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Old 03-03-2011, 09:01 AM
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Some BMT Questions - maybe suggestions

In attempting to clean up my metadata, the following questions or (requests if not possible now) come up:

1) Can I see "Missing Metadata" for JUST SageTV Recordings or JUST Imported? It would make cleaning up my movie library much easier. Maybe add 2 new Views?

2) What do I need to add to shows that aren't found in the search to make them go away from the "Missing" view? I manually added a fanart title, but I guess that's not enough.

related to 2) , and if there's alot of metadata that would need to be added to satisfy the search, would it make sense to be able to "ignore" the show? Maybe a checkbox so that I don't continue to see it?
- A use case is my local news. I don't expect it to ever come back in a web search. Home Videos are another one.

Side question: should I be worried about un checking the "preserve sagetv metadata" check box occasionally? Any concerns I should be aware of?

note: I did review the guide and search for these topics...

Last edited by Tomahawk51; 03-03-2011 at 09:03 AM.
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Old 03-03-2011, 09:13 AM
vividweb vividweb is offline
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Originally Posted by Tomahawk51 View Post
1) Can I see "Missing Metadata" for JUST SageTV Recordings or JUST Imported? It would make cleaning up my movie library much easier. Maybe add 2 new Views?
Check out this thread to add views to your BMT

Am also interested in the answer to your second question as well.

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Old 03-03-2011, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Tomahawk51 View Post
In attempting to clean up my metadata, the following questions or (requests if not possible now) come up:

1) Can I see "Missing Metadata" for JUST SageTV Recordings or JUST Imported? It would make cleaning up my movie library much easier. Maybe add 2 new Views?

2) What do I need to add to shows that aren't found in the search to make them go away from the "Missing" view? I manually added a fanart title, but I guess that's not enough.

related to 2) , and if there's alot of metadata that would need to be added to satisfy the search, would it make sense to be able to "ignore" the show? Maybe a checkbox so that I don't continue to see it?
- A use case is my local news. I don't expect it to ever come back in a web search. Home Videos are another one.

Side question: should I be worried about un checking the "preserve sagetv metadata" check box occasionally? Any concerns I should be aware of?

note: I did review the guide and search for these topics...
BMT is a layer on Phoenix, and as such, everything you are asking for can be done today, without changing bmt, but it requires knowledge of creating views, or editing existing ones. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to write the documentation on how to customize views, so I haven't been very vocal in those abilities.

Bottom line is that you can certainly create new views (in xml) that filter and show the data anyway you like. You excluide/include files, etc, so it is possible to do everything that you are asking in the existing view technology.

As for the "Missing Metadata" view, it does a couple of things... I check the fanart title for movies, the year for movies, and for tv it checks the fanart title and the epsisode number.

Again, using views, you can easily build your own missing metadata type of view that is contrained to just TV shows, Recordings, etc.

In the next couple of months, there will be a lot more information on how to configure views... both for bmt and Phoenix (which share the same technology)
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Old 03-03-2011, 09:58 AM
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Great, knowing that I need to populate "Fanart Title" and "Year" for movies or "Fanart Title" and "Episode" is a nice step forward.

I do want to point out that creating a view to "ignore" select titles probably isn't the most sensible way to go. Barring this ability, I'll just know to populate the fields you mention - which is totally fine for me.

Now onwards to cleaning up my 151 missing metadata entries...

Thanks so much.
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:06 AM
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New New Update: Yes it is needed: i.e. "Fanart Title", "Episode Name" , and "Episode #" are needed to satisfy the missing metadata view.

New Update:

It looks like "Episode Name" is needed. Not sure if in addition to episode number (but I'd guess not).


Maybe more is need for TV than what you iterate?

I have a show "american arsenal" (my wife works for a steel company - I'm not a militia member). that doesn't show. I added fanart title and season and episode. It still comes back as missing metadata.

