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Old 01-11-2007, 11:35 PM
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Trying to get to the bottom of this, any help appreciated

Ok, I apologize if this gets a little lengthy but any help would be greatly appreciated. I will also be sending this message verbatim to SageTv support.

Here goes. As some people may know I've been having problems with my sound on recorded favorites, namely there is no sound, only video. But what seems odd is that if I have say 3 things to record back to back to back in one night, the first show will record with no audio and the second and third show will usually be fine (audio and video intact). Or if I have one thing to record in the day it will mess up and have no audio, only video. When upgrading to 6.0.19 (whatever the new version is) I came across the SageTVservicecontrol.exe which I guess I ignored in previous versions b/c up until now I would have Sage load on startup of windows and I would also have Sage sleep when exited ie: there would be no reason for sagetvservicecontrol to run. I'm under the impression that sagetvservicecontrol is only used if you want to exit Sage altogether but still have recordings record when they are supposed to. Am I correct in assuming this?

Also, right now, when changing through livetv my sage records the shows, so its doing what its supposed to do. But, in the detailed setup there is an option that says to delete those unintended recordings, i have yes selected, yet they are still not deleted from my sagetv recording directory. Does anyone know why?

Also in the recording directory there is a file called "ATIAVStreamAnalogCaptureTVTuner-0.mpgbuf" which I have never seen before. It's about 16MB large and comes back if I delete it manually. To be honest, I've never looked in the recording directory before so it could have always been there. I changed directories to my other harddrive in my computer for recordings, so that is why I am noticing it. Now that i think of it, i have looked in the directory before and never seen it. Any advice with this? is it normal?

thats it for now, hopefully i'll get some good responses and be able to give anyone any information that they would need to get a better idea of my situation.... thanks so much
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Old 01-12-2007, 12:37 AM
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Originally Posted by mikeman13great
I will also be sending this message verbatim to SageTv support.
They might find debug log useful too.

Also, try making several recordings with the software that came with your tuner to make sure it has no problems.

I'm under the impression that sagetvservicecontrol is only used if you want to exit Sage altogether but still have recordings record when they are supposed to. Am I correct in assuming this?
Yes, it is for controlling SageTV's service mode, discussed in chapter 2 of the PDF manual.

Also, right now, when changing through livetv my sage records the shows, so its doing what its supposed to do. But, in the detailed setup there is an option that says to delete those unintended recordings, i have yes selected, yet they are still not deleted from my sagetv recording directory. Does anyone know why?
Do you have Intelligent Recording turned on? If so, those files aren't auto-deleted immediately.

Also in the recording directory there is a file called "ATIAVStreamAnalogCaptureTVTuner-0.mpgbuf" which I have never seen before.
This is probably a left over 'live' file from the preview as the tuner was configured. If you delete it & it comes back w/o doing any sort of source config preview or color calibration, then I'm not sure where it is coming from. The log could help determine that.

- Andy
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Old 01-12-2007, 11:03 AM
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mikeman13great mikeman13great is offline
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i have intelligent recordings turned off and auto delete turned on and it still doesnt delete the files in my folder..the hardcopies exist in my 'my video' folder but there is no link to them in Sage Recordings within the program.... i never had this problem before, it would automatically delete little files created from watching live tv and switching channels (i say automatically delete them b/c i never saw them in my folder like i am now)

i used to use windows media center edition with my capture card and i dont remember having any audio/video issues, but who knows

i've got it set up now so that the service is always running but sage program isnt always running and exits instead of sleeps when i close it, i'll see how that treats me
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Old 01-12-2007, 11:27 AM
IncredibleHat IncredibleHat is offline
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I'd like to chime in as well that I have noticed these 'bits' of videos being left about too.

I have {un}Intelligent recording off, and delete live files on as well.

When I am in guide, and select a show that I had watched maybe 1 minute of, or was a result of thumbing through channels during that timestretch, the options menu has an option of "Delete this recording". Yet, that "Recording" doesnt exist in the Recordings menu. When I click to delete it, the little preview still-image goes away for that show during that timeperiod.

If I don't do this, all those little files eventually do go away, as I just looked in my media directory, and no lingering files are there today.

So, I think it's keeping the little bits around for that preview image or something, but then eventually deletes all the bits during some garbage cleanup it does each day or something.

I guess the MOST confusing part for me, is that there is an options menu item of "Delete this recording", when I actually hadn't told it to record that show
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