Originally Posted by jbarr
Razillian, you nailed it. I have it set up that way also, and have no problems. But I do see the point of this thread. Simply pit, there are some "inconsistencies" in the UI that at first may not seem to be intuitive. In the "What's so bad about the UI?" thread, some people are asking that specific functionality in rolled into the core while others are content with the current core, and are very comfortable with using plugins to enhance/improve the core. I agree with you (and as I said in the other thread) if there is a fundamental problem with core function, then that needs to be addressed ASASP, but the general concensus seems to be that if the core is stable and works well as advertised (and of course, the word "well" is what's causing the debate) then leave enhancements up to third-party plugins.
I disagree (and now threads are bleeding over into one another). I don't think there is general consensus on how the UI should progress (3rd party vs internal development); I still think it's a religious war at this point.

I think the few things that have been resolved are:
1. SageTV is a decent PVR system, with more features than its primary competitors.
2. One of the best features is the ability to customize.
3. No one really knows the direction the company is going to take in terms of its UI development.
4. The default UI has some inconsistencies in its layout, particularly in the newer features (Online Video, Media Center, etc).
That being said, I appreciate the work that the developers have done to add custom add-ons to the product; I just wish that there were some indication that those features would be officially endorsed and supported by the company.