I'm having issues getting fanart for TV shows to work correctly.
SageMC 6.3.9b -12
Phoenix 1.44
BMT 3.1
So everything is fairly up to date. I don't have the automatic plugin enabled, but I do scan using BMT manually. I'm using central fanart. As an example, I have
\Season 2\Posters
And my videos have a folder
In the properties the MediaType=TV, MediaTitle=Dollhouse, so I think it should look in the TV directory for fanart. When I look at the BMT website, the MediaType is not set, even though it is in the properties file. Also, the fanart->default fanart Dirs points to the Movies folder in the central fanart location, not the TV central fanart location as I expected. I can change the Media Type via the webpage, but nothing changes, it still looks in Movies. Is this a bug somewhere, or something misconfigured? if it's a bug, I'm not sure if it would be SageMC, phoenix, or BMT at this point.
All of this works great for movies, and I love it all, thanks everyone for all your hard work.