Here are the remaining blank fields (others are populated):

-Episode Name
-Disc #
-extended ratings
-user rating

Last edited by Tomahawk51; 03-03-2011 at 10:09 AM.
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:15 AM
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For reference... here's the filter code...

                if (res.isType(MediaResourceType.TV.value())) {
                        IMetadata md = ((IMediaFile)res).getMetadata();
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(md.getMediaType())) return true;
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(md.getMediaTitle())) return true;
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(md.getEpisodeName())) return true;
                        if (md.getEpisodeNumber()<=0) return true;
                } else if (res.isType(MediaResourceType.ANY_VIDEO.value())) {
                        IMetadata md = ((IMediaFile)res).getMetadata();
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(md.getMediaType())) return true;
                        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(md.getMediaTitle())) return true;
So it would appear that for TV you need
- MediaType (TV, Movie)
- MediaTitle (fanart title)
- EpisodeName
- EpisodeNumber

for Movies...
- MediaType (TV, Movie)
- MediaTitle (fanart title)
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Old 03-03-2011, 01:52 PM
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FYI: I take it back. After doing a bunch of updating, an "IGNORE" checkbox or equivalent ability to remove things from the "missing metadata" view would be very nice. Perhaps there are more elegant ways to go about this though.

In my case, I keep seeing "Action News" at the top of the list constantly, and since it's daily, I have no expectation of actually adding metadata. I have to keep looking at these everytime I go in to chip away. Repeat for dozens of other shows.

I do understand that this is probably low priority, but I'll express my interest in something that would alleviate this. I am starting to catch the BMT OCD that another user mentioned in terms of feeling dirty about the many items I've got...
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Old 03-03-2011, 02:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Tomahawk51 View Post
FYI: I take it back. After doing a bunch of updating, an "IGNORE" checkbox or equivalent ability to remove things from the "missing metadata" view would be very nice. Perhaps there are more elegant ways to go about this though.

In my case, I keep seeing "Action News" at the top of the list constantly, and since it's daily, I have no expectation of actually adding metadata. I have to keep looking at these everytime I go in to chip away. Repeat for dozens of other shows.

I do understand that this is probably low priority, but I'll express my interest in something that would alleviate this. I am starting to catch the BMT OCD that another user mentioned in terms of feeling dirty about the many items I've got...
The user guide does talk about using a regular expression filter to exclude items... but the regex filter is global. I probably won't do anything in the bmt core (at least not in the short term), but once I release the documentation on customizing views... you'll be able to do exactly what you want... and more. (You'll be able to exclude items based on filepath, show title, series, etc)

I am also working on enabling some view editing features within bmt, which again, could be used to solve this problem. I just need more time... or a couple of clones of myself
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Old 05-05-2011, 12:55 PM
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I too would like an ignore box or someway of not showing certain shows. I have
over 1400 missing metadata entries... And I'd like to be able to easily find the ones that I can fix!

Has there been any change to this yet or a way to exclude titles from this?


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Old 05-06-2011, 06:14 AM
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You can configure one or more folders as being a home video folder, and they'll get excluded from the missing metadata view. Or you can configure the global exclude filter. Either way, it's in the configuration section, under Metadata/Fanart (i think)
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Old 05-06-2011, 09:23 AM
adone36 adone36 is offline
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Home movies option was a great enhancement! Solved many issues for me. "Missing metadata" would be nice to have separate for Movies and TV for mainstream and customizable for the person with specific wants.

"Missing Metadata" for me always seems to contain half of my TV library. Yet all of the shows have full EPG data, etc, and most even have fanart. I'm wondering if they could be older shows that date from the time when BMT had a slight bug in mapping corresponding fields.

I recently moved 400 movies. BMT probably got 385 right, an outstanding success. But the strange thing is that many of the 15 really should have hit also. For example many are "The Movie (year)" and there are many versions, but my file name is the 1st in the list ie: "the Movie (2010)". Can't see a reason for this.
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Old 05-14-2011, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by adone36 View Post
Home movies option was a great enhancement! Solved many issues for me. "Missing metadata" would be nice to have separate for Movies and TV for mainstream and customizable for the person with specific wants.

"Missing Metadata" for me always seems to contain half of my TV library. Yet all of the shows have full EPG data, etc, and most even have fanart. I'm wondering if they could be older shows that date from the time when BMT had a slight bug in mapping corresponding fields.

I recently moved 400 movies. BMT probably got 385 right, an outstanding success. But the strange thing is that many of the 15 really should have hit also. For example many are "The Movie (year)" and there are many versions, but my file name is the 1st in the list ie: "the Movie (2010)". Can't see a reason for this.
If you post a couple of movie filenames, then I can try to see why bmt failed to find them. Sometimes it may fail simply because it had an error communicating with the server, but in some cases, there may be other reasons, so having these filenames would help me build better detection, if possible.
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