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Old 04-15-2004, 12:15 PM
MooRogue MooRogue is offline
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Tell SageTV not to record during certain times?

Hiya! Relatively new SageTV user using the 2.0.15 beta release with a question

I've been pretty happy with SageTV so far, except for one minor thing. I use SageWake to bring my SageTV box out of standby just before recordings, and that's been working perfectly, catching recording during the day when i'm at work, then the power saving settings shut the system down 15 minutes after the recording completes.

However, SageWake is working a little *too* well... It's been turning the box on in the middle of the night (4am in the morning) to catch shows that I didn't even know were on. When it turns my box on, the system fans all turn on at full speed initially before slowing back down to normal, and the noise is enough to wake me up

To kinda "solve" this problem, I've turned off Intelligent Recording so that it won't find new shows in the middle of the night, but that still didn't work when shows that were on my favorites started showing up early in the morning.

Is there a way to tell SageTV *not* to schedule recordings during certain times, like the middle of the night? If not, do any of you SageWake users have any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
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Old 04-15-2004, 01:14 PM
Alex0230 Alex0230 is offline
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did you try the --noir flag in SageWake? This will keep SageWake from waking up for Intelligent Recordings....Sage is always dumping new shows to your schedule.txt file whether you have IR enabled or not (from my experience).
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Old 04-15-2004, 01:22 PM
MooRogue MooRogue is offline
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Yeah, i use --noir as well. Actually, come to think of it, that's what i meant by "turned off Intelligent Recordings". I actuallyt urned off IR entirely later when it decided that i really liked the Lifetime channel for some reason ^^; I'll probably turn it back on and fiddle with IR again when i get some time.

But the problem that happens is when a Favorite show happens to have a showing in the middle of the night, on the same channel that a showing that i want to record is on.

In this case, the Favorite giving me a problem is the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno". I want it to record thoe show from 11:35pm - 12:30am, but there's a second showing at 2:30am, and it's *not* recognized as a Rerun, so SageWake wakes up my box to record it.

I'm pretty certain that there would be other shows that would do the same in the future... In fact, I would actually like to have SageWake wake the box up for intelligent recordings, just not during the hours i'm trying to sleep
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Old 04-15-2004, 01:52 PM
Alex0230 Alex0230 is offline
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Sage would not record 11:35pm - 12:30am if there is a conflict and would then see the 2:30am show as the first available "first run"....if setup as a favorite.

I have as similar situation where I want to record South Park and Chappelle Show (back to back shows 10/10:30)...but since I put a padding in both of -1 and +1, Sage goes out and records the 1:30am Chappelle show because SouthPark at 10 (with -1/+1 padding) is conflicting with the airing of Chappelle at 10:30 (with -1/+1 padding).

Maybe we can really really nicely request the mwhitlock put a SageWake "sleep" parameter where it will not check the file during certain hours...
ECS K7VTA3 + AthlonXP2400XP+ = $70
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Old 04-15-2004, 02:22 PM
MooRogue MooRogue is offline
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hmm... that wasn't it either. The 11:35-12:30 showing was recorded without a problem, and the TV Guide said that they were two different shows anyway, different content.

But yeah, in this case, i wouldn't care if it was a first run or not... it's jut not a time I would want SageTV powering the system on... yet, i want it to operate normally during the day without needing to turn it on manually, just have SageWake turn the system on by itself

It would *really* be cool if mwhitlock could put in a "sleep" function for SageWake!
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