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Phoenix This forum is for discussing the user-created Phoenix custom interface for SageTV.

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Old 09-16-2011, 12:38 PM
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MeInMaui MeInMaui is offline
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Originally Posted by scm View Post
I sure wish that the programmed delete button on remote worked for group delete, but it doesn't. I have that button on my remote programmed. It works in the default stv, it works in Diamond, it used to work SageMC. It does not work with Phoenix. I can delete each show individually, but not as a group. When I need to clean up the recording directory, I typically have to switch out of phoenix.

The delete functionality is an issue for several of us, and it effects basic operations. Even so, the parts of phoenix that do work are so awesome, I keep using it!
FYI, if you bring up the detailed info menu for the group (by hitting Select on the group folder), there is a button for "Group Delete Options" under Advanced Options. You can Delete All or just Delete items marked Watched from there.

I've been insanely busy with work and some other things lately, so I haven't had a chance to look at streamlining the delete functionality yet.

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Old 09-16-2011, 03:47 PM
scm scm is offline
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Originally Posted by MeInMaui View Post
FYI, if you bring up the detailed info menu for the group (by hitting Select on the group folder), there is a button for "Group Delete Options" under Advanced Options. You can Delete All or just Delete items marked Watched from there.

First, I completely understand being busy. Holding a job while trying to raise kids and take of a family is about as much as I can handle. I've no idea how you manage to code anything on top of all that!

The Group Delete Options are only available under the default TV directory. I use the Banner Flow view routinely, and this option is not present from there. I can move into the default directory and access it from there, which I do sometimes.

Again, thanks for all you and this team are doing on this project. Also, know that many of us respect that you put real life ahead of this project!! It is more important.

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Old 09-28-2011, 08:06 AM
uberpixel uberpixel is offline
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I've stopped using Phoenix due in large part to the additional work to delete a program.

I much prefer the ability to hit the delete button on my remote (on any level of the menu) and then have the the choice to delete, delete because it was the wrong recording, delete and set watched for any program or group of programs.

As long as there is a confirmation dialogue, I don't see why we need to fear the delete function?

I thought it was set up this way previously. Was this something that was changed with a recent release? I spent quite a lot of time going through all of the options trying to figure out if I turned something off by accident.

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