SageTV now seems to break system screen saver
I use the "ui/disable_screen_saver_and_pm=true" line in the properties file. This worked fine for several weeks without problems. Now, when the system screen saver should blank the screen, it is only blanked for a moment. It almost appears like a key or the remote is used but this is not the case. When I first saw this problem I suspected a recent update I applied to the operating system. Today, I finally had some time to look into it and it appears to be related only to the use of SageTV. The known facts are:
1. Problem DOES NOT exist after a reboot before starting SageTV. Screen saver blanks screen and it stays blank until key pressed.
2. Starting and ending WinTV2000 after viewing DOES NOT cause problem to show up
3. Just starting SageTV with an immediate exit DOES cause the problem to show up.
I suspect that SageTV is exceeding some kind of limit and may be overwriting memory. The "epg/channel_lineups" data in the properties file seems to be growing quite a bit. My properties file is currently 134K. The Wiz file is 4,163 KB in length. I currently have about 189 programs in my TV library, system information shows total library content as 12 days 1 hour and 53 minutes. I am providing this information to see if anyone has larger files and does not see the screen saver problems.
Has anyone else seen this type of problem?