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Old 03-06-2004, 08:27 PM
pheitman pheitman is offline
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Angry just got hosed because I forgot that Sage isn't TiVo (yet)

I just lost an important part of the show I was watching because I forgot that Sage doesn't necessarily work like a TiVO. I was watching a live movie (which I don't do often). When it got to the commercial I paused it and switched to watching a recorded show. I do this a lot on TiVo to let the recording get far enough ahead of where I'm watching so that I can skip over the commercials. If I time it right I don't catch up to the recording until after the last commercial airs. Unfortunately I found out that this sequence of steps doesn't work on Sage. When I switched back to live TV the show wasn't paused any more and I couldn't go backwards in time to where I had paused it. So I missed a part of the movie that I really regret missing. I'm hoping that this is something that will be fixed or that it is something that I can change once Studio is released.
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Old 03-06-2004, 08:31 PM
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Next time, mark it to be recorded before stopping watching it -- that would tell SageTV to keep recording it.

- Andy
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Old 03-06-2004, 08:46 PM
Fluffdaddy Fluffdaddy is offline
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Old 03-06-2004, 09:32 PM
pheitman pheitman is offline
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True - but that doesn't mean that the TiVo behavior isn't the right one. There wasn't any reason for it to un-pause itself. I wasn't using Live TV, so why not stay where it was (at least for 1/2 an hour or some other configurable length of time)? Why override my instructions (to pause)?
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Old 03-06-2004, 10:24 PM
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It didn't just 'unpause' itself -- it completely stopped recording. Actually, until I read your post, it never dawned on me that watching a prerecorded show was another way to stop live tv, so that was a good thing for me to learn. In fact, this is probably the first time I recall anyone asking for Live TV to keep recording after they stop watching it.

You have 2 things you can do at this point:

1) Realize that different products operate differently and remember that if you are watching something live & wish to interrupt that by viewing something else, then simply hit the record button before leaving the live tv viewing screen. This will ensure that SageTV records the rest of that show for your later viewing.

2) If you believe the product would really be improved by continuing to record live TV even when you go to watch some other prerecorded show, you can submit a request through the beta's Bug Submission Form. The worst that can happen is that your request isn't implemented. I seriously doubt they will look up your registration & add a special case to disable live TV on your system in retaliation.

- Andy
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Old 03-07-2004, 03:44 AM
Cayars Cayars is offline
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Wow, is this new functionality in Sage 2?

I was under the impression that SageTV constantly recorded the last channel you were watching and the only way you could get this to stop was to put Sage to sleep and then wake it up.

In SageTV version one if you had multiple tuners and you switched channels didn't it start recording on the second tuner while still recording your first channel on the first tuner?

I think I remember it working this way. You were able to switch between the two shows pausing and un-pausing the shows.

I'd have to say I like the way that version 1 worked better.

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Old 03-07-2004, 06:09 AM
phenixdragon phenixdragon is offline
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This was requested by many and was changed in I think with .13. It is listed in the release notes for one of the updates, possibly .12.

The reason is because a lot of users didn't like Sage recording all the time. I suggest submitting a bug report on this. I also want Sage to work like it did before but have another option where if Sage was at the main menu or something for a certain period of time it would stop recording.
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Old 03-07-2004, 09:44 AM
falchulk falchulk is offline
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Wrong. Sage has always done it this way. load 1.4.1 again and see. Sage only contiues to record if you dont start watching a recording.
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Old 03-07-2004, 12:19 PM
pheitman pheitman is offline
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Call me a slow learner - I messed up even after reading the initial responses to my post. I continued to watch the show, pausing at commercials (but not switching away) in order to allow the recording to get ahead of the commercials. I did other things while that was going on. Much to my chagrin I then missed the end of the show - I hadn't caught up to real time by the time the show ended and Sage stopped displaying the show and switched to the new show that started right after. It didn't switch channels, it just stopped showing my current show and started showing the new show. As far as I'm concerned that's totally wrong! It kills the value of being able to pause live TV if you lose the end of the show because you are not watching real time. That also kills the WAF - there is no way I will be able to explain to my wife and family that whenever they watch live TV and want to pause it (for any reason) that they must first tell Sage to record it because otherwise they won't see the ending. I'm definitely going to submit an enhancement request for this. If it's not implemented but Studio is released it will be the first thing I do with Studio. If it's not implemented and Studio isn't released then I will never be able to deploy Sage in my home (which would be really sad).
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Old 03-07-2004, 01:23 PM
falchulk falchulk is offline
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pheitman, you must have some problem that I never heard of before. Thats not how sage does it. Each show has an individual file. If you pause or timeshift at any time, the show continues to record. You will get all the way o th end before the new show starts. I would agree that if it did what you described, it would be very wrong. It does not do this if sage is functioning properly.
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Old 03-08-2004, 11:28 PM
Maladin Maladin is offline
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Originally posted by Opus4
Next time, mark it to be recorded before stopping watching it -- that would tell SageTV to keep recording it.

