskip enabled, disable it. There's a bug in it right now that is causing all kinds of grief which sounds like what you are describing.

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Old 11-28-2011, 09:00 AM
briankeys briankeys is offline
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2. I'll give that a try.

3. Makes sense, the lockup would occur when starting the show and I have a 2sec prerecord on many of them so there would be an immediate Comskip. Mostly my girls have been dealing with this but on the times I caught it, it would show a few frames of video prior to the Comskip jump and then lockup.

Happy to see there is a known issue that might take care of our HD200 problem. I'll go back to SageMC for now as I do need the parental controls but can't run Phoenix on all TVs until there is a way to make the minimum font size a little bigger. I think I read in another post that that was being looked at.

Thanks for the help!
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