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Old 04-16-2004, 07:33 PM
gotuitdan gotuitdan is offline
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RC1 - Release Focus on "Sleep" Menu Item

Looks good overall... Is there some way, though to force the system to release focus after selecting sleep off of the menu. This is how most people try to get to the underlying menu (myHTPC), but no one understands why the underlying menus don't work after Sage disappears.

While I get it, and I could avoid using this function, other people just won't figure this out...


I really consider this a bug, at this point...

All in all, though, Sage is great!


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Old 04-17-2004, 12:59 AM
mandrews44 mandrews44 is offline
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While releasing focus would help you, it would ruin my day.

When I am finished with the HTPC and want to turn off the timeshifting, I hit the power button on the remote control. If the focus is not still on SageTV, I can't press the power button again to wake up SAGE when I am ready to use it again. I am really glad it is this way.

If it is added, I surely hope it is an option that I can turn off.


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Old 04-17-2004, 06:14 AM
bettis211 bettis211 is offline
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Sage does not need to have focus to be woken up with the remote. If you are using the Hauppauge remote you can add these lines to your irremote.ini file in your Windows directory:

In the default section (under [Default]) add this:
GRNPOWER={run(C:\Progra~1\FreyTe~1\SageTV\SageTV.exe -awake)}{mode(SageTV)}
The path should be the actual path to SageTV.exe on your computer. It appears that you need to use the DOS (short) file and folder names (hence the progra~1)

In the SageTV section (under [SageTV]) add {mode(Default)} to the end of the GRNPOWER= line. It should now be something like:

Sage will now wake up with the remote regardless of what has focus.
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Old 04-17-2004, 06:46 AM
falchulk falchulk is offline
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bettis211, not exactly "regardless". If you have configured another app in the irremote.ini and assigned a grnpower= to it, it will not activate. Default only has an effect when you have not specified a function for an application that has focus.
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Old 04-17-2004, 08:28 AM
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bettis211: if you remove the "-awake" option, you can use the remote to start SageTV even if it isn't running. See this FAQ.

Originally posted by falchulk
bettis211, not exactly "regardless". If you have configured another app in the irremote.ini and assigned a grnpower= to it, it will not activate. Default only has an effect when you have not specified a function for an application that has focus.
His instructions include adding the comamnd {mode(Deault)} to the end of the command to exit SageTV. This forces irremote.ini to stay in the [Default] section, regardless of whatever other app is running/has focus, unless you have another command that changes mode based on starting a different app. Or, use {mode()} to return it to its orgiinal behaviour of responding to whatever app has focus.

That's one reason I like using a programmable remote... I can use separate IR codes for all the power on/off commands & never worry about the GRNPOWER button being used for something else.

- Andy
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