Originally Posted by Mark SS
Anyone had and success with the Cinergy dual DVBT card on Win 7 x64? Have tried the .283 and more recent .284 drivers, in both cases only 1 tuner on each card will work...Debating whether to trash the box (again) and stick with 32bit.
For some users it works, for some other it doesn't.
Common issue seems to be : only one tuner is working right (both tuner works if Win 7 installation is clean and the Cinergy is the only installed tuner)
For what it's worth, I'm using the Cinergy on XP with the .284 drivers. Those drivers DOESN'T accept offset in the frequency (the .255 were). So if you have a channel on freq. 490166, use 490000 as the freq. (the 490166 will not lock at all). This freq. issue is a nightmare for software that rely on the DVB PSI tables to tune (this is the case of DVBEnhancer if I'm not wrong, Windows Media Center) : because you'll scan on freq. 490000, get a lock, but the NIT will return other freq. with the offset = failure...
What are your issue with the card?
Note: 64 bits / 32 bits. I would recommend 32 bits. 64 bits will be only safe when it is the only choice available for the OS...