Why has SageMC stopped skipping commercials?
I'm a longtime user of SageTV and, until recently, had success with commercial skipping. At some point ( I don't know when), commercial skip simply ceased. I have tried everything I can think of, so I'm appealing to the better brains. Here's the details so that you don't need to ask the basic questions:
Running SageTV v 6.2 with SageMC 6.3.3c. Skip bars do not appear in the timeline. I have enabled showing them in the options.
Running Comskip Monitor in the background. It is working and producing every file I ask for in the my recordings folder. I have at various times had it produce only txt files; only edl files; and both simultaneously. Nothing works.
Enabled commercial skipping in SageMC and SageTV3. Mapped comskip keys to the forward and back keys on the remote (don't know if they work since there are no commercials to skip)
Copied the various jar files to every place I can think of that Java might look for them, i.e. Sage, STV, bin\lib\ext, etc.
Rebooted several times, both warm and cold.
Changed from SageMC to other STV's including the basic, unmodified SageTV3.xml. Nothing.
Any idea? Thanks.