I have 2 MCE500's that are flaking on me. (tuner #2 of EACH card not working at all) and something goofy with tuner one they work fine in live tv but scheduled recordings get me the wrong channels almost every time.
Now we just had a bad comcast week. Signal crapping out lots of work being done an underground wire dying bypassing with an overground wire etc..
all these problems came to light AFTER these problems had passed. I don't believe in coincidences so I am suspicious that something got wonky during these problems. What I had no idea. Maybe a surge in the line ???
I am running through an AMP and figured that would be a good buffer to protect the tuner cards but maybe the amp will also AMP a surge ??
Suggestions on how to protect my tuner cards ? is there a known good device to protect the up line equipment without adversely affecting the cable modem or TV Tuner reception ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have 2 new tuner cards on the way and want to make sure I protect these in case something did happen during this work.
Chris Taylor