I can't seem to find anything about this anywhere else in here, so here goes.
I'm having problems with changing A/R within SageMC. I've got a button mapped on my remote to cycle thru the 4 different aspect ratios (Fill, Source, 16:9, and 4:3) and when changing A/R's it messes up the size of the picture. If I go out to the main menu then the a/r seems to fix itself.
I'll show you what I mean with some screenshots.
So, lets start out in 16:9 watching HDTV, this a/r (which I've modified slightly to remove a small black strip at the top) is working fine.
now we'll switch it to 4:3, which seems to work fine as well, as you can see it's squished the widescreen picture.
now this is what happens when I switch back to 16:9, as you can see it's made the picture a little wider, but not full width like it was originally. if I go to the main menu, the preview window looks correct, and if I make it fullscreen again all is fixed.
Now, if I go back to the regular SageTV3.xml, everything works fine, no messed up A/R's.
Normally I wouldn't care much about this, but it's a real pain when trying to go from watching HDTV that's in 16:9 to movies that are anamorphic and have to be set to source to look right.
I first noticed this behaviour when I upgraded to a beta SageMC xml (i think it was the to fix the squished menus, and have since upgraded both sagetv and sagemc to the latest versions (SageTV ver., and SageMC version 6.3.9a). The only thing that struck me as a little odd is that the sagemc.jar version is 6.3.8.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.