- Andy
I've never figured out how to do this. Once the show has started the "record" option is replaced by "watch now".

I've also been burned by this and would favor an option to always record the currently selected channel (and then delete the oldest unrequested show when disk space is low). Its a free timeshift buffer. If the disk space is available, why not use it?
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Old 03-08-2004, 11:32 PM
thatdude90210 thatdude90210 is offline
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I do this all the time, just press "record" button on the Hauppauge remote, or Ctrl+y with the keyboard when I'm on my laptop. If I'm watching a show and I have to sleep before it ends, I do that and next day the show is on my recorded show list.
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Old 03-09-2004, 09:05 AM
mbrown3 mbrown3 is offline
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That's also one of the things I appreciate about TiVo (that is, being able to pause live TV to watch a prerecorded show, in order to go back to the live TV and skip through commercials). Hopefully this will be implemented in 2. The only glitch on TiVo is that if it needs to switch to a scheduled recording while you have live TV paused and are simultaneously watching a prerecorded show, it just does it...there is no warning over the recorded show that it's going to change channels.

For example, say I'm watching something live (but not sure yet that I want to record it) and catch up to real time at 6:47. I then pause live TV and switch to a recorded showing of "Friends," for example. Knowing that I have a 30 minute buffer and not realizing a scheduled recording is about to be recorded, I watch for about 15 minutes and at 7 the red "recording" light comes on. When I switch to live TV, the TiVo is recording a new show and all of my paused show is lost. If I leave the TV on pause and DON'T watch a recorded show (i.e., just go and do other things while the screen is paused), then I can come back and catch up to where it started recording, but not true if I'm watching a recorded show, or in one of the menus. Furthermore, if I have it on pause and just do other things, and come back to catch up while TiVo has moved on to another show, there is no way to save what has been paused. That is, if I decided I want to keep what has been on pause, I can't once it's recording something else.

All this is to say that hopefully Sage will 1) implement the ability to pause live TV and switch to recorded shows, then back to live to catch up, and 2) implement a WARNING that Sage will change channels no matter WHAT you're watching. This would be very useful. Finally, 3) there should be a way to keep (save) paused material that is cached even while Sage has gone on to record something else.

Any thoughts?
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Old 03-09-2004, 09:24 AM
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Originally posted by pheitman
Call me a slow learner - I messed up even after reading the initial responses to my post. I continued to watch the show, pausing at commercials (but not switching away) in order to allow the recording to get ahead of the commercials. I did other things while that was going on. Much to my chagrin I then missed the end of the show - I hadn't caught up to real time by the time the show ended and Sage stopped displaying the show and switched to the new show that started right after. It didn't switch channels, it just stopped showing my current show and started showing the new show. As far as I'm concerned that's totally wrong! It kills the value of being able to pause live TV if you lose the end of the show because you are not watching real time. That also kills the WAF - there is no way I will be able to explain to my wife and family that whenever they watch live TV and want to pause it (for any reason) that they must first tell Sage to record it because otherwise they won't see the ending. I'm definitely going to submit an enhancement request for this. If it's not implemented but Studio is released it will be the first thing I do with Studio. If it's not implemented and Studio isn't released then I will never be able to deploy Sage in my home (which would be really sad).
I think you are having problems. I'm pretty sure I've done that, and I've don't believe that I've missed the end of any shows.
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