Originally Posted by i0zjh02
I'm trying to use Twin HVR-1300 tuners (DVB-T not analogue) and Beta Version 6.0.11. I can now tune them OK and view the channels on each tuner in the channel setup.
However I can't get SageTV to use both tuners at once. If I try to schedule to record on both I get a "conflict" as if SageTV only thinks one tuner is present. Also if I'm recording on the 1st tuner and try and watch another channel on the 2nd tuner I just get a black screen (also no sound).
The recording bar at the bottom progresses and the green bar moves across as if it's recording normally but I never actually see or hear anything.
I assume sage thinks its working properly as I don't get a no signal message so it must thinks its tuned a channel correctly.
I'm using the latest drivers from the Hauppauge website, has anyboby got 2 of these working at the same time or is this a limitation ?
I'd appreciate any help anybody can supply. Thanks
Oh no, just realised Rabbit has chewed through coax cable going to the second tuner, made new one and what do you know all working. That'll teach me to not check for the obvious !!!