MVP and very slow loading and sage.playback exceptions
Just thought I'd post this in case anyone else has the same issue.
I recently had another HTPC box blow up (I'm running at about 1 a year). Before the PC went bang I had upgraded Sage to about v6.0. The MVP changed it's look and feel (less flat more 3D) and suddenly became VERY unresponsive to menus.
After the latest bang I reinstalled the same version but had yet more issues. Oddly the menus seemed a little faster (maybe a java version issue) but more importantly it would take about 10 minutes to boot. Then after watching about 3 programmes it would throw sage.playback errors and need another lengthy boot.
I decided to enable debugging on the server after putting up with this for a week or so (I was using my Mac client). I noticed that during bootup the Sage service was popping multiple sagetv interfaces up on the server desktop title sagetv - 000feblahblah. There were a few errors in the debug logs and a lot of interface building type messages.
Anyhow I deleted the remote client property files. No luck. Then I saw a post about deleting the clients directory.
Hey presto. A nice shiny new Sage MVP experience. Menus are much faster, boot is much faster, me is happy bunny.
If these files and directories cause issues like this - shouldn't they really be deleted on any version upgrade that affects the MVPs??